Saturday, September 24, 2011

I just can't take Qri seriously.

I tried. Really.

When I first got into T-ara, all I could recognize was Eunjung, Jiyeon (cyclops eyes are a dead giveaway), and occasionally Boram (height) . As for the other three, I told myself: It's only a matter of time. And so it was. In time, I came to know Soyeon for her poker face on variety shows; Hyomin through Invincible Youth, ect. But if you asked me to point out Qri, I would resort to looking for the girl I couldn't recognize; there was simply nothing about her that stood out. I had to cheat. I had to find a way to be positive it was her. I.... I used her mole.

I don't want to be an asshole (too late?) and say that her mole is her most impressive feature, but.... well she's a pretty girl to be sure, with lots of great physical traits, but.... fuck. The fact is, everything about her is vastly overshadowed by her strategically placed mole (at least Jiyeon's mole is difficult to spot {didn't stop her from getting caught though}; imagine if Qri had stripped on webcam). I've found it to be a pillar, a paragon of consistency, and let's be honest: It's always around to ruin a perfectly good shot of Qri.

And that is the reason I cannot take Qri seriously.


  1. Where is her mole ? Is it the thing on her nose ?

  2. Up to now I still wonder how the hell did those Jiyeon-webcam-stripping rumors die.

  3. sorry, i have to say this~~~ boring post... *yawn* i blame the subject :)

  4. @3:13, I believe is was because she was a minor... Regardless of whether or not it was her (IT WAS!) she was still a kid and no one but a pedobear really wants to say 'Oh, I watched it a 1000 times is def her. I've studied it extensively.' Child porn is illegal lol The law for the most part tries to protect children no matter how stupid/whoreish their actions are... So the story was rightfully buried (the only problem I see is that Jiyeons career wasn't buried with it and she was allow to continue on and plague T-ara). Also, KKS is a PR genius. As much as I hate him (for adding Hwaderp and for this rotating leader ish) I have to give him credit for sweeping that scandel away and somehow making Jiyeon a star despite the fact that she's bitchy immature fugly and only mildly talented.

  5. Ugh. I tired of everyone talking about Jiyeon! Good or bad I'm sick of it! lol

    Can we stick to trashing people that actually matter please? Like Yoona that ugly bitch fucking sucks! Hahahahahahaha! XD

  6. @3:42 I'd take a mildly talented Jiyeon over talentless bitch Yoona any day.

    We need another Yoona article around here.

  7. Ryu Hwayoung is the fug of the group. She's so damn useless it's ridiculous.

    Also YOONA is an overrated skeletal asbergers bitch that only girls jizz over. Fuck her. I swear chicks think she's god tier hot when I can go outside on the street right now and find a hotter bish on the street. Fuck I went to the bowling alley the other day and there were hot ass teenagers who were shaking their fucking asses at me....I really tried not looking, I really did. Girls don't do that to a man, it's like holding a pizza in his face, please don't I can't concentrate. Oh so fuck YOONA, bitch looks like she never brushes her teeth, wipes her cornhole, and she can't sing either. ekkk fug fug fug.


  9. Oh GOD! Qri..... Strip cam.... I just came.

  10. overrated useless ullzang bitch

  11. Good. I thought I was the only one distracted by the beauty mark on her nose. At least no one could ever confuse her with anyone else.

  12. Holy moley moley mole guacamole.....

  13. Soyeon, poker face? Hahah. I know her for her souless eyes and emotionlessnees :)

    Sometimes I feel like she's sucking out my soul when I look into her eyes... its like she's trying to steal my youth XD

  14. "overrated useless ullzang bitch"
    @10:07 AM

    Who are you talking about? Because I know like 14 idols that can fit this description.

  15. I know exactly what you're talking about. Qri was always the one who wasn't the other 5 (now 6) for me.

    I mean I recognize her now, but I've always thought that she was like one of those monsters from that one show (can't remember) that you forget the moment you look away from them.

  16. well, a chimpanzee is fugly, a baboon is fugly, a member of 2ne1 is fugly, but in no way that Jiyeon and Yoona is fugly. You may find them unattractive or grossly overrated in the sense that they are being regarded as some sort of demi goddess in Korea, but calling them "fugly" is just trolling at its lowest..............

  17. ^ Jiyeon and Yoona are some of the fugliest bitches in kpop. Chimpanzees and baboons are goddesses compared to them. God, what is wrong with you?

  18. Yoona is half tard....my ass hairs are cuter. Not trolling she looks anemic with a hint of the downs.

  19. oh well, each to their own. But I'd still pick Jiyeon and Yoona over apes, or anyone's ass hair for that matter because I am not into bestiality and hair fetish. But I will probably pick a dog or a cat over the likes of G.Na and Park Bom because I am not lunatic enough to touch a zombie

  20. Haha so interesting, I never noticed that mole until you pointed it out. I always assumed there was a defective pixel on my monitor.

  21. I have one of those near to my lips, cindy crawford style, but way smaller than hers (it's cute :3). Now I feel bad for myself haha I hate you davidfresh! I can't be a ulzzang bitch altough I'm not asian and don't give a fuck about that :/

  22. I love qri because she is like the outcast of t-ara...nobody can pick her out in the group. She can do her own thing and nobody would care. I love her mole though....then again, she is number 3 in my favorite kpop girls LOL

  23. after her "I like you" I liked her, her saying she is "cutie pretty" is just selfish-adorable

  24. yah maybe she needs a mole removal surgery. shes fuckin rich already with t-ara so money shouldn't be a problem. my two cents.

    btw: Qri is seriously hot, way hotter than Yoona, in my own honest opinion.

    to Sones: if you ever try to defend Yoona, then you're just fuckin out of your minds. i'm A SONE TOO but i just think that Qri is 1000000000x hotter than Yoona. Everyone has their own taste in women.

  25. If Qri were a prostitute, i'd buy her again and again until i'm broke.

  26. ^ well that's assuming that i have like $999999999999999999 quintillion dollars in the bank. :D

  27. "Everyone has their own taste in women."

    Well you're fuckin out of your mind too then for that matter. You're defending Qri as much as those stupid Yoona stans are defending her, and then you choose to put a comment in the end that makes you sound like an unbiased smart ass. Hypocrite.

  28. That doesn't make me a hypocrite asshole. Go suck jo kwon's dick. Oh, wait, jo kwon's a transbigendersexual who has no dick. Well then, just stay in school dear and study very well.

  29. And go to your mommy and obey your parents. Live your own life for pete's sake.

  30. Lol@ jealous bitches and gay guys dissing Yoona here. Truth is you'll never get as much guys as she can irl.

    Back on topic. Qri looks like a lifeless doll. Its creepy, not hot at all. She doesn't even have a purpose in the group. At least Yoona is the face and she has a lot of fans. What does Qri have? lol

  31. @6:37 I think she was offered the surgery to remove the mole by her company when she joined but she refused.

    She's pretty but her circle lenses are so creepy.

  32. @12:05 Qri made a bad decision there.... tsk.tsk.tsk....... T____________________T


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