Sunday, December 18, 2011

SMENT gives us 2nd hand embarrasSMENT.

By releasing 7 versions of The Boys for SNSD's US maxi single.

Out of ALL the choices they could have possibly had for a maxi single, they just had to choose the shittiest one possible.

If releasing 7 fucking versions of a shitty song isn't trolling, I have no idea as to what trolling is.

Then again, knowing their target audience which is made up of dumb Sones, they'll buy the shit up anyway.



....& the one everyone was anticipating the most, yes I'm talking about the one with Snoop Dawggy Dawggg featuring.

Lord have mercy.

Go ahead Sones, DL it 10 times, one for your mother, father, dog, neighbour, grandma, cousin, nephew, newspaper agent, guy at the pub and your best friend, you gotta catch em all bitches!

& SM is making SNSD do what JYP did with WG, release 1000000000000000 x versions of Nobody.

Hopefully, they don't make them promote The Boys for a century like they made Nobody do.


  1. Hey, enough with the video essays mon. Put the fucking links in the text or something. The site takes forfuckingever to load otherwise.

  2. I listen to want breeeests

  3. So unnecessary......

  4. ^Agreed and I still can't understand understand half of these fucking bitches in SNSD tbh. Can't really understand Yoobin and Sohee but at least there's only 5 wondergirls...

  5. Btw, they can't actually expect anyone to take them seriously with a lame name like GIRL'S GENERATION... I feel embarrassed for them.

  6. Oh. my god. This is..... wth... the original version wasn't even that good to begin with .. LOL

  7. this song has disappointed many fans, by far is one of the worst, however the SM wants to make all the fans and not fans enjoy the music... by osmosis.

  8. i wouldnt mind sexing up yuri 7 times on bed while playing them :I

  9. What the Fuck is this? I bet insane fan boys are listening to this while Flaping themselves. Tiffany is totally moaning. Wait, I forget they always moans in all of their songs. Who is stupid enough to download this song for 10 millions of time.

  10. If youre going to release something in the US... you could AT LEAST TRY!
    I already knew that they were going to fail...
    But now they are going to fail... AND look like a total joke.
    2nd hand embarassment. T.T

  11. laughing at all the fail

  12. sm must have bought some of these mixes from random youtube users

  13. Gah, I hope they FLOP in the US!

    I can't think of anything that would make me happier~!

  14. @12:56 LOL that's hilarious! And knowing SMENT, they probably did.

  15. Oh my fucking god. This is going to be the end of SNSD.


  17. What the hell is this? The Boys has been ruined for me. Goodbye 'best girl group of Korea', you won't be missed.

  18. wtf did i just listen to?

  19. Dattttt acapella, better than a sex hotline.

  20. At least Nobody was a good song, the boys is plain shit.

  21. The a capella was so hilariously sexy. Oh Tiffany!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. ps

    this is the worst piece of crap i have ever heard

  24. They already have a strong fanbase there in the US. Well I mean half of Soshified lol. People would eventually notice them since SMTOWN New York. But my my, must SMent be fucking cheap at this again -_- they should've just released an EP. That would've been fine than 7 versions of The Boys.

  25. The snoop dogg one is awful.

    the shittiest song ever.
    grrr my blood suddenly boiled when i heard the first song for 5 secs and my honest advise is lets burn all these shittiest songs. so shit!!!

  27. the shitones are going to eat all of these up and will go to every news site & forums to tell everyone how well this maxi single sells. They'll try to prove you wrong that this is not a shitty song.

  28. 7 ways to shit on their fans

  29. @1:06 What the fuck is a strong fanbase in the US? 600 fans? Do you know what percentage of the American population that is? There are more that 312 million people living in the USA alone. Please wake the fuck up.

    SM Town New York was a shiteous shit storm and people from other countries had to fly in to watch it. And not all of them were Sones.

  30. ....wow....how do you remix a shitty song?
    it's still shitty..

    and snoop, you lost your street cred.

    1. agreed if old snoop came back he would bust a cap in his present self and tell snsd to get on their knees

  31. ^ like you have street to begin with?

  32. It being a shit song is entirely besides the point. One of your other authors pointed out in an earlier article that it is about the fap now. Pretty true

  33. Loling at SM Ent and embarasSMENT, that's all

  34. @8:50 the new video better have them in latex or leather

  35. Because we really needed 7 versions of this song.

    SM's extreme cheapness should be commended.

  36. I swear I saw a sone say "I bought it and it's totally worth it! I won't listen to it because it sucks anyway but buy it! Let's support snsd! SMLOVE xxx"

  37. They need to stop using black people.... when it come to music... they don't think us Black people are good looking but they like to copy our music and like to do music with them. but they don't think we are fine as hell.... that's what i hate about most KPOP shit. I am black and i am beautiful more beautiful then some of this hoes.

  38. The, "Bring Dem Boys" one was good. If I were a person who didn't know SNSD, though. I'd think the artist was Suzi ft. some girls. Her voice is so loud compared to the actual original vocals. LOL.

  39. Whatever. SHINee unnies still shit on SNSD.

  40. Maxi single reminds me of a type of sanitary pad.


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