Thursday, July 21, 2011

To welcome all of the new authors

I remember when it used to be fucking hard to recruit an author and they only gave in after I pestered them enough about it.

As you can see, we're like Super Junior now.


All six of you, welcome aboard.

Now as to why I hired so many authors.

First, instead of Anti Kpop-Fangirl just being me I wanted it to be a collection of people. Instead of just my thoughts, the thoughts of many people. In order to make this place thrive new authors are needed. This blog would have been dead by now if it weren't for Antidelusionalkpopfanism and davidfresh helping me in the beginning to get the blog off the ground. Later on I recruited Suckmydee and Lickmypunani to add some variety (our first female authors and they had different opinions too.)

Then 80% of the articles on here were written by either David or myself so blackbeltbaybee and Shin-B applied for the spot. I posted an article about applications back in May but it took until June until these two actually applied.

Since school starts up (too) soon for me again I knew I needed to recruit new authors in order to fill the void from me not posting as often. I also needed some authors to take away some of David's workload as he took ADKF's workload when he went on vacation. That's why I hired six authors because I felt that's how many authors were needed to match the amount of articles David and I put out.

So with 13 authors now, David and I can cut back on articles a little bit and I can focus on attracting more viewers here by focusing on the tumblr a little more and posting at some forums.

I have also started a side project for myself. Yeoshindeul. It literally means "Goddesses" as it's a tumblr blog dedicated to Korean (and sometimes Japanese) actresses. Since places like Soompi and Dramabeans are swarmed by girls there's rarely anyone to spazz with about the actresses, and if there are, they're all like me and get the fuck out of the thread/articles when all the girls start talking about how they want the actors to fuck them hard and shit.

So no, I'm not leaving the blog, I just wanted to reduce my workload, along with David's while also spending a little more time posting on other sites to draw more readers.


  1. off topic. you've got some fine ass taste for k-actresses except Kim Tae Hee. just saying.
    Han Hyo Joo, Han Ye Seul & Moon Chae Won glad the bitch got 2 straight lead role. but shes the best when her character is a 3rd wheel.

  2. "As you can see, we're fucking Super Junior now."

    Oh god I read this wrong.
    I wish I was fucking Super Junior.
    Or, rather, I wish they were fucking me but whatever n__n

  3. Changed it to "we're like fucking Super Junior now."


  4. Great to see the blog expanding the way it is man. I remember how it was ib the beginning, its looking like it has a future :P

  5. Moon Chae Won has some nice tits? Thank you for showing me that.

  6. amg amg amg, i get 2 red moar manga la

  7. u should really tag the posts on ur tumblr so other people can find it, just a suggestion

  8. Can you start including the names of the actresses you post on Yeoshindeul? That would be tremendously helpful.

  9. I tag their names. But I guess the tags don't show up on the blog so I'll do it from now on.

  10. jeez it is impossible to keep up with all these new people xP send me your emails so we can all get to know each other and be a famirryyyy


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