Wednesday, September 21, 2016

NCT Dream - Chewing Gum

I really fucking hate this song. I tried listening to it three weeks ago when it came out, but I was so traumatized that I gave up after 30 seconds. Knowing that I had to spread the word about how awful this song is, three weeks later I'm listening to this song the whole way through. Can I make it?

I don't care if this offends you gay people, but the only way to really describe the song and music video: it's a faggoty song made by faggots for faggots. There's not one redeeming feature about this song. I just feel like I need a long, cold shower to recover from this shit.

This song and MV are so fucking gay I feel like I need to jack it to a lesbian JAV to counter act all the gay vibes I got from this shit.



  1. And there are actually Red Velvet stans complaining how this should've been a red velvet comeback song

    1. It does sounds like Red Velvet but it's a pretty weak number, no wonder they gave it to their nugu group because it's shitty

  2. This entire song made me cringe so much I nearly shrivelled all the way back into my mum's womb... and even then I still can't unhear this un-holy sacrilege

    OH and still waiting for AKP's thoughts on the MOBB songs. I personally thought they were actually not half-bad, but then again I heard them right after this song and I'm guessing CL's autotuned fart would sound heavenly after that fucking mess

  3. What's the worst songs of the year so far imo? MOBB's 3-1 debut with CL in it, Mino's solo, Booby's solo, CL's 100th American debut, the Lotto that EXO never hit except if that 3% is the lotto, BLACKPINK's debuts (they both fucking suck), TWICE's comeback (yes that fucking sucked too) and this shit.

    1. i kinda liked minos solo lmao

    2. I agree. Lots of shit this year. Add SM Station trash to the list too

    3. >Twice's comeback

      What? Cheer Up is fucking great! I love it.

    4. Cheer Up is legendary.

    5. Cheer Up sucked ass my dudes.

    6. Chowlup is huge pile of dogshit just wraped nicely

    7. I'm kind of wondering if this is just one anon having a conversation with himself/herself lol.

    8. Cheer Up is average compared to Like Ooh Ahh, but it got them lots of money, so whatever works.

    9. It's actually the other way around, Cheer Up is the song they needed to put them on top. Like Ooh-Ahh is decent for a debut, but little else.

  4. This song is so disappointing when compared to "Russian Roulette".

  5. Its suoer catchy but my lil sis gave me the wtf look the first timw I played this. "Chewing gum?!"

  6. They all look like underaged traps.

  7. NCT is the male version of purepop, which is sort of like bubblepop but more emphasis on subtle sexual attraction. You could say SNSD abused it alot, and they got flak for it for looking like fake "pure" girls. Girl groups, or rather companies, these days refined purepop so fanservice blends in perfectly with the choreo and not a blatant pandering to the uncle fans. So wait, if purepop girl groups cater to uncle fans, does this mean NCT caters to auntie fans?

    1. Of course. Think about Taemin when he debuted at the age of 15. All the noona fans were fapping to him and he wasn't even legal at that time. Now, SM is using the same formula, this time for an entire group...and it seems to work. (saw tons of noona fans of their maknae who is 14 or something)

  8. I should reconsider biasing Mark...this song is pure shit.

  9. I mean if you showed this to a bunch of high schoolers across America, I'm sure a lot of them would say "that was some pretty gay sh*t bro." And as a gay man, I can confirm, this was some pretty gay sh*t. There were some gay undertones to this, but most of it is probably because even though I'm gay as hell, I also live in the US, where masculinity is pretty defined, and of you're not acting like a guy, thats some gay sh*t. You cant hold hands with your guy friend, thats some gay shit. You cant wear shorts above your knee, thats some gay sh*t.

    Another part of it probably comes from the fact that most of them look pretty young, which brings up the whole attracting aunt and UNCLE fans to the group thing. The part where they were bouncing on the exercise balls like 5 year olds, tell me if you think anyone in NCT Dream is actually doing that on a tuesday, dressing like a child and bouncing on a pink ball.

    And then we have that 20 year old looking guy, who's for some reason, watching them, but why? That scene at 2:09 what is happening? Why is he tied up? Why is that kid pouring his gross chewed up gum on his d*ck? What is happening?

    And then the whole MV is scattered with balls (which I assume are supposed to be gum balls) and bright colors, so I can see why you called it stereotypically faggoty

    I'm most offended that you think gay people would enjoy it more than others, because I'm horrified by this Disney Channel single that SME bought for this poor group.

    But if anything, the MV is probably what you're thinking is faggoty, not the song, because isn't "Chewing Gum" an innuendo for eating puss?

    1. Why would you censor your words? What the fuck, man?

    2. I was pretty sure there was a censor on the comments, I guess I was thinking of some other website

    3. How the fuck would AKF censor his comments when he writes the nastiest shit all the time? lmao

    4. Idk sis, I really dropped the ball on this one, I'm an embarrassment :////

    5. You should take some time to reflect on your actions

      Also, yes this is gayer than Jo Kwon fisting his own anus

    6. Something I'd actually enjoy, get on it JYP

  10. I made it to :34...and blew a bubble.

  11. I feel so dirty watching eventhough I'm their age.

  12. MFW thumbnail is actually not Amber

  13. I clicked on it accidentally when it first came out and figured I'd give it a listen. Thankfully I don't remember it at all, but I know I couldn't make it to the end

  14. This group feels like pedo bait

  15. Noah fence but ever since Nayeon's Vibrator started becoming the main writer this shit hole has become an AIDs infested rat sewer

  16. I'm gay and have no problem with guys doing "non-masculine" concepts but i really don't like this. They look like fucking children and the song is awful. I don't know how any older woman can like this and not look like a pedophile.

  17. I am a faggot and I find this song turrible.

  18. I am a faggot and I find this song turrible.


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