Sunday, March 6, 2016

I Hate Ryu Sera

This isn't just some simple k-pop, "Haha! I hate Taeyeon for kicking out Jessica" type hatred. No, this is something more. I actually hate her. I hate Ryu Sera. I hate her with every fiber of my being.

I guess everyone needs an enemy. A nemesis. In some ways, I guess you could say I'm lucky because I know exactly who mine is. Many people go there entire lives without ever knowing their one and only mortal enemy. I know mine at a relatively young age, which gives me ample time to work against her and hopefully set in motion my plan to take care of her once and for all.

I guess the natural question is "Why do I hate her so?" I can't recall exactly when it started. I think it was around the time I became aware of her so-called "Ryutube." You might think it's a fun place where she posts fun videos of fun things. But it's actually a self-serving advertisement for herself. Here, she is free to post such awful videos like this and her echo chamber blocks any and all criticism. It's a bad song. I know I didn't exactly answer the question of why I hate her, but right now, I just need to vent. Another logical response might be, "Well, of course her Youtube channel will be self-serving..." My response to you, kind sir, is, "Suck my fucking dick."

And yet many artists have made garbage music, and I don't hate them. So why does my hatred for this particular person go so deep? Before I go to sleep, I curse her name, and when I wake up, before I even brush my teeth, I curse her name again with my vile nappy mouth. When I enter my house, I make sure to wipe my feet against my Ryu Sera welcome mat that says, "Welcome everyone except Ryu Sera. If you are Ryu Sera, fuck off."

I enjoyed watching "9 Muses of Star Empire," because it gave me a bit of a behind-the-curtains look at what a piece of crap Ryu Sera is. She was a horrible leader consistently failing to get the group where it needed to go on time. In the end, she couldn't cut it, losing her job and her life (I wish).

I plod through life growing ever confident with each moment that someday soon my day of vindication will come. What exactly will be vindicated? I'm not sure, yet. I guess I hope my fist will be vindicated into her face.

My point in writing this is just to get it out there, to make it well known, "I hate Ryu Sera." I'm tired of keeping this holed up inside me. No, this isn't some spur-of-the-moment thing I've decided to do. Ask anyone who knows me, and they'll tell you I've hated Ryu Sera for some time.

In conclusion, Ryu Sera, if you ever read this: I hate you. If you ever see this, feel free to click on my name and email me, so we can settle this once and for all. You know what we need to settle. If I never hear from you, I'm going to assume it's because you're too much of a coward to settle this like men. Suck my fucking dick. That is all.


  1. Damn, you hate her. Anything in particular that made you hate her? She has the face of an attention whore but I don't know her so.

    1. She's a goddamn Canadian, that's reason enough. Kris can also fuck right off back to the moose's asshole he crawled out of

    2. Sorry, but Kris is annoying and ugly. I don't understand the hype around him. His lips look like a cat's asshole.

    3. Nadis, you just made the comment of the week.

  2. I don't mind her. She definitely weighs to a super depressed style of music that isn't my bag, but I've seen far worse productions on youtube. The untrained eye might think you're being borderline fangirl here and that you need to chill out, but reading the subconscious cues it seems like maybe you are frustrated from wanting her to suck your dick.

    1. "untrained eye"

      There are many retards who either think I'm a girl or that I write every single article on here.

      I've read comments of people referring to Kpopalypse as a 20-something Korean-American who has extensive experience and knowledge regarding the music industry.

    2. Because I'm such a nice guy, here is the perviest Sera pic I can find for SF to uh... release some of his... hatred...


    3. Thanks, I'll be raging at that all night.

  3. Damn, Somebody needs therapy~~
    Your opinion is yours of course, but it is odd and you should feel bad. Sera hasn't even done anything noteworthy to be hated for.

  4. We should viral this hate so that this man gets what he wants!

  5. I hope she reads and will eventually agree to suck your dick, you deserve it!

  6. Are you trying to be a Korean netizen? Good job if that's the case

  7. If you managed to get her attention with this method, I'd write my own hate post to get Seobot's attention. Or maybe I could just send morse code through radio wave.

    1. What did Seobaby do to earn your ire?

    2. I mean, she is programmed to destroy the world. So I uh, need one night together with her to, uh, reprogram her.

    3. I mean, she is programmed to destroy the world. So I uh, need one night together with her to, uh, reprogram her.

  8. She was my favorite in 9Muses before she left. Her music isn't as good as 9M's stuff, but they have a production team while Sera's no longer with a company. Nice to see that she hasn't been forgotten on AKF.

  9. I'd trade 4 Keumjos and 3 Sojins to get the Glue/Wild/Dolls/Gun line up back

  10. I'm about this hate.

    Hate is healthy.

  11. It's news to me that men settle things sucking dicks.

    Maybe he's still virgin~

  13. I hate how perfect she is. I can send you some sexy pictures of her so you can hate jerk yourself to them every time you think about her?

  14. I hate how perfect she is. I can send you some sexy pictures of her so you can hate jerk yourself to them every time you think about her?

  15. Dammmnnn bitch,what's was this hate so?i mean.......get your ass back brou,what have her done for you that made so much hate growl inside yourself,perhaps disavow you or something.......-_- you know what,i think you need some slap on your face,and so,much,but muuuuuuchh therapy,so go on dude,grow up.......


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