Monday, August 8, 2016

Twice's Mina fat shames fat girls

It's okay fat girls. I find you sooooo sexy shoving that Big Mac down your fat throat. Yeah, washing it down with Diet Coke is going to make you super sexy.


  1. look carefully, she has big hips and thighs in relation to a rather small chest, indicating a pear shaped body. I remember seeing her in earlier videos when she was more chubby. of course as she ages her body shape may go either way. look at how Karolina kurkova now vs then.

    sorry to burst your fantasy bubble lol. fap anyways!

    1. I'm not seeing you bursting any fantasy bubbles.

    2. She has high hips, like Tiffany. That's nothing to do with AKF's point anyway, which is the tendency for great big tubs of cholesterol to make themselves feel better by thin-shaming women that exercise

    3. I'd like to hear what the landwhales have to say about Mina's figure. Seriously. Can someone post a youtube reaction of this?

    4. here


      all of them are this anyway

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yrJyyaEILA

    Just to continue the chain of TWICE fancams, Sana shaking that booty

    1. Are there by any chance any fancams of Min from that performance?

  3. You can see why they thought they were the master race

  4. If they were all like Mina, Momo and Sana, they would be the sexy race.

  5. The whole fat girls are beautiful meme was the biggest crock of shit to hit the western world. Fat chicks are just plain unhealthy and FAT - period.

    Eat right and exercise and you will get the best body that you can have.... For some perspective - a 5 mile jog is good for about a 500 calorie burn - think about that every time you wolf down a happy meal or pizza or chug a 140 calorie 12oz soda - it takes some serious effort to burn that shit off. More calories in than out - you store the excess as FAT. Fat is not pretty - it's fucking FAT!

    Mina is hardly a supermodel, but she is healthy and toned and that face is pure photogenic gold. Shame away Mina, shame away....

    1. Health and beauty are two different things - some men prefer the thicker ladies.

    2. the 'fat acceptance' movement (which is rich because I don't think any of those bitches move anywhere at all) is hilarious as a 'thinner' female. I used to be a part of that whole 'tumblr shame culture' shit, years ago, then i realized it was idiotic and split like I should've in the first place... honestly, the girls of twice worked for their bodies and they look good.

    3. It's only a problem if you're telling girls who work out they're stupid. If you're just confident with your chubby self, who cares

    4. Yeah most fat people I know (including myself) aren't overly sensitive about our weight and really don't give a fuck about people who are in shape and go to the gym 7 days a week.

    5. yeah, i was more talking about the kind who vehemently bash fit or skinny girls. nothing wrong with bodily confidence, although a little self awareness never hurts (for example, i know i'm more 'skinnyfat', as in, i'm smaller, but i'm hella flabby because I don't workout religiously anymore).

  6. If you ever were to walk through the streets of Tokyo, you're going to realize that Japan has a lot of hot girls. More than any other place I've ever been.

  7. This reminded me to work on my exercise playlist post.

  8. She's cute, but her dancing is hella awkward....

  9. Japanese women are wonderful, but they do not compare with Koreans. The best Korean studettes own them

  10. It's crazy, in the black community fat means good and skinny is bad. There is no happy medium. K-pop girls have nice thick slim figures that I appreciate because I can still outfit ideas. Lol

    1. Where I come from it's most definitely not. I'll spare you the details but fatness isn't given the thumbs up at all. Having a "fat ass" is, but being fat is not. If you ask most Black guys to choose between Nicki Minaj and Monique most if not all would go for Nicki.

    2. I think Mike Jones said it best, "Cute face, little waist with a big behind."

  11. IMAO, bitch. You must be really ugly yourself to waste time on bitching on others. You wish you were that fat yourself anyway.


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