Friday, July 15, 2011

I am tired of Korean dramas treating women like 2nd class citizens

I started watching Spy Myung Wol for the lovely downright sexy boner-inducing beautiful Han Yeseul. It's not just this drama, but almost every drama I have seen has this problem. They treat women like they're below men.

More after the cut.

Sorry to troll you with a half naked Song Seung Hun, but this is what the whole post is about.

Korean dramas only show the males taking showers. I have never seen a female with a shower scene in a Korean drama. These fucking writers and directors are depicting that women do NOT take showers. They are treating women like scum and are insinuating that they are scum because they never take showers. This is fucking injustice.

Women around the world have fought/are fighting for equal rights. In America women fought for the right to vote. Nowadays women are fighting to break the glass ceiling in the work place and for equal pay. Yet in Korea women still have to fight to take a fucking shower!

Throughout my life I have been called a male chauvinist, which is complete bullshit. I have always treated with the same disrespect as I have with men. I have also treated women with the same respect as I have shown to men. I'm not a man who treats a woman as a lesser being who needs special treatment, I treat them as I would treat other men. Korean writers and directors need to follow my example. It's okay to show a man's pecs and his six pack but they treat women's breasts as an abomination to the eyes and treat a woman's abdomen as inferior to a man's abdomen.

No longer will I stand for this shit. I will go to Korea and picket if I have to so that female actresses have the right shower in a Korean drama. No longer shall the public think that only men are worthy of taking a shower. Women care about their hygiene too!

The time is now for women to be treated as an equal in Korea! The first step shall be shower scenes!

This goddess should be allowed to shower. Our eyes would be able to handle the "abomination" that is her breasts.


  1. LOL!!! this is so funny! you are brilliant

  2. Lol here I thought this was going to be a legit post

  3. Haha, me too! I thought, whoa, a serious post here? Then as I read the post, I realized, ha, he just wants to see hot girls take a shower! But in all honesty, it's mostly women who watch these dramas, so they would be too jealous of the hot girls taking showers. After all, it would only remind them how un-hot their own bodies are, lol.

  4. stupid double standards in society. i want to see girls showing off her chest too...why can't i see them?

  5. how hot is she when she wears glasses and speaks English?

  6. Just today I saw a Lee Minho shower scene in Shitty Hunter. Why doesn't Park Minyoung get one?

    Secret Garden at least let the women have bath scenes when the men did, though there were still some Hyun Bin shower scenes and no such thing for the women. They did come close with Yoo In-Na, but they also insinuated that she had nasty smelly shits, so that takes away from any dignity it might have shown from her showering.

  7. Women belong in the kitchen...and bed
    that's all

  8. Lol. The obligatory male lead shower scene in kdramas. Yeah, I'm a straight girl but I reckon Han Yeseul is hot in Spy Myungwol.

  9. thats because if they show a female half naked on the TV, they are going to get complaints from the viewers and from the government.
    Thats just how it is.

    I know you dont like liberals AKF but having a country of conservatives like that kills any chance of seeing scantily clad women.

    Oh my god. this post totally made my day.
    this is just so...
    it's the epitome of snark, that is

  11. @Rotary I'm not conservative about everything, especially about anything sexual. Korean actresses deserve the same treatment i.e. shower scenes.

  12. Edited with a pic of Han Ye Seul. It's for the guys. The girls already got a half naked pic of SSH.

  13. Park Min Young kinda had a bath scene in SKKS. But she probably only had it cos she was dressing as a boy so.. hmm uh.. right.

  14. Lolol. And I thought this was gonna be serious.

    But why is he taking a shower with undies on?

  15. ^ In dramas the usually only show the waist up so I'm assuming most of them wear speedos.

  16. "Yet in Korea women still have to fight to take a fucking shower!*"

    *on television :P still a very important right

  17. Who the fuck showers with a speedo on? How the fuck do you wash your junk? Just put the soap down there and dance to genie...

  18. i forgot the name of the character but in My Girl the tennis player who is Gong Chan's ex has a shower scene but its pretty tame

  19. ^ I watched My Girl two years ago and don't think Park Shiyeon is hot so that's probably why I didn't remember. She did have a shower scene in Coffee House too but again hardly anything was shown.

  20. Tsk Han Yeseul.. The Eric shower scene in the drama was so irrelevant in my eyes.. And teasing us by exposing Han Yeseul's bandaged back.. Was so disappointing.. I hope you're saving the best for last KBS :|

    hahahahahahahahahahaha.You might just be one of my fav internet people.

  22. ^
    I mean Bra-fucking-vo
    damn typos

  23. you aren't clever. What the hell are you retards chuckling about?

  24. Who wears underwear to take a shower? LOL. They should've just done it naturallly ;)

  25. LOL! seriously! i soooo fucking agree!!! Taiwanese and thai dramas are more preferable because they are much much closer to reality. Korean dramas are sooo last season but sure american dramas are still the best and and so is the action movies and fuck the korean drama/ action whatever the fuck it is but it's called IRIS and others are sooooo damn NOT GOOD enough compared to american action/dramas. I MEAN, who the fuck should put more ROMANCE on an ACTION FILM?! i mean srsly. getting back to taiwanese and thai dramas, there are not as good as american drama but hell sure is way better than korean dramas. all korean dramas are all to happy ending, no erotic scenes *even a little* less kissing scenes, i mean who does that in real life? love story without kissing / erotic? all they do all they is cry and cry and cry and then waaallaah!!! happy ending!

    okay, so im done. but le point is this, KOREAN DRAMAS ARE SOOO FULL OF SHIT!!!

    btw, like ur blog. really hate korean culture...err not that much, their mind controlling influence only.

  26. continued:
    well my first comment above might not have no connect bout this but about this topic, haha lol u will nevah see this kinds of shit in american dramas..

  27. Flames of Ambition has a woman taking a bath, and another one showering....

  28. As a woman I want some boobs,also not shitty kiss and hug,also I want some sex scene or kiss scene with passion,secret garden/coffe prince is a haven if you think other dramas...we can watch hyunas humping dicks so why we cant have those things in dramas...


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