Saturday, July 16, 2011

MBLAQ's Mona Lisa

If you came here wanting me to shit on the song, sorry since I actually like it. If you still want me to shit on some members/the MV, you're in luck.

First, this is my second favorite boyband song of 2011 (Infinite BTD's is #1 for me.) Second, thank God it's not a cute concept or an electronic mess. Seriously, I don't know how those guys manage to go through a cute concept. I'm 21 and I couldn't see myself doing that shit. Only way I could see myself doing that shit is if Han Ye Seul was to get a shower scene after I did that cute crap.

Thunder - As useless as his sister Dara but without the derp. Thanks for making me laugh @2:55.
Seungho - You have like no presence in this group. If you didn't go to the same high school as Soyeon I wouldn't even know who the fuck you are.
Mir - It took me forever to realize you were in the glasses. And I had no idea your rap voice was that low. I always expected a whiny voice or some shit.
G.O. - Without the mustache it's hard to recognize you. After this MV I can see why you get all the praise you do. Put this dude on Immortal Song 2, not that fucking dinosaur Jonghyun.

I don't really have much to say about the MV aside from the terrible clothes they had to wear. That chick was good looking. I'd pee in her butt. She didn't get enough screen time (well, she probably had too much according to the fangirls.)


  1. HA! that's funny because g.o. IS on immortal song 2 now ;D.

    and i like the song (they do pretty well without the electronic pop sounding shit). also the mv wasn't too bad :\. BUT! i'm an mblaq fan so...yeah.

  2. "I'm sick of you little girl and boy groups, all you do is annoy me
    so I have been sent here to destroy you [bzzzt]
    And there's a million of us just like me
    who cuss like me; who just don't give a fuck like me"

    the song is not bad, accordian much?

  3. BTW was 2010, wasn't it?

  4. also, what kind of fan would i be if i didn't have gifs of chundoong's EPIC dancing skillz /sarcasm/


  5. Thanks friglet. I uploaded it to my tumblr so that I wouldn't use up your bandwidth.

    BTD came out in January or so. It was definitely 2011.

  6. ^here, i'll do you one better.
    yes, i got bored and you made me laugh so you get this piece of crap: http://bit.ly/pyRfRF

  7. Was surprised Thunder improved a bit....he's loads better than his sister thank gawd OTL

  8. So what you're saying is davidfresh would like this?


  9. Okay now I just watched the video...

    I'm not sure which is worse, the guy who is just outright cross-dressing or the guy in the flying squirrel jacket...

  10. The most interesting thing I found on this post is that u're 21 year old O.O What a surprise!
    Btw, sometimes I also wonder whether those male idols are sick of themselves when they do those cute concepts

  11. the only one i even find good looking in this mv is Joon
    consequently he's the only whose name i bothered to learn

    anyway, the song isn't that good. GaIn already did the spanish/latin inspired kpop and she did it 500x times better

  12. I thought the song was forgettable tbh and seungho's haircut was terrible. Joon looked handsome though, he should have been shown more instead of awkward looking cartoon sounding thunder imo.

  13. This song is fucking awesome.
    No, the whole album is fucking awesome, for that matter.

  14. 'pee in her butt?' GameFAQs user confirmed

  15. @dice: Thanks for backing me up.
    See, she doesn't always look like a limp camel dick.

  16. 'This dude' G.O. is/was on Immortal Song 2. lol

  17. I feel like the song consists of only Joon and G.O singing. The dance kinda funny though

  18. Mirs rap voice was always low tho, its thunders who has the voice of an anime character when rapping. And g.o is in immortal song lol but I still prefer jonghyun. And the one who said gain did the spanish theme before is wrong since they did that concept since their debut with "oh yeah" (even if that song was horrendous)

  19. No comment on joon? I would say that it is the first time he has true lines in a song. And as always he was fucking handsome.
    I thought they all were really handsome in this mv ... Even seungho that is pretty repulsive usually.
    I really like the song and the album.

  20. I won't really find a reason to hate on MBLAQ as long as G.O. remains their lead singer. I like Mir's voice when he raps. (When he talks, it sounds so brash and irritating I just want him to sit down and look pretty.) I can kinda see why he calls Dok2 his mentor, though. Some of his rapping style is rubbing off on him.

    Thunder's skirt isn't that bad... I actually didn't notice it at first because he's so tall anyway, but... well, whatever. Lol.

    G.O's voice, Joon's body, and Seungho's epic piano skills are why I'm a fan of MBLAQ.

  21. I'm always wary of using guitars in kpop, especially when they put in air guitar in the choreo (oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh) but it kind of works in this song, plus it gets saved by the catchy vocal lines.

    did anyone notice how the choreo for this song rehashed moves from a lot of previous songs (and even some b2st choreos too)? nothing exact, but yeah, that made a lot of the choreo pretty unoriginal. still, the "don't say goodbye to me" funny foot-flicking dance was pretty cool haha

    still prefer Stay though

  22. Song is actually alright, not anything above good though, atleast its not forgettable like alot of the kpop songs of 2011. N like everyone has said, G.O is on immortal song 2 lol.

  23. Mir is so hot.
    I'm really liking the entire mini album.

  24. I find it impossible to take Mir seriously after this..

  25. ^ At least he isnt saying hes a sub-vocal or something. Hes a "rapper" so he obviously sucks at singing and he has a heavy accent. Thats all.

  26. @kommienezuspadt

    Email me if you want to become authors. antikpopfangirl@yahoo.com

  27. @9:53

    I LOL'ed through it all.

    before i muted it and replayed his part 'cause it was just that much better. and i'm glad he didn't try to lipsync it either.


    i've seen a vid of his part of the studio recorded "bad girl" by rain...He sucks at english, yeah

    @that guy who said thunder's shirt wasn't bad.

    NO...it's HIDEOUS

  28. ^ He obviously was lypsincing lol, all that performance was lypsinced...i mean, see taemin at the beginning, he isnt even pretending

  29. LOL. i dont know if i'll laugh or what. but what's wrong with thunder's solo dance on the rooftop?i think it's fine. oh well it's your opinion. i cant really do anything about it.

  30. Didn't watch the vid just listened. MBLAQ is one of the few newer groups, as in the past 3 years I would consider checking out music from.

    I've liked a couple of their songs off some album, idk. They and their music seem like it might be bearable.

  31. MBLAQ? What is this MBLAQ?

  32. mona lisa? first off the song is terrible and wayy too late to hop on that latin train but MONA LISA?? are they trying to fuck with Cho Yong Pil? Can't believe Rain (or JYP)'s shit. Sorry, TL;DR.

  33. I guess MBLAQ is one of the kind band that keeps me listen to K-Songs...this band doesn't too autotune, and the concept is manly, they don't act cutely and other shits that make other gays fall for them.


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