Saturday, July 23, 2011

Zico Loses His Shiteous Dreads.

This video is like a week old, but I doubt many of you follow Block B so fucking deal with it. Basically, the video shows Zico FINALLY getting rid of those horrid dreads. But the way he talks about them...

Now. I know it was said in a joking manner. But even on his twitter and in other videos: he seriously loved those nasty ass dreads. It's a bit shocking to me. But whatever floats his boat I guess (didn't seem like he cared about the hate).
But as for the fans (BBCs), do not sit there and LIE that you're NOT happy to see those things get cut the fuck off! You tolerate stupid shit like that, you don't come to love it!
I just hope in the future, for the sake of my eyes, no other kpop idol decides to get dreads. Think about it. Do you know of ANYONE in kpop that would look good in them?

That's what I thought.


  1. But he looked SO FUCKING COOL as the Predator!

  2. haha i actually like block b. they're different.

    but the dreads were definitely more than a bit much.

  3. He's actually good looking now.

  4. Thank fucking god. He looked like absolute shit with that dreadful (pun intended) hairstyle.

  5. Forever loving my lil Zico with dreads kekekek but i must say he looks a lot hotter now,but noona will love you any way Zico any way.You and kyung ;)

  6. :o


  7. crying over dreads being cut, LOL

    Also, PONIES! WHY?

  8. You're all girls, but as a guy, Zico's dreadlocks looked amazing.

    Most people look awful with dreadlocks, but Zico managed to look good.

  9. Taeyang had cornrows, similar to dreads, and he looked pretty good in them. I don't know who Zico is, and I don't follow block b, but according to the picture, he looks good in them too.

  10. should have kept the dread, looks gay now. hobo bests fag anyday

  11. I love him with and without the dreadlocks. Either way I will always love Zico and Block B!!!

  12. nah man he looked SO DAMN FINEEEE WITH DREADS. i mean like he looks amaze still but he still looked so BOMB WITH THE DREADSSSS.


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