Saturday, July 23, 2011


Fuck. I know "fame comes at a price", but I actually find myself pitying these 'boys' (now questionable, after what they've endured). Seriously. I don't want to be melodramatic, but if I were in their shoes, I'd be on all sorts of medication and struggling to find my sexual identity. How do you convince someone with any sort of self-esteem to dance to this shit? Poor things.

On the other hand, as much as I'd like to slap Lizzy for being annoying, I'd like to fuck her just as hard. I won't lie, she is cute, and after seeing her in a bikini, I've switched sides. Anyways. What happened to the 'talent' E-Young was supposed to have so much of? Yeah. That's what I thought. She's merely average, but fortunately doesn't make the group worse, so I'll give her a pass.

And to anybody protecting 'Wonder Boy', saying that it is in no way similar to Fin.k.l's 'Forever Love': don't be delusional. The style, the concept, the fucking pinky move; it's all there. Luckily, A.S Blue pulls it off quite nicely, and I, for one, enjoy the throwback to (imo) a better time. Shut the fuck up, and be glad that they have a better produced song than A.S. Red.


  1. the group hasn't even debuted yet and there's already fangirls in the comments smh

  2. LOL The girls are so hot that the guys didn't even exist to me when I first watched this, but now that I'm paying attention to them, they look SO pissed.

  3. The girl that starts out facing the opposite way, when she turned around, the first thing that came to my mind was "dog face" and when she started singing I loled. Who is that?

    I like After School... at least I love Kahi and I liked Bekah before she left and Nana is incredibly attractive and I only kind of like a couple of their songs. Does that count as liking them? Whatever. I just hate whatever they're doing with this AS Red and Blue shit. The cutesy act is sooooo forced it's ridiculous and the supposedly sexy side of it just isn't appealing to me, they didn't do anything special with it, it's boring as fuck. This is a group with individually popular members (as opposed to a group that people say "I LOVE THEM ALL" about, you only hear about one or two members at a time) and if they would actually make good music and had decent concepts then they would be really successful.

    Good luck to the boys following in those footsteps.

  4. i don't care if i get hate for this...
    i think E-Young is CUTE as FUCK.
    do i think she's sexy? no. do i think she's adorable? yes. damn, what's happened to me...

    also, it's like pledis got the quality of ONE after school song and split it into 2. that's why both songs fucking suck. why must you bring my hopes up pledis, why?

  5. a couple of the guys are to into the dance more than the girls

  6. here david, just for you: http://www.abload.de/img/wannashakeitjpwo.gif

  7. Ewww why would they let AS Boys do those girl gay ass dance moves with AS Blue?

  8. when I first saw this only lasted for like 30 secs and didn't really take notice of the guys but now that I watch it for them... LMBO!!
    Thought they were just backup dancer but now that I know theyre a new group WOW. They really have to show their faces to the public again?

  9. Han Sung Soo have to realize success is about the songs, not the whatever else.

  10. Poor guys. I would request a mask, gay or not. Reminds me a bit of E.via's Pick Up Chu~ Perf. choreography. But at least the guys had hoodies to help hide their faces?


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