Monday, August 15, 2016

Is Tiffany's Career Over?

If you're like me, you probably found while browsing Twitter on the shitter. (Fun fact: A 10-minute dump a day equals a week's worth of paid vacation. 10 minutes * 5 days * 48 weeks / 60 minutes = 40 hours.) Naturally, I'm basically the last blogger to post about Tiffany's short-lived solo career.

So FISHies, poll time! How long do you think Tiffany's reflection period will be?

How long will Tiffany's reflection period last?

1 month - Her reflection period ends when her vaginal period starts
1 year - Tiffany will just make money in Japan
3 years - Tiffany will just be riding the cock carousel in America during her hiatus
Lifetime - Tiffany will beg for forgiveness and claim that she dindu nuffin
Survey Maker


  1. Poor Tiffany, she messed up big time.

  2. The reason of her post is actually understandable since they were in Japan at that time and all. Just a wrong post at the wrong time.

    1. No! Tiffany posted this because she WANTED to be disrespectful and offensive! She did it because she WANTED to shit all over this day of rememberance because Tiffany is an evil person! Just look at what she did to Jessica!

      She's even starting to look Japanese to me now!

    2. I'm so sorry Netizens-nim! I'm not worthy!

    3. that first one maybe

      but her fans already messaged her telling her how inappropriate it is then she doubled down and posted the imperial flag on the actual day

    4. you shouldnt tell that to netz, everything is a conspiracy to them, they've got a boner for seemingly 'problematic' actions bigger than sjws'

  3. I don't see Knetz forgetting this anytime soon...

  4. If she was a man it would be over in a week

    1. nah fam while double standards exist, no one wants to defend an insensitive/ignorant idiot male/female, regardless of full/half korean (she was raised in SK for years and traveled around too).
      At least seolhyun & jimin were playing history trivia on the spot. Now they walk around reading history books between flights (good for them, everyone should learn about who they are and where they come from. They LEARNED from their mistake, once).

      In fanys case it wasnt just she was stupid, she was also insensitive (in their eyes) since she was TOLD by fans to remove the japan emoji night BEFORE liberation day BECAUSE (they explained) it could rub veterans/SK public the wrong way. Yet, she uploaded the tokyo, japan filter the next day...just because. She returnd to Sk the same day.

      With the snapchat filter of the rising flag (which has been removed), even if she updated with a different tokyo, japan filter only, she may have gotten less shit but still enough to piss majority off.

    2. tldr: fany didnt understand the REAL reason behind the controversy when it first hit her via night before liberation day. she was simply stupid but now we have to ask, is stupidity excusable?

  5. Two faced bitch dun goofed

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I always say to my kids "be educated and you won't be eradicated"

  8. Where's the "she's already done with 'reflecting'" option?

    That, or "lifetime" and it will lead to inevitable faptacular JAV.

  9. This is when we need fanboys saying "Noona didn't mean it" lol

  10. No option for "dumb American" but Korea is one of 11 countries that still eat dog meat so there that bit of factual trivia to balance things out.... Eat dog/old flag, old flag/eat dog, etc....

    Who the fuck still gets worked up over shit like this - 70 year old geopolitical crap is just not in the lexicon of millennials. They do like their memes however, but with the collective attention span of a gnat, those memes last but a few weeks in social media at best so she will be fine.. Gets up to pet the dog and NOT EAT HIM FOR BREAKFAST..!!

    1. She has been in Korea long enough to know better.

    2. yup. on the other hand seolhyun and jimin are full korean who were born and raised in korea. I do think the difference is, seolhyun & jimin are educated enough to recognize the nazi equivalent japan flag. They sucked in trivia and facts only.
      SO please SM, if ur young trainees/artists cant go to school or are too busy training, at least set up mini education classes daily like school at your company so they can be educated while training rather than sending them off to diet/PS consultant. Good looks can only gt you so far.

  11. Get ready for a tear jerking apology from Tiffany as she wipes her tears with a napkin on one hand and makes a fuck you sign with her other hand in her pocket hahahaha.


  12. The Nietzen classic. She should have claimed "I'm American I didn't know".
    If I remember correctly 36,574 Americans died defending them from the communist fucks from North Korea and China. Might as well mentiom the US also took out said Japanese Empire.

    1. Yeah, but hardly anyone in America celebrates VJ Day, as it's known here.

    2. People in America actually believe they were DEFENDING South Korea? That is a joke right?

  13. Tiffany hardly eats and is underweight so imma assume she never gets her period. Therefore, I voted a lifetime.

  14. i don't think they'll forgive cause she's a foreigner who insulted.


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