Monday, June 27, 2016

Brave Girls - High Heels

Brave Girls are back with another great song that everyone will ignore again!

Back in February, Brave Girls emerged from Brave Brothers' dungeon with "Deepened," which is one of the best songs of the year so far. Naturally, being a nugu group, they were ignored, which is a shame. "High Heels" does a lot of things right, with having a really catchy chorus with the "High, High Heels" complimented with the girls bending over. The only problem I have with the song is the return of random raps thrown in throughout the song. Why go back to a shitty formula like that?

The girls are pretty hot. The girl at the car shop is my favorite, but the baseball player chick has some great thighs. 


  1. I like that for the article, you didn't mention there names, just descriptions of the ones you like. Lol

  2. Yeah, I liked it too! It's everything I expexcted to hear in the latest AOA comeback. Good Luck was really disappointing.


  4. Why don't they just let Bambino dance back-up for them and immediately be propelled from nugu to known? Or better, reverse it

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Didn't CLC just do a heels thing? Ok this is better. Did you catch the product placement?? Read those shirts...they can be a riot.

  7. "High Heels" is better than that warble fest they put out earlier this year, however that just means this is just a good-average.

  8. IMO the song is just average, but average nowadays is pretty great in kpop.

    I also really appreciate the humor of the MV.

  9. I wanna give them money so they can stay longer as this song should be #q

  10. The one in the office is adorable. The one playing baseball is... good at the game she is playing.

  11. i didn't like this song, but i replayed for the visuals

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