Friday, July 1, 2011

SNSD's Echo MV (wtf Sica)

Taeyeon, yum. Fany, fuuuuuuuuck. Sica-

What the fuck is this fake aegyo doing on Sica's face, this glossy-eyed shit is incredibly awkward + disgusting. It's approximately 16 times worse than Sunny's aegyo (found using the fractal theory) and it gives me second-hand embarrassment throughout, ruining the whole fucking music video. Which is unfortunate, considering the rest of the girls actually look fucking good, including Hyoyeon.

Sica: I love you. Now stop whatever the fuck you're doing and get back to being the apathetic bitch-queen you once were.
Sunny: Don't show your forehead. Ever.


  1. Hey don't blame Sunny! It's not her fault her manager threw away the paper bags I sent! :(

  2. yeah, I liked her chirpy crap for all of one second, then it felt strange.

    I wish she would just sit her ass back on the sexy bitch throne already

  3. fuck yeah fany. fuck yeah taeng.

  4. this video is so fucking awkward when you dont focus on the person singing. when sica is singing all the girls in the back are like "what the fuck are we supposed to do?" and they start fucking bouncing around or someshit, LOL!

  5. ewww not eye candy

  6. i was watching this and one min in i realized i was zoning out

  7. Hyoyeon actually really looks good here. :)

  8. DAYUMMM Hyoyeon cleaned up. And don't hate on Jessica's aegyo <3

  9. When Jessica smiles, her lips disappear.

    The only girls in SNSD worth considering are Tiffany (because she's hot), and Taeyeon and Seohyun (because they can sing).

    Everyone else is just a backup dancer/singer.

  10. There is fake aegyo written on every one of their faces. Enough to close the tab down.

  11. Taeyeon and Yuri made this MV fucking GOLD.

    This was filmed over a year ago, so I'm not sure why you wrote "Now stop whatever the fuck you're doing and get back to being the apathetic bitch-queen you once were"...

    They look so awkward lol. I don't give a fuck though, I'm still buying the DVD!

  12. i don't see anything bad with Sunny's forehead. Her hair looks good as well.

  13. i hate most of their concepts since they bore me to tears.

    however i can't hate these girls~ <3

    but yeah, another video i wont be seeing again.

  14. 9:53 - I actually didn't know that, but either way, she's been a changed woman for a while now.

  15. the label is the winner!

  16. omfg lol at the label

    @anon 4:33
    Thats why I hate watching MVs, they ruin a good song, yes I think Echo is a good song, one of their best non-titled song, call me crazy or deaf :P

    Jesse aegyo is weird, and amusing at the same time, probably because most soshi fans only sees her as the person that carries the bitch attitude. I do miss the old Jess.

  17. the MV is kinda good as long as you'll play it while on mute..

  18. with none of them wear heels, it seems like sooyoung is 20 cm taller than the girl next to her

  19. if anybody is interested, here is the Making of "echo"


  20. First I was bored,..then I RAGED! (after reading rabid kpop fan comments on youtube that is)

  21. holy sh*t yuri is cute..

  22. I didn't think this was so bad. They looked pretty damn cute there. And also, I'd hit.

  23. David, tell me the truth? Are you a transvesite? It's so gay to be hating on a girl seriously, especially a hot one. #likeaboss


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