Monday, July 25, 2016

Stop fucking your sociopolitical presumptions and love someone

I have been seeing a lot of people railing on Fei's "Fantasy" because in it she is fulfilling the desires of a man. People have been using this to say it is all about objectification and even gone several steps past anything they have authority to claim and acting like Fei herself had no agency in deciding to do this or like this one action betrays who she is. To people saying these things: Have you never loved someone? Have all your relationships been about always making sure you get yours? Have you never just wanted to make someone happy by fulfilling some unrealistic picturesque fantasy if only for a time? Saying that a woman can't ever decide to fulfill a man's fantasy without giving up on herself is like saying you uphold patriarchal control just by wearing a dress instead of pants.

This song was written by JYP and he has been around the block a few times. When you get older you'll understand that sometimes loving someone means that your desire is to fulfill their desires, and that doesn't mean you never want them to do that for you, it just means that is what you're doing for them in that moment. Like a hundred boybands make songs like this every year and I don't see anyone complaining about them giving up their identity and needs to serve every desire of the girl. Placating now and then is not necessarily being a slave, and claiming that Fei is giving up on being an "Independent Woman" because of this is what is simplistic and dehumanizing of what she has already proven of herself, not the song.


  1. Kpop fans need to stop kinkshaming and policing everyone because it's getting fucking ridiculous.

  2. There are tons of music videos in general that objectify both men and women. It's a kind of thing that's been done to death. I'm not too crazy about the song, or objectifying people in music videos (as it's just something you can lazily do for views), but at least the music video was a little creative with its objectification. Music videos, especially in mainstream pop or rap music, objectifying men or women will always be around, so there's really no point in complaining. These type of people are fighting a losing battle.

    Also, it's just a music video, not reality. Get over it.

    1. *In music videos, especially in mainstream pop or rap videos

    2. ^^^ Couldn't agree more.

  3. kpop is turning into american pop more and more actually.

    1. Completely agree. Kpop and most pop music in general, to an extent, follows American pop. I personally don't have much of a problem with that as long as the music doesn't suck and you try to bring a new spin to it/bring something new to the table.

  4. I'm a girl. My opinions on the video are:

    1. Holy shit Fei is hot.
    2. Wow this is a great song for her, it fits her voice and style perfectly.
    3. The pink hair... holy shit Fei is hot.

    The dislikes make me super sad, because it might make JYP think they missed the mark with this MV and choose to go in a different direction with her next single, which would be a shame. I think this is an awesome solo effort, and a great style for Fei, and I would love to see more in this strain. The video was done in a style, she's roleplaying as a computer program basically. How is that a loss of agency anymore than the girls who acted as robots in the movie Ex Machina? Not everything needs to be a war over women's rights or a feminist statement, sometimes you just want to look hot and play a role for a while, and there's nothing wrong with that.

    TL;DR: People is dumb. Fei is da best.

    1. I'm a woman AND a feminist. I'm also in a BDSM relationship as a submissive. It's great to love someone and respect yourself so much you can willingly give in to them for a while. Kpop fans are just mad they're not Fei's hula-hoop because hOLY SHIT IS SHE HOT

  5. Keep politics out of my bedroom, thanks.

  6. I expected more...
    Too many hoops to jump through, and I don't like the outfit or the hair.
    The China handlers need to slut her up a little more. Fei does classy sexy well.
    This video could be soo much more but it just laggs...no attitude...too conservative.

  7. the whole point of the ent industry involves some kind of objectification and it happens to both sexes. the end.

    man am i glad i got off fucking tumblr. that site is only good for aesthetic and edits at this point. and nb *shudder*


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