Saturday, July 23, 2011

SNSD performs Mr. Taxi in Korean

Just no...no....no


  1. you take me 짜릿해 hahahaha

  2. The Japanese version is definitely better......

  3. for me, it gets better after a while, but definitely takes a few listens

  4. Obviously the original sounds better than the translated one

  5. i hope this remake doesn't go in their comeback album. seriously.

  6. Sorry, but I find it so gross watching Sooyoung dance, It's like a skeleton with skin.

  7. Delicious skeleton skin.

  8. Sooyoung is soo fap worthy! NOOM

    Also my balls are ready for SUNNY!

  9. 1) The mix is shit. Who produced this? Give him a swift kick to the nuts.
    2) 지금... just no.
    3) I don't care how hard it is to translate and keep the same rhythm, don't stretch syllables to fill out a line! It's even more awkward than the 지금 part. (Then again, "seo-OO-oul" and other awkward shit was in the original as well.)
    4) Sunny's parts are golden and she is hot. Break me off a piece of that! UNF!

  10. ^
    sunny is hot? what crack are you smoking? D:

    decent performance but the translation..no no no~ but at least it's still better than their crappy japanese

  11. Ahjusshi, I think she says "Seoul do (도) (as in also), tokyo, london, new york" doesnt she?

    but yeah, whoever produced this crap needs a ball kick. i dont know what the fuck they were smoking with this :/ better not go on the new album sounding like this.

  12. @anon July 23, 2011 7:14 AM
    agree with you . crappy song is still always be crappy song

    really dissapoint me they just releasing translated songs after translated songs
    theyre really new SM cash cows . what a shitty music industry

  13. @12:09 ahem

    Plus you can tell she's more in touch with her sexuality than the others (except maybe Taeyeon) A girl who knows how to own it also knows how to work it. You'll understand when you're older.

    I like it when she's in touch with herself:

    @1:15 I said "in the original"

  14. whooaaa i c butt

  15. Sunny is hot now? Is this some sort of time paradox?

  16. ^ she has the best tits and body in SNSD. Else could be said about her face, however.

  17. Having the nicest body in snsd is like being the smartest in a special Ed class

  18. It sounds horrible in both languages.

  19. she's too short... but yeah. I think she knows she doesn't have the greatest face, so she tries to make up for it by acting over-sexy whenever she possibly can. not that I mind

  20. I seriously don't know what people are smoking when they say "SNSD is too thin"...I mean have you people ever seen Asian girls in real life? Very few of them are anywhere near as voluptuous as chicks of other ethnicities. I take it as a given that an Asian chick will be pretty thin without much TNA. SNSD are pretty well endowed when you look at the average, which is like an A in the US.

    Trust me, I live in Orange County. If you see an Asian chick walking around with more than a B, consider yourself lucky.

  21. ^ "too thin" = anorexically thin.

    I live in America, too. And I rarely come across an Asian girl that looks like she'd fly away if a gust of wind were to pick up. Korean girls in Korea are also hardly ever that skinny.

    There's a difference between being naturally thin (e.g. Dara & Sooyoung a la "Genie" days) and being too thin for your body type. Like how Yuri is now.

  22. ^ That's true. I like thin if it is their body type, like Nana or the shorter version Hara. However, if you're a Hyosung then be a Hyosung. I'd never call her chubby, but would I say Hyunyoung was chubby before? A bit. She is not anorexic but rather athletic looking now, like Bora. There is a big difference. Similarly, I'm a slim guy, so I'm not gonna worry about bulking out to Kim Jong Kook levels. I wouldn't be that big even if I could do 100 handstand pushups.

  23. Give me more Sunny please!

    I've been begging for more Sunny ever since i started liking Kpop.

  24. Is there any language that this song will be good in?
    Perhaps they can try Hebrew?
    Something's gotta work...

  25. look at this http://style.ssf.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/sunnystyle2.jpg

  26. ^
    the girl on the right killed my boner.

  27. ............
    Japanese version definitely better.

  28. I'm gonna be so fucking pissed if this is their new comeback concept. They already fucked up Super Junior (that's saying a lot from me since SuJu is my boy band bias. Lol rhyme) so I wouldn't be surprised if they fucked up SNSD too.

  29. What was that at the beginning? Really, Fany? What the hell?


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