Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sexy girls in kpop: I NEEDZ MOARRR!!

It's like a fierce battle between Uee's empty, cold, android yin and Nana's electric, white-hot, nubile yang. Kahi and Jungah are there to keep you grounded as your reactions swing back and forth between OMG NANA YES! and WTF IS THAT EVEN HUMAN?!


  1. fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap..

    fluro coloured thigh high boots..

    i just fell off..

  2. for some reason i find the other group sexier so

  3. UEE was so expressionless, I couldn't stop myself from laughing. Nana's build is starting to resemble Sooyoung thin, lanky body: uh oh.

  4. They're sexy but the song is the opposite.

  5. Nana's body has always resembled Sooyoung's body.

  6. UEE look like those expresionless sex doll

  7. Jun Ah looks sexy as fuck

  8. Nana and Sooyoung are both skinny and always have been, but even among skinny girls there is a difference in S-lines and Sooyoung lacks while Nana abounds. If I had to compare her body to that of anyone in SNSD it would be Yoona's but even in that match-up Nana's proportions are absolutely perfect for the skinny body type while Yoona comes off a bit lanky.

  9. *google images nubile*

    that's some weird shit

  10. gah the song is horrendous

  11. NANA.....HOT DAMN!!!!

    they should just focus on Nana the entire time....yeah

  12. I'm sorry, but I always find something about Jung Ah's face disturbing.

  13. Seriously what is up with UEE..? She looks... weird.

  14. yeah Uee look different. I think it's the make up.
    Also this blue and red crap reminds me of Morning Musume and their 1000 different sub groups. Kind of annoying.

    But I'd fap to them.

    Also, obvious rip off of I don't Care

  15. i literally laughed whenever they showed Uee.

    the stage is like when a group performs an old song in the wrong outfits. like Secret performing Madonna in Starlight Moonlight costumes, or SNSD doing Oh! in Run Devil Run concept.

    Nana looks aoihdfdfg they've finally given her a style that lets her reach her potential

  16. lmao. Uee has the same expression the entire song.

  17. they have sexy concept, right? well there is no sexy apart from outfits and Kahi with that blondie girl T.T

  18. Kahi's hairstyle looks so painful. I can't..

  19. ^yeah it's hideous. it brings out the manliness in her chin.

    AS Red: "what. u mad? trollface.jpg."
    Me: "FUUUUU!!!!"

    I'm pissed that this was suppose to be the sexy group and we get THIS SHIT. yeah, the dance moves weren't too bad in that black suit thingy. but SERIOUSLY. "look! my hair dye matches my tacky boots and weird neck accessory!". Lol, sorry, they are hot, but they have so much UGLY draped over them.

    ALSO! this song is WEEEEAAAAKKK! i wanted them to be sexy and powerful as fuck! DAMNNN D:<!!

  20. they look like hookers of the future having a identity crisis

  21. UEE is back with her blank face again. When ever Uee tries to act fierce, cool and sexy she ends up being expressionless. She should just be a cutey face like Dara or Nana and just smile for pete's sake!

  22. UEE looks the sexiest to me here, Nana... well her thin body just isn't attractive to me, her face WITH makeup is hot thou I guess.
    Whomever did Kahi's hair should just be shot, she looks old here. Jungah has always looked pretty w/ long hair. My wish is that they have better outfits next time not these hooker clothes.

  23. Wish I knew how to do my makeup like NANA, seriously she looks so different (bad way) without it.
    They look hot but the clothes are horrible, it looks cheap... WTF were their stylists thinking??

  24. I really couldn't imagine After School doing a "fierce, sexy" song ala Magic/Madonna, because that's what I think of when I hear "K-pop" and "fierce/sexy". They've always had easy going songs...

    Also, "fierce/sexy" in K-pop just comes off as pretentious. Please, you're living in South Korea and singing manufactured pop music. Expecting anything legitimately fierce like "Single Ladies" is too much to ask IMO. For the same reason I really dislike 2NE1's "fierce" songs.

    I'm just happy they got a catchy song.

  25. After School should never make sub-units like this. It's so painfully obvious how all of the members are lacking when they're not singing as a group.

    I like AS Red because of Kahi and Nana, but the songs both groups are promoting are terrible.

    AS Red = 2NE1's "I Don't Care"
    AS Blue = Fin.K.L's "Forever Love"

    How lazy.

  26. Thank god Kahi lost that bang today.. hopes her stylist keeps it that way.

  27. I just realized that except for Uee instead of Raina, this is the same group that did "Play Your Love." Too bad they couldn't go with that concept again. I liked the MV.


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