Saturday, May 21, 2016

AKF41 Latest Member Changes

There have been a lot of member changes this week to AKF41 (including former authors, there have been 41 authors here, so we're AKB48's true rival group). I figured this would be the perfect time to thank the authors who have left and talk about plans for the future.

First, I want to thank HanYeSeul_Fag for taking over in in late 2014 and most of 2015 as I was making the adjustment of transitioning from a lazy college student who did the bare minimum who ended up unemployed upon graduation. I had one year to do my accounting courses and land a job, which I ended up getting in November 2014 and started my job at EY in July 2015. EY is one of the Big 4 public accounting firms, so we work a lot. And I mean a lot. I was working 100 hours a week in January, which is why I had so many scheduled articles that I had written over Christmas break, and even then still needed Soyeon Friend and Fany to cover articles for me on the Saturday Shitfests and Sunday Shitposts.

HYSF told me that it was time for him to go as an author, but will still remain as a commenter here. He told me his biggest regrets were not getting a dick pic from the male authors to see how much they would go for on eBay and not getting Fany's nudes. Oh HYSF, never change.

Next I want to thank Fany Pack and Soyeon Friend. You guys have been such a huge help over the past two years when you guys started taking on more admin responsibilities. You guys were crucial with the AKF to HYSF transition here. When I came back in December 2015 full time, I was able to let you guys handle all of the stuff I didn't want to do while I could just focus on posting. Aside from all of that, you two have been two of the closest friends I made in my 14 years of trolling and shitposting on the Internet. There aren't too many people out there who like Kpop, Kdramas and Ohio State football. We'd probably be friends just because of the Ohio connection, anyway. I still hope to see you guys pop up in the comments section from time to time.

Next is Sohyunna. I took a chance on hiring you after the other authors couldn't really decide whether to hire you or not because your writing style is vastly different from everyone else's style here. I didn't even care that you are a self-proclaimed Marxist while I'm extremely right-wing because I value one's ideas and abilities over whether someone agrees with me or not. I'm not for stifling independent thought around here. Alas, I gave you a second chance at being an author and you have been MIA, so I just want to thank you for your contributions to the site.

Lastly, for the departed (from the site, not Earth) authors, Zaku. You were my right-hand man on the site for three years, and you were a massive help. I even added you back for the fifth-year anniversary post just because you were such a big help over the years, from posting a lot of interesting content, to having hilarious and awesome gifs, to helping me with the admin work, and representing AKF at KCon in 2014. For your sake, I just hope you stop being a pussy and stop thinking a 40-hour work week is long. Also, go find a cute Asian girl to date so that we, especially me, can stop making fun of you for being gay for TOP.

With the current roster, that leaves five of us: Kpopalypse, Ahjussi, suho_ftw, Oreo Monster and myself. I have no idea if Oreo Monster will return. She told me that she'd be on hiatus until the end of June, so there may only be four of us.

Which really shouldn't be a noticeable change since December 2015, the majority of the posts have been coming from Kpopalypse, suho_ftw and myself. I have been anticipating these changes since last summer, but they're occurring before I anticipated, but I was ready for this.

So first, I would like to thank Kpopalypse for staying on. Earlier in the year he thought about leaving because he thought his content wasn't meshing well with AKF. I must have convinced him well that was horseshit. If Kpopalypse had left, then people wouldn't mistake me for actually knowing stuff about music or mistaking Kpopalypse for being Korean.

Next, I'd like to thank suho_ftw. HYSF did well in selecting you to be on the staff because you have a similar writing style to some of us, but from a totally different perspective. Aside from sharing the same favorite actor and actress (Yoon Si Yoon and Han Ye Seul), I've enjoyed watching you grow as an author on here.

Lastly, I'd like to thank Ahjussi, who has been a friend since way back in our Tiara Diadem days. With all of the author changes over the years, you've been on the only constant author to stay throughout all of the AKF41 member lineup changes. You've always had great posts, so feel free to shitpost like I do from time to time. Also, use pictures in your articles, even if it's just the Cyclops Overlord's ass.

As for the content on AKF, nothing will really change. Since last December, I've gone back to writing 50-70% of the articles, and now that percentage will be higher since there will be fewer monthly contributions from the other authors. So I'll still have the news coverage, the MV reviews, the MS Paint dicks, the fanfics, the occasional long article, the photoshoot articles, and the Twice spam. There's never enough Twice posts on AKF.

I have no intention of hiring authors again through the normal hiring process. I don't have the admin staff to take care of doing that for me any longer, so I can't outsource that work to the other admins and still do all of the posting that I do. The other reason is that it's just too hard to find authors who want to write instead of just saying "I wrote an article for AKF, now peace out, UCAADs." I am open to adding the right people: someone who can already write fairly well who would require very little to no supervision after an initial training period (such as suho_ftw, who I just really need to scan the articles to see if they're a fit for AKF or her own blog) and just as importantly, someone who wants to write.

With these changes, I'm simply focusing on writing content that I enjoy like I did in 2011 before expanding the site. I was trying to make a site with many contributors to vary the content. I spent the past five years running with this idea. It worked really well until I left in 2014, and that's when I realized a change would eventually need to be made. Sites such as AKF work better with a smaller, more-dedicated team than a large albatross of people who post here and there. If you're an oldfag and have been here for several years, not much will change except that the number of articles will largely be mine instead of only about half being mine.

Here's to another five years of AKF.


  1. Oh AKF.... I remember joining the kpop fandom 3 or 4 years ago and finding this site along with Asianjunkie. It has been a blessing to be here all this time. Never change, not even when the SJW's come hurdling in here.

    1. You don't have to worry about me changing. I hate SJWs more and more by the day with how they're trying to fuck up society for the rest of us.

  2. Aww, don't worry, we'll still be around to comment here and on Twitter. :D And I think a smaller staff will work well for the site. AKF hwaiting!

    1. Thanks! I really won't be on Twitter until I'm done with my CPA exams (so September assuming I pass all of them the first time).

  3. not sure what Mina has to do with this post but I appreciate the gifs

    Glad you're sticking to the same old for the blog, I've been coming here for 4-5 years for a reason

    1. I was in the Mina thread on OH and saw these gifs. I needed something to post in between the walls of text.

  4. I apologise for my MIA status. Thank you for taking me on at all. Hopefully I'll be in the comments from time to time, I look forward to the continued development.

    1. Thanks, I enjoyed your posts while you were here.


    Sad to see those people go.

  6. Goddamn Mina has that mystique. Twice concepts are way too cutesy for her.

    Man we are turning into the Shinhwa of kpop blogs. We will never stop!

    1. Got another year and a month before Tzuyu turns 18, so no sexy concepts for at least another year.

  7. 100 hours a week???? do you even have time to fap??

    1. I was running on four hours of sleep a night for two weeks. I didn't even have the energy to fap if I wanted to.

  8. Sad to hear about all these authors leaving. This is and will always be one of the best kpop blogs out there. It was fun writing here while it lasted but I've been so uninspired lately and I don't think I have the time management for it anymore (which, btw, props to you AKF for finding time to write with 100 hours of work a week *_*). I'm pretty sure the four remaining authors will handle the site just fine though. Good luck!

  9. Kinda sad to see so many leave, but in the end, they all put out some great content and I guess that's all that matters.

  10. #makeAKFgreatagain

  11. Cheers to AKF for tolerating me for so long, much appreciated!

    1. ...and you know that with Kpopalypse you can always expect maximum determination levels to continue posting.

  12. The determination to stay for at least five more years is good to hear.

  13. Don't remove HYS pictures tho

  14. I love the fuck out of this blog <3

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