Saturday, June 11, 2016

CLC's Yeeun

I hadn't really paid any attention to CLC until "No Oh Oh" came out, so a favorite member is something that is easy to change. At first I liked Elkie and Eunbin the most, but now I like Yeeun (and Yoojin) the most. I mainly like Yeeun because she is cute, but also one of the few female idol rappers that doesn't make me wish I was deaf.

She's wearing thigh chokers just for you, suho_ftw!


  1. her rap in pepe was what got me into clc and she has proved that she can sing fairly well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFVJI1bLqM4

  2. A good man likes all kinds of chokers.

  3. She's got serious potential to become one of the best girl group rappers of her generation. Yeeun H Y P E.

  4. Usage of thigh choker APPROVED

  5. Seungyeon is probably my favorite. She looked great in "Pepe", but I haven't paid much attention to them since then. Yoojin is also incredibly cute.


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