Monday, May 23, 2016

SJWs Will Help Me Marry Eunjung

As I booted up my 1999 computer, I chortled as I finished some leftover casserole. I opened up a new bag of Cheetos and started eating voraciously. I didn't eat the Cheetos just because I liked them, but I liked how they stained my hands orange. It's hard to afford lube when you're on welfare (especially when you end up using a lot of your welfare money on expensive, specially crafted K-pop idol fleshlights), so I like to use the Cheetos grit as lube.

I have longed to have the T-ara members as my wives, but then I raged when I read this article about Eunjung wanting a Chinese husband.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! She's excluding me! That's fucking racist!" I yelled after reading the article. I had spent some time on tumblr lately to learn how to combat the SJWs in a different manner -- by pretending to be one of them. I knew if I labeled everything racist, that would make me fit right in. However, I didn't want to label my queen as a racist when she really isn't.

I needed to find a way to be able to make Eunjung to change her mind. I thought I could change her mind with my superior white penis...if only I could find it under my vast number of fat rolls. My penis is basically like Kamina and Simon in the underground world, and my penis would need the Gurren Lagann to pierce through my fat rolls to see fresh air. I knew being a white man wouldn't help me woo Eunjung.

"But that's it!" I thought as I kept searching tumblr. Biology no longer matters. It's what you feel that you are is what you really are. I can believe I am a Chinese man, therefore, I will become a Chinese man! SJW science for the fucking win!" I chortled as I kept searching tumblr in order to further my claim as a Chinese man.

"There, there," I muttered as I pulled out my Eunjung butthole fleshlight. "Tonight I'll fuck the living shit out of your asshole," I laughed. "Because I believe I'm fucking your asshole, it means I really am. Anyone who says otherwise is a bigoted homophobe," I said as I crushed up some Cheetos and inserted them into the fleshlight. I opened up some Eunjung fancams on YouTube and started thrusting away.

"Thank you, SJWs!"


  1. See, that's why I prefer Qri. She's so docile she wouldn't even say no to my non-Chinese dick!

  2. It is one of the many contradictions of the SJWs: support for transgender persons while opposing transracial persons.

    1. There is a spectrum of genetic diversity. Indeed, it is often difficult to say what race a person is.

    2. It's tricky to come up with an argument for how race isn't fluid that would not turn around and invalidate the notion of fluid gender. In fact, it's so tricky that I haven't seen anyone do it.

      That isn't to say I think we should accept transracial as a thing, or reject transexual as a thing, because these are rather complex issues. However, I do think people are afraid to even attempt approach the realities of how subjective or objective different elements in that complex matrix are. I think it's because they don't want to accidentally project something that may be interpreted as implying an exclusion or non-affirming attitude toward transexuals or denial of their professed conscience of identity, yet at the same time it holds no concern at all about the same for those who claim to be transracial. Why? I can only imagine it's because one is put up as acceptable by the pervading liberal culture and the other is not.

      If I am wrong and there are truly legitimate arguments, I have not seen them but I am perfectly willing to read them and learn. I'm just uncomfortable saying "yes this is true" to one and "no that is not true" to another when there has been no established standard by which to claim so. Respect of persons and treating them within the scope of their perceptions and professed identity seems a rather important practice of sensitivity. What makes this different between their perceived gender, their perceived race, their perceived binding to a particular God? I'm not sure.

      Because of such, I am respectful to all. I also try to avoid inadvertently making statements about the "reality" of things aside from their perceptions, so as not to exclude them. This is in part because none of us can claim true epistemological certainty on any form of reality, and in some ways we are all struggling between our own sensed convictions and empirical substantiation of them, so I wouldn't want someone disrespecting me while I journey through that chasm between my convictions of reality and self my discoveries of objective being which prove themselves despite me.

      However, I will be honest about the facts of lacking empirical evidence and still be curious and await anyone to provide some, especially if they are fighting with each other about who is valid and who is not and I am an outsider. If that is unreasonable to some, I'm sorry but I'll have to turn around and say that they are being unreasonable. You have to leave room for people to be honest about where their understanding is and continue to learn, especially if they're trying to remain neutral and respectful to all.

    3. "Well race isn't fluid."

      Tell that to biracial people.

    4. tbh I think people don't accept transracial as a thing mainly because I've never seen a person feel unbearably uncomfortable and dysphoric with their race to the point of absolutely feeling the need to change it, and feeling like trash upon being called by their birth race instead of the race they want to be. Unless you're that one Brazilian guy who got surgery to look Korean. That's an outlier.

    5. There could be many reasons for that. First, we are talking about extreme minorities. Transexuals got a lot of attention because sexuality is pretty strongly highlighted by society. Gender expression and all things queer are often kind of lumped together and this made communities of persons who could associate. A gay man who is generally effeminate in style and expression, a cis man who likes to dress up or present as a woman, and a standard transexual can all find some level of enhanced freedom in a single establishment with an environment which caters to freedom in such expression. The overall numbers and growing awareness of the outside society grants some level of recognition of it as a phenomenon. Why is that important? Because when a transexual is told they are not the gender they believe they are, they may find out about this kind of community. So even the very small level of acceptance which is manifested in the amalgamation of LGBT persons in a subculture can encourage persons who feel that way to feel validated and be open about how they experience their own existence.

      Compare this to transracial and there is much less to go on. If there is anyone else who is not all-out transracial yet holds some affinity for another race, it is perceived as a mere cultural admiration. They aren't pushed into a corner together and called different and not belonging, so no such community forms that may make a person open up about those feelings. Not only that, but if a person does have those feelings, because they do not find any validation, they may stand in long denial of it and try to push it out of their mind just as many transexuals do and did more often in the past. Maybe they convince themselves what they felt isn't right, and run with narratives others tell them, that they simply love that other ethnicity for whatever reason. There is also the fact that a transsexual is always going to be around the gender they feel they are supposed to be, but a transracial person may not always be in an environment of the people they associate with, so it may be much less common.

      Of course, as I said even examining these issues may push too close to certain implications to make people feel uncomfortable. For instance, how could a transracial person associate with a race they have no contact with? So it is most likely they would associate with one they were raised among, but if such is the case, then we are talking about a psychological development, are we not? And if that is the case, it puts implications on transexuality that people don't want to approach. It seems many don't even want to ask the question of whether it is innate to something in brain structure from birth or if it is a psychological development. That is in part because if it comes out as the latter, people may start trying to "cure" them, or they will be characterized as "crazy" in some way, much like transracial people are most often characterized right now.

      But is that really the point? Why does it matter the reason WHY you end up a certain way if there is no known way to change it and they don't want to anyway? Who cares if it is a difference like the way your eyes are a certain color, or if it is the result of some mysterious event that took place in your brain? If it is the reality you are stuck with, shouldn't people be able to treat you in a way that is respectful and allows you to live as you will with the identity you want? I may not believe in Jesus, but I'd never tell a Christian they don't belong to Jesus. I may not understand why a person is super depressed no matter how nice life is for them, but I don't tell them they aren't or have no reason to be. So if I don't see how a person is a certain race but they truly feel it, who am I to force otherwise on them or to bully them until they admit they are wrong? Because ultimately, this stuff has zero consequence. What difference does their association of identity make to my life? Nothing except my awareness that they are that way.

    6. I'm not anti-transracial nor would I disrespect one in person. With the biracial comment, most biracial kids I know identify as both races with the exception of say, J.Cole who is African and German however he identify's as black because he says he identifies more with that race.

      However on the non-issue, the only problem, which is one that I've noticed, is "convenience." Which is basically sure you identify with one specific race, until the negatives of that race start affecting you. It's the same problem with gender. At that point the fluid argument does seem kind of wack. Then there is also the double-standard where if a White person where to do it then it would just be them "embracing other cultures" whereas if anyone of any other race did it they would be called "full of self-hate." Or both could crash and they'd ultimately be called "cultural appropriation."

      In the end, I don't care what people do with their lives as long as it's not at the expense of other people. Identity isn't something people should feel shame for exploring however it's also not something that should be toyed with - not saying that transgenders or transracials are toying with identity. Anyone can, not just a specific group of people.

      That whole spew might have sounded ignorant and I didn't intend to offend anyone.

    7. Transracial and Transgender are not similar to me because the concepts of race and gender are not the same. First, there is no objective basis for race - race is entirely a human concept. Above all, race is a classification system. Different laws across different times/cultures define race. For example, while Pres. Obama is considered biracial today, he would be black or Negro in pre-1960s United States due to the one-drop rule, which classified any person of African descent to be black. Or, if he were from Louisiana, he would be a "mulatto," a different group than "black." However, Obama would not be black in Jamaica; he would be "colored" because he is both "mixed" and light-skinned. As another example, in the US, most all East and Southeast Asians are categorized as "Asian," while people from those countries do not consider themselves to be the same race. For this reason, I don't accept the idea that race is intrinsic or natural, such that a person can "feel" like a different race. That doesn't mean that race is irrelevant or not salient for most people - we live in a world that categorizes on the basis of race (even if the laws don't, people certainly do). I just think that any affinity one feels for a race or ethnicity is not tied an identity-issue, but rather an interest-issue, if that makes sense.

      I know that biracial people use the word transracial differently from a Rachel Dolezal scenario, so I would need to know which definition we're using. I also make a distinction between ethnicity and race. Ethnicity is tied to culture and history, while race is impossible to define universally.

      Unlike race, the concept of gender is near universal, across time, cultures, and species (even animals can have genders, but animals of the same species are not separated into races). While I don't want to go into the full details of my thoughts on gender, I at least believe it exists in a way that race does not. Thus, I don't see it as transgender is acceptable while transracial is not - it's that gender may have some objective basis in reality while race does not.

      *Also, Michael Jackson has never rejected his ethnicity. Much of his plastic surgery was probably tied to internalized racism, where he thought physical features associated with Europeans were more beautiful than those associated with Africans. http://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/the-two-lives-of-michael-jackson.

    8. This "thread"(?) is on fire.

      You and Ajussi both brought up rather great points.
      The idea of ethnicity and race can tend to get a bit jumbled. Like for instance I constantly see people just use the term black and white for Caucasian Americans and African Americans when they're are white and black people all over the planet.

      I think the main key to understanding all of this is conversation which for someone like me can be both easy and hard. On one hand I love having conversations, on the other hand I can also avoid a conversation on certain topics just because I fear that I might accidentally trigger someone or have hem misunderstand me. I know that's petty but it's legit.

    9. The trouble with saying "it's different because gender has an objective basis" is that first off any measure you can find to define male and female that is not culturally constructed has documented exceptions and forms that don't fit the presumed binary and also some "contradictions" where both are present or it changes from one to another. Secondly, even if you could find a solid differentiating factor in some aspect of physical being that has none of those, that doesn't make it congruous with self-report of gender identity.

      Just as with consciousness itself and trying to prove we have an ego of any sort, the only observable evidence we have for gender as an "identity" (rather than physical traits that fit within certain arbitrarily defined parameters) is self-report. If you say okay well there is a difference between the physical classification and the identification of the consciousness, then you have opened the door for transracial identification. But if you want to claim that is invalid and run by physical parameters, it ends up like ethnicity, where you're just drawing arbitrary lines of classification in a world of many differences on spectrums. So while based on objectively observed traits, the definition of the classification is subjectively chosen and thus can't be authoritative. And if merely asserting authority with no regard for self report, by using the same rules of application for the formation of standards out of traits you'll end up denying transgender as possible in order to deny transracial as possible.

      To me it's much easier to just say okay life is short an we're all confused about something, and we also have no way to objectively observe the essence of an ego/soul as a "thing" except through a person's self reported communication, so why bother telling someone what they can't be? If they are making false claims about physical existence that are factually untrue that is one thing, but if what they are meaning is a matter of identity, why fight it?

    10. A shorter, simpler way to put it...

      In nature we observe gender, yes. It actually has many different ways of manifesting. The best definition that could be used to describe it across all gendered creatures is that it is a dynamic of combining genes between types in a species. Once you go beyond that into traits that define "roles" and their attributes, it is wildly different across many species, and many species have whole aspects of existence that others don't, and we take those into account when we consider how to define the male and female of those species, and it is indeed we who ascribe that meaning to their beings, just as we ascribe race to ourselves. In view of that, humanity has the self-aware conscious ego, something we aren't certain exists in any other creature. Who is to say that it cannot be varied or deviate from the manifested physical traits in various ways?

    11. If this were to be truly be a thing then people would have to do some self-evaluation. Like if a black person were to identify as white, would they be taken seriously? Or vice versa.

      I mean, it's not something people are completely blind on, especially after that Rachel Dolza incident. Most black people I know would gladly take Rachel over Raven Symone.

  3. We are all Chinese men today.

  4. cannot be any prouder of my half chinese blood =P

  5. on a side note I apparently got banned from posting on netizenbuzz because i had a few disagreements and a bit of trolling fun with some sjws on there

    i aint even that mad
    goodbye, sea of cancer

    1. I stopped commenting there over a year ago. I only go there for dumb comments now.

    2. it's pretty hilarious how hypocritical so many nb commenters are. and hell, the netizenbuzz mod who banned me as well. they're just as bad as the witch hunting knetz they claim to condemn at the end of the day. their 'justice' solves nothing. they're mostly whiny pricks who have nothing better to do with their lives.


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