Sunday, December 18, 2011

[AKF Comic] Kpop Fangirls Learning Korean

Time for another chapter everyone. The pics are after the jump. The translation will be posted under each picture.


In order, the Korean words are oppa, I (na), I (je), and saranghae...which I'm sure everyone knows what that means.

The fangirl says "I love you oppa" but with incorrect grammar. She just said the words in the same order as you would in English. The random Korean dude: Aish! This fat girl can't speak Korean correctly.

Fangirl just says "Oppa Saranghae!" Random Korean dude: If I hear 'I love oppa' again, I'm gonna kill you.

Now I have no problem with people learning Korean, but learning a couple words and saying "oppa saranghae" doesn't count as knowing Korean.


  1. i pretend not to be korean at school because of the white girls that do this. OH YOUR KOREAN? ANNYUNG HAESAYEO OPPAR

  2. ahahaha its more funny becuz shes fat

  3. i think this is the most accurate drawing of a kpop fangirl that ive seen in months...

    and Lol @ 5:04

  4. I love how 90% of kpop fangirls can't spell or pronounce annyeonghaseyo properly.

    And how they add 'Korean' to their facebook languages.

  5. Lol I agree with 8.23. I added someone on Facebook who actually had a totally normal name... till she changed it to 사 랑 해 요 . As she put the 해 요 as her first name it became 해요 사 랑. -_-



  7. LMAO fatty fat fat girl

  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Look on interpals.net

    You'll find many fangirls like this. They're scary.

  9. Why is the guy bald in one of the pictures? :3

  10. his toupee fell while he was reaching for his gun

  11. Wow you really have mad skills in MS Paint!!

    Good job!

  12. the fat one looks like anti kpop fangirl's real identity xD

  13. is that her saggy boobs or arm in the second picture?

  14. This is why Korean fans hate international fans. Haha

  15. I fucking hate it when fangirls drop korean words in english sentences. Like "Look at Oppa being all aegyo, daebak". I fucking hate it when they say daebak. NO, IT IS NOT DAEBAK. This shit doesn't even make sense. Stop killing two languages in one ago, use one or the other. Unless, you're bilingual fuck like me but you only use that shit with family. This reminds me of when weaboo's used to go around saying kawaii all the time. JUST STFU.

  16. @Anon 8:57 It's supposed to be her arms.

    @Anon 3:26 You know what's even worse? Koreaboos describing Korean idols as kawaii.

  17. I used to have a friend who was a HUGE stupid korean fangirl who would say daebak, oppa saranghae and the rest of the shit.
    But then she started learning korean, and now she can converse in korean, read korean and most of all, Watch dramas without subtitles =_= BITCH, im fukn tired of reading subtitles

  18. @antikpop-fangirl
    now thats what you call a desperate fan girl

  19. Korean is not a sexy language. The idols and actresses who speak it are the sexy ones.

    The retarded monkey-fucking fangirls that drop it like they pop their prolapsed vaginas are not sexy either.

  20. @ AntiKpop-fangirl
    I know, I've come across those retards as well. That is three languages they are fucking with now. Stop embarrassing yourselves and learn that, that shit is not cute and does not make you look intelligent in the least bit. Why don't you learn the language like normal people instead of overusing phrases you don't have proper comprehension of. I will respect them more, if they are these types of fangirls.

    Tumblr has the WORST example of what we're talking about.

  21. Hear hear. Pisses me off to no end.

  22. That, and the OTP lesbian pairings.

  23. I actually love the language, but I wouldn't say it's sexy. It sounds like you are eating something good when you speak it. I love a fun language like that.

    I swear I would never be one of those people who only knows three Korean words. I am not :D

  24. Hahaha love this. I have a friend on fb that uses random korean words in her statuses...it's really annoying. I'm not korean but because of these types of things I NEVER tell anyone that I like korean music because they might think I'm a crazy fangirl like this *shivers*


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