Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Kpop fans complaining about Korean groups going to Japan

This is one thing I'm sick of reading when I go to any Kpop forum. There'll be shit like "Noooo please don't go to Japan." First of all, why do Kpop fans complain that they're going to Japan in the first place? It's not like these fans are from Korea. You can still watch them on Youtube while your favorite group is in Japan...just like you did when your favorite group was in Korea.

"Oh no I just started learning Korean." Bullshit. Since the vocabulary of an average Kpop fan doesn't go past "saranghae" I call bullshit on statements like that. "Oh no I have to start learning Japanese." No you won't since you'll just piss and moan about the Chinese characters anyway.

"They won't be as active in Korea anymore." You mean that they actually get to fucking rest. Seriously, how many times do you wanna watch the same fucking performance? On a regular promotion cycle an idol group will promote the song 24 times, and that's just on the big 4 music shows (6 weeks x 4 performances/week.) That's not counting the other shows and other performances. I say that's plenty of performances. So what if they only promote a song less than 5 times in Japan.

"But I want them in Korea." Making no money. I want them in Japan so that they can actually fucking sleep more than three hours and eat some fucking food.

"But I don't like Jpop." And I don't like your constant whining. Give it a shot before you blast it. AKB48 and Arashi =/= Jpop.

Yeah I know Jpop fans complain just as much and never shut up about it, but they can just not pay attention to Kpop groups in Japan and keep on enjoying whoever they like.

So in short: shut up. You weren't learning Korean. You're not in Korea so it's not like a Kpop group going to Japan will affect your ability to watch them. Be happy that they'll actually have a chance of making money.


  1. My only gripe is that groups should be learning the language(which most of them are I guess)...other than that I dont really mind it lol

  2. agree with this article
    btw girl's day mv came out, and i cannot believe you favour them over snsd. smh

  3. wannabe korean lololol

  4. ^opss korean wannabe =p

  5. I personally like when Kpop fans start learning Korean. Mainly because there's one less person bitching about subs not being out for something lol.

  6. It bothers me when these same fans who are all like "fuck japan stay in Korea" brag about how well their idols did on the oricon like a week later (with like no competition btw). Contradiction much?

    I also hate how these fans praise these idols for learning japanese even though their japanese is terrible(shinee's replay and Secret's madonna are cringeworthy).

  7. really? I see more jpop fans bitching about kpop groups debuting in japan

  8. There certainly are more Jpop fans bitching about it. I simply don't care what Jpop fans think since they're not Japanese. I listen to a lot of Jpop too and Korean idol groups entering the Japanese market isn't going to make me like Amuro Namie any less than I do. So I just see Jpop fans just whining over nothing. I mainly see the Kpop fans whining on international forums instead of general Kpop forums such as allkpop and Soompi.

  9. Some fans are complaining,some fans are spazzing about how popular are their (talentless) groups...
    Ugh. Kpop groups going to Japan is one of the most annoying topics nowadays.

  10. i don't care if they go to japan. but come back to korea eventually! look at boa, bitch left for japan and didn't have a comeback in korea for 5 YEARS. then girl went back to japan. lol, i personally don't like the weird transition when groups tweak their sound to make it more appeasing to the japanese market. and once they make it big in japan, korea is on the back-burner. well, at least they get paid a shit load more.

  11. @9:52 shinee's didn't seem that bad to me. I've heard much worse. but secret's was awful they're one of the worst i've heard. and secret's one of my fav groups -.-

  12. no matter how many kpop groups go to japan, two things will never happen:

    1. they will never win artist of the year. exile has a streak going lol

    2. they will never topple the solo acts.

  13. I don't like when they go and do the same songs from last year (or the year before that) in an incredibly shitty Japanese dub. If they do new songs in Japan and the production doesn't suck ass, that's okay, though I still prefer Korean.

  14. the worst is when they say things like "but they're a KOREAN group they should sing in KOREAN"

    you don't even speak korean how does it make a difference to you.

  15. I'm happy when they release new singles for Japan (aka no remakes).
    Too bad these singles always suck ass.

  16. More female idols to japan imo. At least in Japan they can wear all the slutty outfits that they can and get away with it. Im looking at you t-ara and bo peep. Dont disappoint me!

  17. The main reason why these groups go to Japan is due to financial gain. After all, Japan has the second-largest music market after the United States and it's closer to South Korea than the United States.

    However, these groups will never be able to topple the J-pop artists and groups. This is because of the fact that the J-pop fanbase is more international than K-pop, strangely.

  18. @Kweh how soon do you think that will actually change? As far as I know. Kpop seems much more popular with international fans than jpop. I'm basing this only on my international facebook friends, and youtube community though. So, I'm wrong about kpop currently being more popular how am I wrong?

  19. Japanese people pretty much treat all the Kpop groups coming into Japan like zoo animals. They're interesting to look at for about two seconds and then they go back to watching AKB48 and JE boys.

    Minho's "rapping" at the end of the Japanese Replay = SMH. There are no words...

    IDEK why they're trying to debut in Japan when all they're doing is (badly) remaking Korean songs and can barely speak the language.


  20. Things will never really change in favor of K-pop in Japan. Why? Compared to K-pop, J-pop has been gaining more fans especially with Vocaloid, strangely enough.
    I'm basing that through FaceBook, YouTube and forums.

    As for J-pop being more international, I'm talking about how K-pop has fewer fans internationally than J-pop. Add to that how many K-pop fans are found in Asia compared to other parts of the world such as Western Europe.
    Just saying.

    As for my previous post, another reason why J-pop would not be toppled by K-pop is simply due to the J-pop fanbase within Japan and how J-pop is spread.

    Note: These are just observations.

  21. @kommienezuspadt: "IDEK why they're trying to debut in Japan when all they're doing is (badly) remaking Korean songs and can barely speak the language."
    Do you mean like how SNSD tried going Japanese?

  22. What those butthurt fans are basically trying to say is only SM artists are allowed to debut in Japan. After SNSD, Super Junior, and Shinee, now it becomes a problem. Total hypocrisy.

  23. posting here just because I read (see) Arashi :DDD

    Kpop groups would never outshine Jpop artist/groups

    tell me if some Kpop idols have their faces on a commercial plane. LOL. then they'd be relevant to me.

  24. Well, I'm also complaining Kpop groups debut in Japan. But not because the reasons you stated above. It's because it's cringeworthy when they just changed the lyrics into Japanese and barely speak the language.

  25. Yeah yeah annoying fans are annoying but something about your attitude kind of scares me. Are you actually pitying the teenagers who are earning massively inflated amounts of money for what they do as their "job"? Dancing? Singing? Performing? Instead of going to school? Posing for the camera? Worrying about internet blogs? Worrying about their skin, hair, clothes??? REALLY? Do you honestly think sacrificing sleep in order to shake your butt in front of the camera is such a respectable ordeal?

  26. @10:01 dumbass, thats not just Kpop, that's fucking EVERY genre of music.

    The thing that pisses me off the most is when the fucking stupid fans complain that there not promoting in both Japan and Korea, then when they do, they fucking complain about how over worked their fav idol is. =_=

    Since weeaboo is a the name for crazy non-Japanese people that constantly obsess over every thing Japanese. What do you call crazy non-Koreans people that constantly obsess over everything Korean?

  27. Well my fellow anon, we call them "kimchi wannabes".

  28. Although I am a die-hard K-Pop fan, I agree with this article 100% lol :)

  29. LOVE THIS. I hate how people think J-pop = AKB48 and Arashi. There's waaaaay more diversity in j-pop. Preach it babe <3

  30. i never want SNSD to come back to the USA after what they did. UGH they think there better than everyone else i prefer they stay in korea.


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