Saturday, September 24, 2011

BEG's Sixth Sense MV

You fuckers happy now that I took away time from looking at Han Ye Seul to review this piece of crap?

First of all, LMAO @ this MV. My sides are still hurting.

Okay, I get some sort of Liar Game vibe for some reason. Probably because of that masked person they keep on showing. Then there's an army (of Everlastings I assume [probably all of the Everlastings]). Actually, this shit reminds me of North Korea.

Okay, now for the reasons I found this MV hilarious.

All of them have terrible makeup. I'm thinking their stylists were like "Even though BEG are the ahjummas of Kpop let's make them look five years older!" The others ones were probably thinking it was a good idea too.

I'm confident Ga-in was in the middle of taking the biggest shit of her life during her solo scenes. You wanna know why she was saying "bitch"? The turd was tearing her asshole apart. She probably broke Randy Marsh's world record.

Narsha....with clothes from Bedrock you're only going to turn on Fred Flintstone looking like that. I just laughed whenever you tried to be sexy.

Jea...she looked like a 40-year-old tranny here.

Miryo looked like one of those butch lesbians here.

As for the song itself, it's good, but the meows were fucking stupid. I'm just surprised they released the album this year.


  1. Even though I'm pretty sure she didn't open her eyes at all during the video (or ever really), Ga In is still really hot! Unf.

  2. typical fanboy that hates everything attempting to be a bit artistic

  3. The MR removed live perf gave me the goosebumps.

  4. These old ladies put KARA to shame lol

  5. I love the song, MV, and their first comeback performance today.

  6. I agree with the thing about the narsha oufit, i mean what the hell was that?

  7. I'm not a fan of the song but the MV was really nice except they made my fav member Miryo look weird and Narsha looked like Nachu is her solo scenes-if u don't know who dat is here's a pic http://www.intlwota.com/chuodori/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/maji12.jpg

  8. LOL @ biggest shit part!

    They're good singers, it's really too bad they can't get songs that match their talent. The song sounds like it's a style from the 70's. But the concept of the video doesn't really match the feel of the song....

  9. I think you meant to say Miryo was looking like herself then lol.

  10. Oh my god, now I can never look at Ga-in's solo scenes the same way ever again.

  11. Well they look almost as old and plastic in the STEP mv.

  12. Epic and flawless comeback IMO.

  13. Narsha looks like Snookie in the MV.

    oh, I just repeated the same joke again.

  14. "typical fanboy that hates everything attempting to be a bit artistic"
    Exactly. Idiot. I bet you're still fapping to this video.

  15. I love the album, the song, the MV and the group. Period.

  16. Fuck you man I loved this MV

  17. I don't know, Narsha's pre-historic outfit is definitely doing it for me.

    I may not be Fred Flinstone but...
    *puts on glasses*
    ...I'd definitely make her bed rock.


  18. "typical fanboy that hates everything attempting to be a bit artistic"
    Exactly. Idiot. I bet you're still fapping to this video.

    lol. easy there bigboy, don't hurt yourself. fapping too much could be bad for your health. LMAO

  19. lol at this tryhrd blog

  20. Oh no, I had a differing opinion!!!!!! I went against everyone and said that this wasn't the best song ever! Sorryyyyyyyyy! Sorryyyyyy that my main beef is with their makeup and not the MV and the song!!!! Sorryyyyy people don't read closely!!!!!! Sorryyyyyyyy!!!!!!

    Good God. Not everyone is going to have the same opinion as you. It's a good song but the meows had no place in the song. I couldn't really pay attention to the MV because of the terrible makeup.

    And what's the point of bringing up Kara? They weren't mentioned anywhere in the article. Typical fangirls.

  21. How transphobic and homophobic of you to say.

  22. @akfg

    Someone posted the live performance on it...the GAIN/Narsha long scream in it was the shittest thing ever. It was horrible shit.


    See 3:02 holy hell my ears!

  23. Hm well the song didnt really do it for me.. I guess my expectations were too high. But i love jea's high notes.

    I really like the mv, but i dont get the plot, did they just dance to those army dudes to make them switch sides?! Fuu-

    I thought their make up was ok.

  24. I couldn't enjoy it due to Ga-In's face, the fact that Narsha looked like Nachu, and the overall scary feminist feel to it. I've gotten used to Jea's unfortunate face and Miryo's butchness over time. This...is too much. Please stick to singing, not making a statement....That's Gaga's schtick~

  25. This does remind me of Liar Game. Especially the very beginning, the music sounds almost exactly like the Liar Game soundtrack.

  26. AKF, well that was a little rabid fanboy-ie wasn't it? lol (You're usually a lot more subdued all the extra y's and !'s through me off. XD)

    I think the KARA comment was legitimate because they are promoting now too and are sucking ass live.... regardless of how good or bad the song is at least BEG is bringing on stage (which is more then can be said for most artists in kpop and deserves some praise imo).

  27. I'd rather have a group with good vocals trying to make a 'statement' than the typical meaningless bubblegum shit. The Narsha sex kitten theme was bit overdone but it's intentional, they're trying to be ironic, she's supposed to be an over-exxageration of the sexualized woman stereotype she 'breaks out of' later. I don't know. That's just my take on it.

  28. @ 12:03
    so it was intentional for her to look like NACHU? cos that wasn't sexy, it was NACHU....

  29. How the fuck people find Ga In sexy is beyond me. After seeing her without make up, nothing she puts on her face can ever make me see her as remotely pretty anymore. I hate when she smiles, her upper lip just disappears into thin air and it creeps me out to see her teeth sticking out.

    The MV was alright to me. Narsha is gorgeous, but wtf... nappy hair and almost-gone brows plus big forehead just ruined her in here. Jea was ok, but she never stood out in terms of looks anyways. Miryo looks the worst here, especially in her close ups. Something about the pasty skin and her bugging eyes against the horrible eyeliner was just way off. Nice song and vocals though, at least most of them can get away with being ugly for their voices.

  30. yes, I know many people will heap praise upon them for their alleged talents. But from the perspective of a superficial and shallow male, just throw in a hot chick and I will give this mv a thumb up. And by saying "hot chick" I am not in any ways insinuating that those four zombie like ladies in the mv have anything to do with it.

    And I wanna blackout GaIn's face for wearing that constipated expression throughout the mv.

  31. Miryo as a butch lesbian...NOOO!!!!
    My chances with her are ruin if that is true!!!

    Is this a NK protest song or something, seems like it.

  32. I actually like this MV.
    I think they have finally pulled of miryos lesbian roots.
    Narsha looks like a slut, but not an easy slut, this slut is expensive, and you need to take her out and show her a good time, then your lucky if she just gives you a handjob.
    I have stopped being suprised about Gains heavy smokey eye makeup, its a trademark now, and really, her eyes without it are disgusting.
    And I think Jae is pretty, in a cougar sense.

  33. Didn't like the MV cause of their make-up and Ga In looking uncomfortable? Really? Pretty sure they were supposed to look kinda messed up in the first place, and Ga In was getting Chinese water torture, but if you want to overlook that so you could write a terrible review about this MV, then go for it. Understand if you didn't like the dumbass meows, though.

    And I hope people aren't taking this review seriously. I mean come on, AKP fanboy'd about freaking Step from Kara. That shit was boring. Seen more interesting crap in my glass of water.

  34. Flawless comeback from 4 flawless women and fuck you guys and your Miryo lesbo jokes!She is not butch she is fucking sexy!!! I liked this MV I didnt think the song hit hard enough especially for the theme of the MV but it was still cool.

    I must say Jea was kinda awkward to me,her acting needs some work.her face looked weird,but i still loved it.

  35. Also, people should not get hurt if the Review offends them, Most of the writers i think are male, and their bias are hot chicks :/, And comparing their hot chick bias to B.E.G who aren't trying to be pretty is a recipe for failure.

  36. BEG is by far the best girl group in KPOP. I will take their version of fierce over 2NE1 or 4Minute's any day of the week.

    A little shocked at 3:37 onward. I don't expect to hear notes like this in KPOP because majority of these idols couldn't carry a note if someone handed it to them in a bucket.

  37. The mv, the song, the voice, the concept...Everything is perfect. The lives are really good too.

    Dont know wtf did you want but this shit is flawless, do fap to your "hot" chicks again and listen to that bo beep crap and let us enjoy this

  38. FUCK KARA! They are going to pack their bags for Japan next week so who cares about them?

    BEG will show SNSD how its done. They'll be taking the biggest shits of their lives and once SNSD's back they won't be able to move a muscle. They will be forced to release their repackaged album straight away because they got heated up by BEG's return. Mwahahaha

  39. Didn't like the MV at all.
    I've always tried so hard to love BEG because the IDEA of a girl group that can actually sing sounds so amazing to me, but fuck dude I haven't really heard even one song by them that didn't bore me to pieces.
    The only part of this song that I actually thought was engaging was Miryo's rap [other than that it was basically a bunch of women screaming. You can sing, I get it. Now reel it in and make something worth listening to.], and that's probably because I've always adored Miryo.

  40. Well well... I did like the song and the MV. The biggest shit part wasn't that funny tbh

  41. So many butthurt BEG fans up in this bitch. To be fair.. Narsha and Miryo should stop showing their legs, they are about as attractive as Sooyoung's.

    Who was the genius that decided it would be a good idea to put random meows in the song? It was just annoying and did not fit in anywhere in the theme or melody. Fuck that shit.

  42. Im glad that beg finally released something. The song is good and i thought everyone looked good. They should have given Miryo long hair, cuz she looks good like that. Overall it was ok but maybe next time they can come out with something like sign but sexier.

  43. Oh My God, that Shitting comment, HOLY CRAP MADE ME GAG SO HARD, SO SO HARD.

  44. I think you don't understand the symbolism that pervades this entire video. It's about women's resistance to men, specifically female celebrities towards media companies. Ga-in tied up with a man's jacket over her represents her being controlled by men, the flashlights around Narsha at 2:23 symbolizes the public/companies watching her every move, and Jea tied to the branches represents her being sacrificed for the sake of entertaining the public.
    The branches also resemble the crown of thorns Jesus wore when crucified for the sake of mankind.
    Miryo is chained to 2 lions that represent men's authority, and her standing in front of the mikes represents being forced to say things she doesn't mean. Narsha is scantily clad to represent the hyper-sexualization of women by the media. It's also a play on the term "sex kitten" - Narsha is literally going insane like an animal/wildcat because of the total control she's under, represented by the box she's in.
    Narsha is also the one who actually embodies the term "sixth sense"; an animalistic instinct you need to delve into the profound meaning of this song. In the end of the video, they all rebel against men's authority/the media.
    It's superficial to dismiss something as "fucked up" just because you don't understand it. Everything in this music video has A LOT of significant meaning.

  45. Dumb review. Dumb opinions with no good back-up reasons. Overall you're wasting your time.

  46. people, no reason to waste breathe on useless reviews. obviously this person meant to stir up arguments. not worth it. Support BEG. These girls got talents half of the kpop world lacks.


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