Tuesday, July 5, 2011

2NE1 without Dara?

Read this hilarious thread on 6theory.

I've been having a good day so far (m-flo's PVs always put me in a good mood) and then I come across this gem on 6theory.

"They NEED her."

"2NE1 has lesser fans (Philippines hello)
no fresh vocalist
no face of the group"

"BUT Dara added her own flavor to 2NE1 too...She can sing too, it's just her voice is softer than the other members."

""Lacking" talent compared to others in YG = still better than half of all other idols."

"Nah, she's definitely a better singer than Sohee and Yoona."

etc. etc.

There's some gems in there. Hilarious.

Just imagine "Clap Your Hands" without Dara.

People would probably listen to it without Dara there.

I'd like 2NE1 without Dara. No "fresh voice." No derp faces. Less crazy fans (95% of crazy BJs are Dara stans.)

Edit: Suckmydee here, since this dude forgets to include interesting videos unlike me (teehee) I shall present you with Dara's audition clip in the Philippines. YO GAIZ SHE'S THE LUNA 2.0 TROLOLOL.

When you're untalented like Dara you have to cry your way out of situations. That's the only way to win people's hearts ya know.


  1. how come everyone hates dara LOL im not a big 2ne1 fan but i think she's okay.. she's the only good looking member in the group while all the others look like men.. after all being in the entertainment sector, you gotta have the looks and decent talent.. especially kpop LOL.

  2. @12:44 only good looking member in 2ne1....thats like being the tallest in a group of midgets. nothing noteworthy.

    and even then, she still doesn't look that great

  3. when i first read the topic, i was like "meh..yeah... whatever." since i cant stand those ubiquitous discussions about useless members and how they should just leave their groups and shit.
    then i saw the pics of 2ne1 w/o dara in the thread and immediately liked the idea! it would really be a interesting combination of those 3. it feels like dara is only some kind of buffer between them who keeps 2ne1 to a average talent-level. i dont say the other 3's talent is beyond awesome, but they are decent. and out there, there is actually no idol-group of which you can say that. always faces. always dancers and rappers who cant sing.

    now i want dara to leave -.-

  4. wow shit i never knew she was suicidal.....COOL

  5. Did she seriously just say that she would jump from a building if she didn't get picked? I can't.. ROTFLMAO!

  6. bitch is so fuckin useless in 2ne1, her voice is dumb and face is derpy and her fans dumbass hyopcrites, my ass sings 10x better

  7. Duh,I can't stand her fans.
    There are other useless idols,but I never see their fans bitching as hard as her fans. -.-

  8. 2ne1 without all 4 of their members...

    that would be the day...

    i can sit down on a hammock and rejoice

  9. where's the elementary school call to cube in regards to the hara junhyung relation, antikpopfangirl?

  10. Funny... I think Dara is the most plain-looking and unattractive of the 2ne1 members.

  11. ^
    Unattractive? Nah.
    No one can beat CL's dog face and Bom's plastic bag face.

  12. I would prefer the world without 2NE1.

  13. Do you think Dara had plastic surgery or did she just lose the baby fat on her face?

  14. Act? Well... She can ........ (*think hard*) talk (*that's the word!*) at the very least.

    Freaking useless and talentless.

  15. Why didn't you include pic of her attention whoring in UNO? BDSN DARA DA BEST ROFL.

  16. Hey, you need at least one decent looking girl in an idol group. They wouldn't be called an idol group if Dara left.

  17. Both dara and thunder is talentless, i guess it's in their blood.

  18. Omg,that video is seriously embarassing and funny at the same time. Someone need to post it in AKP.

  19. i thought her video was funny. she's so emotional! her quirky attitude is fake in the public's eye its very obvious that in reality she is over emotional since this video was taken before 2ne1 so it was just her, being her. i totally believe she would have jumped from a building if she didn't become famous, lol

  20. Dara has one talent for sure, gaining fans.
    Some of the best vocalists in Kpop would be ignored and be without a job and no longer singing, probably selling kimbap on the street, without those members that can catch people's attention.
    So useless, no because those fans buy stuff and make money for the company.
    Artistically? That's another story,

  21. i feel bad for her co'z she's so persistent achieving her dream, she got into 2ne1 and now she receives so much hate like the hate with her is not enough during her philippine career, i guess her fans added some flames in it co'z they brag abt her annoyingly like she's so important that 2ne1 will die w/out her but she's doing good on her part as the image of the group so...

  22. UGH but i really don't like how she said that she wanted to be an actress ONLY because she wanted to have FANS!!! what kind of reason is that? well she got what she's always dreamed of so she should just deal with the fact her fans are a bunch of morons that make her look bad. plus she's pretty old now so i hope she starts aging soon so she ....retires? xD

  23. Dara's as talented as Bom's face is natural. Let's face it people, we could probably find a Dara in any karaoke bar across Korea.

  24. If 2NE1 only had Minzy, CL, and Bom... they would barely be an idol group. No one in the group talks, so their lackluster appearances on tv shows would be even more boring.

    I saw that some people were like, "Bom is the face of 2NE1." LMAO. K. You can't be the "face" of anything if 60% of your face is under scrutiny for plastic surgery.

    Dara does have a purpose, but it's for aesthetic reasons only. And to reel in the fanboys.

  25. what does ~fresh voice~ even mean?

  26. ^
    Dara's voice
    nuff said

  27. @tartar: A Blackjack described it as a "reFRESHing" bridge between the strong vocals of the other three members—otherwise all of 2NE1's songs would be too overpowering.

    I can kiiiiind of understand that to some extent... but she still needs to work on her singing more. :p It doesn't help that she has practically no physical strength. You need a strong diaphragm to project your voice properly.

  28. I agree with anon @ 7:35. Doesn't matter if she has haters as long as she has fans who support her and bringing the agency money. That's what the entertainment sector is. Who cares if you're talentless as long as you're a money maker. So many idols these days are yes, very talented but aren't being recognized for it because they're simply not as "good looking" as the others. Let the truth be told.

  29. Those heartless judges, how dare they mock the almighty. Blasphemy!

  30. She got in because they pitied her?
    What a boss.

  31. i guess Dara cant be Luna 2.0 since Dara has been doing the crying thing even before Luna was training...

    i agree with anon,July5,8:46...she's the reason why the group is famous internationally...without her, no one would even dare to look at Bom and CL...

  32. Of the 95% of apeshit Dara stans, 90% of them are made up of Filipinos. Justsayin'.

  33. To Anon @ 12.36 AM,

    Dara barely played a part in marketing 2NE1 internationally. For one, CL has a better command of English than Sandara, other than the fact that CL also speaks French. I've been to several international Blackjack forums and trust me, no one appreciates whatever "talent" that Dara has.

  34. 2NE1 doesnt need Dara with her 'fresh vocals' and Bom AKA Imma keep pretending that i havnt gotten plastic surgery on my face even tho the lack of facial expressions is a dead giveaway.

    Bom can sing and thats fine but seriously tho i think 2ne1 would be better if it was just Minzy and CL.Watch their "i am the best" perfs they do all the work.

  35. This girl is prettier before than now. But I find this group ridiculous for what they stand for.

  36. 2ne1 without everybody sounds so much better.

  37. Let her just return to the Philippines.

  38. I do listen to 2ne1 but the autotune stuff is making me GRRR!! I always go "WTF?" when she intro herself as Fresh Vocalist of 2NE1. I'm not a hater but yea she's too overrated and AKP is soooooooooooooo 2ne1/dara biased really I'm getting sick of it. then all her fans go comment gazillion times in every freaking article just to top it all the time it's like GET A LIFE!!!

  39. @ 9:09 I feel the same way too! fresh vocalist my ass!! notice everytime 2ne1 has less autotune but slow songs like Lonely and I'm Hurt she's useless in the song really. Her rapping is terrible but compared back then YG did her good and she did improved which is good for her. But she's contagious !!!

  40. 2ne1 is ugly but hey, they can sing excluding dara and her "fresh vocals" LOL

  41. what can I say about SANDARA PARK!?!?! her singing has improved and yes it's better than Goo Hara or Sohee's


    I still can't stand it! she does bring more personality to the group since she's upbeat and dorky at times


    I wonder when she reaches 30+ will she still continue to act like a 12 year old girl and no I'm NOT JEALOUS of her thank you very much!!

  42. I'd like her if she wasn't so goddamn whiny and didn't call attention to how much she sucks by whining about it.

  43. OMG! I thought I was the only one who felt this way! Dara is USELESS! I thought YG was all about talent and not looks, but when Dara joined 2NE1, I knew YG was just full of shit. Dara's voice is unbearable! I actually can stand other shitty idols more.

  44. well her voice is not as whiny as hyuna's rap/singing so...i'll let it pass

  45. yeah she's not talented but she's not useless
    look at all those endorsements!

  46. true said that she's also contributes as so called "the face" or fresh vocals" *coughs* of the group but damn I still can't stand her especially when she sings notice everytime they have nice good slow songs such as I'm hurt and Lonely they give her small singing parts and even change her vocals in it~~ (Y)

  47. fresh VOCALS my ass!!! *farts*

  48. Seriously, dara fans are turning deaf.. -.-.. fresh voice???!!! if she has a fresh voice why would YG cover it with TOO MUCH autotune -_-.
    yeah right, talk to my hand...

  49. Fucking hypocrites Dara is in 2ne1 because she's got that soothing voice making them all come together & yeah she's got a personality which is entertaining and unique which keeps 2ne1 up and coming, YG is not dumb to put just any random girl on the band they are professionals and they know it better than you haha in your face, bitch !

  50. Dara at least looks good, get rid of Bom man, she makes me feel terrible just looking at her AND her vocals are inconsistent.

  51. soothing voice my ass.
    dara sucks at singing. she doesn't deserve to be in 2ne1.

  52. I don't think Dara has soothing vocals.
    Her voice is just common and not even worhty to b heard. It feels like I'm listening to a whiny spoiled brat.. -__-

  53. Are any of you of any importance to even complain? your not YG, you have no say in a matter such as this at all!!! your not in a position to make decisions, so keep quite! Dara has talent, and she is a member of 2NE1. So if you don't want to support them all, leave them alone.

    "Do not do unto others what thou wouldst not they should do unto you." - Confucius


  54. It just pathetic when a group of "people" are formed, to bash individuals. Haven't any on you simple minded "people" hear the saying:

    "If you have nothing nice to say...Don't bother speaking at all!"

    And if none of you realize this...you are seriously sick in the head.

  55. I may not think highly of Dara's vocals... Well I don't but her reason to be in 2NE1 is for her people skills.

    Her voice sucks, but she makes 2NE1 what it is... Quirky. I just hate it when fans HAVE to push their opinions on me when I debunk her voice but praise her for her personality.

  56. i don't find dara pretty nor is she talented.
    her 'people' skills are all trashy -.-
    like ew.

  57. why most i continue you check on you awful people...quit bad mouthing people, its FUCKING PATHETIC!!! get it you ingrates?

  58. wow this blog showed up while i was searching something and seriously you guys are fucking assholes. funny how you bastards follow groups just to bash them, don't you have something more constructive to do with your lives? right now you guys are just being a waste of space on this planet.

  59. Just shut up and enjoy the music peeps!

  60. ^ Hahaha butthurt?

    Dara can't sing
    Bom's Plastic
    CL and Minzy look like guys.


    1. Dara CAN SING!!! It's just her vocals is soft.

      Bom got plastic surgery, but almost every girl in KPop industry did that right?

      CL and Minzy are beautiful in an edgy way. They don't look like guys.

  61. butthurt people LOL
    bashing famous celebrities won't get nowhere!
    YOU ghuyz are nobody so your opinion is irrelevant!!!
    stop living in your computer and do something productive nyahaha
    you ghuyz are so funny!^_^

  62. 2ne1 was formed through singing auditions not how they look. I personally think they are a great group and they have won many prizes for there singing. are you people really going to sit behind a computer screen and bitch about successful celebritys whitch have done nothing to you but produce good music that if you didnt like you dont have to listen to? And to judge someone on a video taken years back before 2ne1 was created, im sure no one would enjoy being judge on a video clip from ages ago. seriously does it make you feel good dissing people through the internet? hiding behind your computer??? come on people!!!!sorry about the bad spelling lol


  64. I'm no crazy fangirl, but you are all so mean. Really, if these people are so "untalented," then tell me why they are so famous. If you think that anyone can do what Dara can do, then show it yourself. After seeing this blog and all these haters, I personally feel sorry for all of you, in addition to 2ne1. I know that everyone has different opinions, but come on! What are you hating on them for? Are you doing this so you can "heal" your insecurities?
    This is the reason why I'm never into this "fan" stuff. Haters just gonna hate, huh.


  66. hahahaha! I think you're just envious about dara's success!!! seeing her on the top??it will really make you jealous guys who are against her!! Me, i really admired her for being ambitious person but still down to earth even though she's already famous and then also for being so patient I hope all of the people are like dara so that there will be no envious persons on earth!!!!! You guys must go to the hospital and let the doctor remove your disease->CRAB MENTALITY<- Go dara!!! fighting!!!

  67. Why do you all bashed Dara? She is talented, and she CAN sing. YG used autotune on her because her feminine voice doesn't really fit the concept of 2ne1. It's really sad, seeing her trying so hard to be in this position, and well, she got a lot of fans, but herhaters....are just bitches. Come on, respect her. She's not useless, if 2ne1 doesn't have Dara in it, there will be less fans, and 2ne1 songs would be having too much power. Her fresh voice is the voice that balanced the power in it.

    For those bitches who bashed Dara, try look at yourself. Are you better than her? Did you sing better than her?

    She's really kind, and I think she doesn't deserve haters like that.

  68. I find it pretty ironic that almost everyone here who is talking trash about Dara is "anonymous" >.< She can sing, and she is very beautiful. Everyone who says rude stuff about her are probably just ignorant, talentless people. To all the Dara haters out there, be brave enough and show your real face rather than bashing on a beautiful lady. It's called jealousy.

  69. I find it pretty ironic that almost everyone here who is talking trash about Dara is "anonymous" >.< She can sing, and she is very beautiful. Everyone who says rude stuff about her are probably just ignorant, talentless people. To all the Dara haters out there, be brave enough and show your real face rather than bashing on a beautiful lady. It's called jealousy.

  70. It's pretty ironic that almost everyone here who is saying rude stuff about Dara is "anonymous" >.< If your so brave show yourself and your "talent". At least she is not afraid to show her true self unlike other K-pop stars who are probably faking their personality. +.+


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