Saturday, July 16, 2011

KBS is my hero

Long story short: KBS canceled JYJ's appearance on a show just 4 days before the broadcast.


Keep these three off of TV as much as possible.



  2. They're the three richest idols of the generation and complain about having no money while living luxuriously. Plus Jaejoong and Yoochun raped an m-flo song in 2009. I can't forgive that shit.

  3. I used to be a fan and pity them but now they are annoying I'm over it then their fans will go blame SM again...Sooo stupid I mean they are still freaking rich

  4. They obviously didn't live luxuriously if they filed a lawsuit... realistically speaking, they were being treated like shit.

  5. I don't care about them in general, however their case is quite a good representation of how monopolies exert their power in the music industry for their own satisfaction and gain.

  6. There are fan girls crying all over the damn place over this and it's pissing me the fuck off.
    They're trying to defend their oppas when they're perfectly capable of living their own lives. They're full grown men, not your fucking babies.
    And of course this has started up a whole new wave of "SME IS SO EVIL." Ugh. I've heard enough.
    jfc I can't deal with the stupidity of these people.
    At least I can come here for a dose of intelligence.

  7. I'm hoping for a post refuting crazy JYJ stan comments. I need that in my life.

  8. @Anon 7:24 If I find a post/comment by a JYJ stan worth refuting I'll do it.

    @Anon 7:19 Have you seen the cars these guys drive? The places they live? I have no sympathy for these three.

  9. Another excuse for their crazy fans to blame SM! Get over it I also find it sooooooooooooooo annoying!!!

  10. i dont even know what jyj is but judging from those smirks i see in that photo you posted, kbs gets rewarded with the korean television channel of the day

  11. i have no problem with JYJ. i actually give them some props for having the balls to go against SM. but their fans crack me up sometimes!
    someone on soompi awhile back posted a pic of jaejoong's new bmw/fancycarwhatevs and this fangirl was like "woah...i thought they were broke? why the lawsuit?" and the dumbass stans jumped on her and told her NO they aren't fighting for the money! they just want to be "musically free".

  12. I don't even care about them but I always hear from their fans they're mistreated by SM and lived a slave life but look at their luxurious car and flat. They're fucking rich, i don't even concern to pity them.

  13. these 3 are the epitome of douchebagness and biting the hand that feeds you. while they are driving their BMW's and purchasing luxury apartments, fangirls still say "POOR OPPA!!! EVIL SM h8 CHU FOREVER!!1!!1!" seriously like someone said, no sympathy of ANY kind for these douches who all look like fucking females btw, especially jaejoong. that guy looks so fucking gay it's not even funny. SM should continue to cockblock the fuck outta the 3 assholes until they go broke

  14. You made an article called "The truth about SM-stanners" earlier this year and now your celebrating that SME actually succeeded. Wow...

    Not a fan of JYJ Btw. I just hate SME that's all. Hope you understand what I mean.

  15. As much as i hate SME for giving their artists the shittiest songs, i am glad that they are blocking everything that these three stooges are trying to do.

  16. They replaced the three douches with 12 hot girls (excluding Hyoyeon and Amber) in the Jeju performance!

  17. @Anon 9:48 It's not the same author you clueless faggot

  18. Dunno why but Jaejoong looks like a less hot version of Jonghyun from CNBlue to me.

  19. Sigh I'm not even a fan of JYJ, don't really like them but what KBS is doing IS wrong and well from what I have read which isn't much JYJ didn't leave cause of the money so yea anyway I'm starting to hate K-pop in general cause its shit music which is a sad cover of American music but I do kinda respect the JYJ guys. Hate K-pop fans and K-pop antis.......I mean if you hate them so much then why the eh forget it.

  20. LOL JYJ may be "stooges" but at least they make more money then 90% of the idols and have their freedom too. KBS is just a bitch and a pussy. Oh what has K-pop done to the world, made it a more ignorant and sadder place.

  21. Don't love JYJ but I need to say: Ayyy(y) girl is the most hilarious thing I've ever heard or seen in my life. :S

  22. Oh wait no: Ayyy girl is the most hilarious thing I've ever heard AND seen these years.

  23. I agree Ayyy girl song was just errr! can't believe Kanye would intro-ing to that song what's worse was the freaking mv which was pure gayness! no offence but I think KBS made the situation worse so now JYJ fans or so called ex-cassies will hunt them down aish another freaking drama I'm so sick of it!

  24. awww people being delusional, again

    richest? ayyyy come on, they ain't getting their fair share while they work they asses off, that's why they fill the lawsuit
    i assume you guys don't even know(and bother to search and just being delusional)how much they sell all these years

    kbs, y keep trolling huh? so much for a national tv station

    i'm a cassie but, sorry, i don't cry because shit like this, i only pity jyj (and snsdfx because they'll be getting antis, and ain't even their fault)

  25. -___-''

    7 years in the business, the supposed to live in a huge mansion and drive multiple fancy cars...
    but, you know what? they don't

    why keep bragging 1 luxurious apartment and 1 bmw when they should be getting much muuuuch better than that?

  26. do you have so much free time to waste writing this trash?lucky you, personally i find it really childish, but anyway, the net is still the most free resource of communication so keep posting your ideas please.
    (sorry for my english, i'm not a native speaker)

  27. Are SNSD and f(x) not popular enough to attract fans of their own? Nice way to keep shoving all these irrelevant groups down our throats KBS.

  28. Even if you don't like jyj it's wrong from kbs to do that. They already got the votes that jyj brought and now they cancelled the appearance? Pretty clever but despicable. They didn't even give a good explanation for this.
    And if there really is a "backdoor pressure" i'm sure it's sm. Who else?
    And even if they are rich, if they didn't get everything they should have they have the rights to file a lawsuit.

    And i'm not a cassie.

  29. Ouch what a kick in the balls for them ~

  30. I do admit that most of the time, I don't share any sympathy for these guys.I heard that when they're with SM, they had nice car, obviously not as nice as they do now. So I was never on their side or SM's side, never bother to defend them.

    But in this case, KBS is obviously at fault. I'm sure noone would want to be in JYJ or their fans' positions. What if this company announce your T-ara as their official models, and ask you guys, the fans, to vote for it and promise to endorse a T-ara performance. Naturally, most of fans would, right? And then, they would casually announce that they wanteed SNSD but they weren't available, but they are now, so off you go, T-ara. You'd feel rigged, wouldn't you?

  31. I dont give a rats ass about JYJ, but this entire incident just goes to show you that the big music companies can squeeze a TV corporation to its will, that is just fucked up. That means they can control any content that the TV corps put up. If I were a knetizen I would riot inside the KBS building, but mostly because I want to smash shit to pieces :P

  32. @10:00 PM

    LMAO HOT Girl?? Please those "hot girls" are more plain looking and have no ass or boobs so how the hell are they hot?? Lmao Lee Hyori and Hyuna are hotter then them by 1000x ew never understood the obsession of skinny flat girls. ewwww
    oh and KBS is being a bitch again like always I actually pity JYJ now Damn Korean Entertainment industry!!! And SME w/ your raper face.

  33. @2:01 AM
    Gotta say 2pm hottests were worse I think JYJ fans actually have a right to be pissed.......dude what the FUCK IS WRONG WITH KOREA?!!!

  34. @9:04 PM
    Your a sad ignorant dumbass aren't you?? Betraying the hands that feeds you?? What the FUCK is wrong with you K-pop people?? Why are you sick enough to believe about the MFucking Family crap that those bastard K.Entertainment companies promote?! They are a motherfucking BUSINESS!!! They care about 2 things Money and MORE MONEY!! Also SONES are fucking worse then Cassies and SNSD aren't hot they are have little girl bodies w/ plain ass faces. Hope K-pop dies cause people like you and obsessive fans are hilarious and fucking gay.

  35. Rotary are you my long lost twin that was separated at birth or some shit?

  36. I'm generally apathetic to this whole SME v/s JYJ situation but what KBS did shows that they have no class. :-/ I actually feel sorry for these guys.

  37. JYJ I'm kinda ok with,its their fans that annoy me acting like their oppars are the re-incarnates of Christ himself. Sacrificing themselves for the sins of SM and HoMin and the entire kpop industry,showing the injustice that is kpop blah blah blah how bout you suck my left nut.I do wish this entire thing could be over just let gay-y-jay perform and maybe then their fangirls would shut up!

  38. look at all the cassies and JYGay fans saying SNSD isn't hot lololololol

  39. And SNSD and f(x) will perform instead of JYJ, what a surpise =_=

  40. *surprise (fucking keyboard ! XD)

  41. I understand you hate JYJ but KBS cancelling their appearances and SNSD and f(x) suddenly taking their place just shows how fucked up the s.korean ent. industry is (not that it's anything new though).

  42. I actually never really cared about TVXQ (2,5 or whatever) or JYJ but the way Jaejoong reacted to the whole KBS situation got my respect, the man's got class.

  43. I actually respect JYJ for what they're trying to do. They're trying to change how idols are treated. I just don't like the guys themselves. I think their music sucks. I love seeing JYJ stans bitch about every little thing. KBS gave JYJ stans another thing to bitch about and I'm loling.

  44. @Suckmydee



  46. i love jyj .kbs chooes snsd and f(x).loser

  47. @anon 5:37


  48. http://twitition.com/r4tzh delusional fan-girls list

  49. What JYJ is trying to do is noble, but the way they complain about everything makes them sound like little bitches.

  50. I actually quite like JYJ. It's their fans who are annoying, though I can understand why they are so defensive knowing all the shit JYJ went through since they left SM. I have to say they are still not the most annoying fans imo.

  51. @anon 5:37

    Lol, you should follow your own advice, the court already concluded long ago that Crebeau has nothing to do with the lawsuit between JYJ and SM.

  52. SNSD and f(x) are replacing them?

    What a bunch of attention whores. SME just wants them to noticed by international people.

  53. ^
    They already have been noticed by international people duh.

  54. @anon 1:37

    they all(the three faggots's delusional fangirls) blamed SME and claimed the contract is a "slave" contract,but if that was the case, why would YunHo and Changmin stay and didn't join the other 3?


  55. http://truetvxq.blogspot.com/2010/12/false-information-about-contract.html

  56. Can't agree more.

  57. http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/culture/entertainment/487906.html

    KBS is saying JYJ is less popular than f(x). lol

  58. @5:34 AM
    Dude Do you even know how fucking bias that Truetvxq shit is?? That is pure manipulation (but in K-pop fandom what isn't) also the founder of that blog is a dick. That stuff is just bullcrap, sad that people like you actually believe that stuff......really naive.

  59. I'm a JYJ fan but I still think that if they filed the lawsuit because they wanted to be greedy bitches then let them be greedy bitches all they want. Also I really do hate most, if not all, of their fans...especially the ones who are like "I HATE HOMIN BECAUSE THEY STAYED WITH SM AND LEFT JYJ ON THEIR OWN!!!!1!!" They need to shut their traps before I shove something down their throats and the same goes for HoMin stans.

  60. The funny thing is that most JYJ fans don't even care abt HoMin anymore, they just ignore them and focus only on JYJ so I don't see why so many people are bitching on how JYJ fans hate HoMin and blah blah blah. Though both JYJ and HoMin stans are fucking annoying anyways, we get it, your oppas used to be the "top male idol group" of S.Korea but with all the new groups sprouting up it's obvious they're going down (even if with almost no promotion JYJ are doing surprisingly good).

  61. @anon 5:34 AM

    As I can see, you never studied law (and I guess the writer of truetvxq didn't either, or else I feel sorry for him).

  62. @anon 7:16 @anon 2:21


  63. I just love how so many people are jumping on the hate bandwagon when JYJ are not even the first ones to sue or leave SM because of problems with the company (and I'm not only talking abt Hangeng,there were also JTL, Yoo Minho, Kim Jihoon etc.). Heck, they aren't even the first ones to do so in S.Korea and in the rest of the world. I don't remember Kevin Woo getting so much hate when he sued his former agency Ssing Entertainment for unfair (I don't like the term "slave" either) contracts. People have to understand that companies aren't the idols' families, there is no "biting the hand that fed you" because companies aren't charity organisations and idols are the ones earning the money which then goes into the CEO, chairman and shareholders' pockets. I understand if people don't like JYJ's music, to each his own, but hating and bashing them bc of the lawsuit is ridiculous.

  64. Go KBS. Lol. The whole thing is kinda stupid though, basically KBS chose SNSD+f(x) over JYJ, in an event who's main purpose is to attract and gain exposure for Jeju both nationally and internationally......durrrrrr obvious choice is obvious. Do think it's a kinda shitty move cancelling 4 days before a show, but shit happens in showbiz, and from what I've read the N7W event has like 30 other artists performing and JYJ are still listed as ambassadors for the event anyway. So what the deal is? xP

  65. @anon 7:16pm
    Truetvxq is far more logical and tolerant than any JYJ blog I've seen. I do my own research on things I'm interested in and when it comes to kpop controversies and stuff I read about it in the original Korean. So far truetvxq holds up to facts and reason better than anything JYJ fans/blogs have to say, and while I don't always agree with the blogger's opinions those are things I can decide on for myself.

    @anon 5:09am
    I don't care about JYJ suing and leaving SM, but I have issue with them saying they were leaving cuz of a "slave contract" and spewing shit about "human rights" and constantly bashing the company that made them from nothing. You can say there is no "biting the hand that fed you," but there's no way JYJ would even exist or still retain fan support after 2 years and releasing truly shitastic stuff, if it wasn't for the fame and rep they built up with and through SM for the first... 6? years of their careers. Not to mention the 1-6yrs of training/dorm/food costs SM/YG/etc. pays for every single trainee before debut, and the management/production/living costs and connections idol agencies use to grow their idol groups. If JYJ wanted out of their contract and freedom to do their own thing, fine. I have no problem with that. If you want to talk about Hangeng, his leaving SuJu didn't divide the fandom and he still has full support from ELFs, and it's largely because he didn't talk shit about his time with SuJu or SM or try to make a media shitstorm out of his lawsuit. He kept silent on the whole issue and just let his lawyers take care of it, and he's later said he's thankful to SM for building him up and everything. Because he knew he was a nobody before SM. I used to be an H.O.T. fan back in the day too, and the HOT members have all acknowledged and thanked SM years after they left, and Tony Ahn has said that as a CEO himself now he understands and is thankful for what SM did for him, and he's even apologized to Lee Sooman (and HOT never sued SM btw, they finished their contract and then broke up because JTL weren't happy with the renewal contracts they were offered and decided to leave). But it is incredibly unprofessional and low brow as hell to go around talking shit about the company that made you, especially when you're in the middle of a lawsuit with them. So. That's mostly why I think JYJ are clowns. And yes, their music is terribad to boot.

  66. Actually idols from SM (I dnt know abt other companies but I guess it's the same) have to pay for their training, that's what training fees are. That's why so many of them had to work part time or even to "starve" themselves to pay for their singing/dancing etc. classes (TVXQ and Suju's members talked abt it several times).
    The "operating costs" were also deduced from the TVXQ members' income. They included expenses that are traditionally expected to be covered by the employer, including but not limited to : salaries of the staff (manager, clothing coordinators, makeup artists, dance crew, and the like), performing stage preparation costs,living expenses (including rent and water/electricity bills),travel expenses (including plane ticket costs), meal expenses, and the like.
    With all the cash TVXQ earned for SM, and knowing that they paid for almost all their expenses, I believe they already have paid SM back.
    Abt JTL I know they didn't sue SM (that's why I wrote "sue OR leave" SM) but 10 years ago, Lee Sangho (who used to be a reporter of SisaMegazine2580 program of MBC which mainly dealt with Current Affair in/around society) investigated and reported about SM's unfair contracts while interviewing several people including H.O.T. members and what some of them said abt SM and LSM wasn't exactly pretty. Hangeng did say he was not allowed to rest, was forced to perfom and to fulfill his schedules eventhough he was ill and exhausted and that he was forbidden to go back to China in spite of his several requests. His lawyer also criticized the lenght of the contract and the fact that rights and obligations but also profits and provisions were off-balance.
    And JYJ communicate abt the lawsuit through their lawyer too so how did they go around talking shit abt SM ?
    Plus, just because you don't like their music doesn't mean it is bad, as I said, to each his own.

  67. I know JYP's idols have to pay for their training too because I remember watching an interview of 2PM in which they said thay they actually are required to pay back all the money that was spent on them during their training years.

  68. @ 10:41 AM
    Actually I also read Korean articles and follow certain blogs but TrueTvxq facts are very bias/selective. I posted a comment on that site and the person removed, if one can't even express there own opinion then why even have a blog that is opened to the public? But yea that site isn't as informed as you make it sound I know. I have only read one JYJ blog site and I have to say they at least don't hide all the facts and even site them so I give them props for that. Truetvxq is a joke to me at least.

  69. @10:33 AM
    Actually both are in the same league,JYJ blogs if you don't gree with you JYJ Fanatics will gang up on you quick.Actally what made me belive that both JYJ3 & JYJFiles are pathetic is the fact they took an DNBN(which is anti Homin)areticle on "how yunho's a liar" & "yunho & changmin change thier stance regarding the lawsuit".How pathetic is that,and the fact is these brainless chicks belive eveything Jimmie spews at them like she's the 2nd comming.She used to appease OT5 in SYC,falsely accuse "homin stans"-which at the rtime didn't exist in the int.fandom since 6.25 wasn't widespread,then started JYJFiles.I'm not even a TVXQ(i'm a fan of The Trax btw).It's stupid.

  70. same anon @9:14 btw/Also they go and put nasty reviews in SM artist sections at yeas asia and other sites.Bash on SNSD & FX,make Junsu's brother shut down his main twitter,bash Telisha,bash SM Town,send anti-tweets to Heechul,make Matssura shut his twitter down,and never belive that JYJ should ever have any responsibility for thier actions.Also thier all"our perfect angels"and worship them like a god.Then after all the shit they spew they ask for sympathy,from the same fanclubs they bash for JYJ.

  71. I was all "Bravo" when they filed for the lawsuit. I mean the work conditions were pretty ridiculous and the South Korean music industry needs an overhaul. I was willing to see where their careers went. Even though Yuchun's voice is shot (not that he ever had the nicest). And Jaejoong insists on singing like a drag queen, going further away from his natural timbre. Boo! But I was still willing.

    Then they became as shady and contradictory as SM ent and AVEX. Plus they're whiny as heck. Majority of their music is c**p and their new image is basic, low class garbage. One of the reasons they wanted separation was for artistic freedom. Meh

    I write better songs in my sleep, no joke. Although original DBSK could sing the tar out of them. See, different people have their places in music. When talented writers, musicians, singers and producers get together they create quality.

    But ain't mad get that money [control over your lives...security for your futures] boys, you worked hard for it.

    I'd pay to see Kim Junsu in a musical any day, for sure.

  72. Nice "Hero" pun...was this intended?


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