Monday, July 25, 2016

"Pick Me" To Get Creeped On

Produce 101's producer went ahead and admitted that his show was intended to be child porn lite.

During an interview with ‘High Cut’, he was given the question, “Guys probably will not be interested in the male version of ‘Produce 101’. How do you plan to attract male viewers?” PD answered, “Female or male, people will watch it if the program has a good, strong format. It’s a matter of quality.” He continued, “I’m not sure how to say this, but the reason why I first created the female version is because I wanted to make healthy pornography for guys. Even though the contestants just seem like a younger sister or niece, aren’t they adorable? I wanted to create a type of porn that gives you that feeling, and the male version will also serve as that type of porn for female viewers. I once heard that Rain’s performance was like porn for girls. The male version of ‘Produce 101’ aims to fill in that fantasy, and if it’s entertaining enough then male viewers will watch it too.”
What a surprise. I'm sure we are all extremely shocked to hear this. (He apologized later and claimed he misspoke but we all know the truth).

Plus you know it's some bad shit when I'm on the same side as netizens:
10. [+23, -1] The kids worked so hard to achieve their dreams and yet this man claims to have produced the show to fulfill the fantasies of men. Disgusting.
6. [+39, -1] Dude... even as a man, I can see that this is wrong ㅋㅋㅋ What he just said just turned all of the kids that were on his show into some cheap product.
Even as a man, he knows child pornography is wrong! Welp, I guess feminism is over.


  1. I don't know if there's any dirt on season 1, but most likely season 2 will be dirty as fuck, as in they could make a Bang Bros Korea series with all the couch casting going to happen. With IOI doing good right now and jump starting the careers of the 11 members, girls who are desperate to debut or get in the final line up of AKB11, I mean, IOI v.2, will let men do helicopters on their tight virginal pussy.

  2. I never watched the show, but most pop is kind porn to some degree (or "sexual", if you think the word "porn" is too loaded/strong). Especially in a sexually repressed culture like South Korea.
    This just may be the first time a manager/producer actually admits it.

    1. You should add a link to the source when you post articles/quotes from other sites.

    2. Don't tell my bosses, but I was surfing AKF at work and adblock may have blocked it. lol

    3. Even I don't surf AKF at work (since I don't want my super-PC employers knowing about me searching for AKF). I'll check AKF on my phone at work while taking a shit, but that's really it haha.

    4. My two bosses don't really care if and where we surf during work time. And we do it all the time. It's a small company and pretty laid black.

  3. How do you find the time to write all of these articles?

    1. Trust me, I will be writing a LOT less once classes start up again in a month.

    2. But isn't writing blog posts a great excuse to not learn?

    3. If I wasn't paying for this degree (or if I got paid to write these blog posts lol) it would be an entirely different story

    4. I'm busier than anyone else on this site and find time. It's not really a matter of time, it's more of "is there something I want to write about?" There are some weeks in K-pop when there's a lot of fluff news but nothing to work off of to make an AKF article. Even if I was on vacation and there wasn't anything to write about, I wouldn't write. However, I still wrote a lot in January despite the 100 hour work weeks because there was stuff I wanted to write about.

  4. You know, I'm not surprised. That's what I got out of the show. A type of porn for people. Listen, I know what he's talking about and I enjoy that type of little sister porn, but only in a non-sexual way. I like feeling protective of others and seeing cute girls who I want to protect, not fuck.

    But he's saying he wants to fuck them and basically saying it's lite child porn.



    That's fucking gross on so many goddamn levels I don't even know where to start.

  5. I hope by "porn" he means that feeling when you see a cute girl and want to protect her and cuddle with her, not fuck her. Like River Tam from Firefly. Because otherwise I don't think I can even look at poor Somi anymore.

    Please mean porn in the same sense as food porn aka food that looks really appetizing, please oh please god not actual fucking porn via some weird fucking child porn fetish where you make them dance and compete, please no...

    1. This is a very good Firefly reference

    2. isnt firefly the show with the incest siblings? whats the reference?

    3. They're not THAT incest-y! I just thought River was a good character to evoke in this situation.


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