Friday, September 16, 2016

The Kpopalypse 2016 survey of caonima action – the results are in!

I'm far too lazy to repost the entire mammoth post here, but those of you who participated in and/or are interested in the results of the Kpopalyspe survey, click Qri for the results page!



  1. You should totally IP-range ban whoever came up with "Kpopcalypse". That sounds horrible!

    The piechart for Q7 is pretty.

    I suggest a "Haven't read" option for the next fanfic survey, because I only finished the Hyuna one, but gave it a "great".

    Also, fuck the mobileshitters!

  2. Indeed, was going to post with Google- but didn't let me now even though I have posted before. Fucking internet caonimas.

    Loved the SM idol statement and the mask dream.


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