Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Netizens Prove You Cannot Fucking Win

Wow, I really wish Hyuna would wear something sexier and more flattering:
1. [+356, -80] Those green panties look like grandma underwear. Why did she pick such a loose fitting one?

2. [+311, -59] If she's going to wear a swimsuit, go all out. What's up with those green diapers?
Just kidding! What a filthy slut:
3. [+300, -65] She says she hates exposing skin but all she ever does with every comeback is expose her skin
 8. [+16, -12] She was born to be sexy... but it's unfortunate that she's taking the direction of it to a dirtier side. 
So netizens want Hyuna to be sexier but also less sexy ... to wear tighter panties but also stop exposing so much skin ...

I'm about ready to burn the internet to the ground, how about you?


  1. Replies
    1. I agree most of the time but then I see shit like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YZjV_55gvc and I am forced to reconsider. Either way, she's damn charismatic, if not all that talented.

    2. Her face is OK. It's just she is going ghost and its killing her features.

    3. Because her face is melting. Every fucking time I see her, her face looks different.

    4. Agreed! She was really cute before PS, though

    5. I think she's really hot and I don't understand why other guys don't think the same. But obviously less BB cream would be good.

      Her slutting it out all the time is great.

  2. Slut

    Waiting for the ugly girl from gfriend to do this concept

  3. Those two close ups on the left are so unflattering :(

    1. I kinda like the top left one! Agreed with the other, though.

  4. I've said a zillion times (too many) that Hyuna broke ground and Hadam is her successor as the next pure sexy idol. Hyuna had a great run in a brutal climate.

  5. I've said a zillion times (too many) that Hyuna broke ground and Hadam is her successor as the next pure sexy idol. Hyuna had a great run in a brutal climate.

  6. Hmmm....it seems like a case of different people having different opinions. Crazy, I know.

    1. Maybe this post is just my feminism showing, but it seems like there's no right answer for someone like Hyuna. I know it's impossible to please everyone, but it's frustrating to see her get attacked from all sides.

  7. Your wang in her putang.

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