Monday, December 19, 2011

I'll just leave this here.

I was doing a bit of research for an article on a short history of K-Pop boybands...when I found this. Most of it's old and backdated to when Jay Park left them, which was apparently not such a big deal for his ex-bandmates.

I feel like I just found K-Pop gold. 


  1. so, 2pm are just regular douche bags which fame has gotten to their head....cool

    I laugh when the fan girls are idolizing their boy groups that they are sweet and innocent. Bitch, they are men. We get egotistical, irritant, and crave for women when we have leverage ie : fame, and money.

    Sure there are the sweet ones, but the majority are douche bags, welcome to the real world.

  2. Now I'm no big fan of male idols, but the day I trust the words of a fangirl is the day I get a sex change operation, especially stalker fans. I'll reserve judgement for when and if I ever meet and talk to them.

    However, I would guess they are just normal fucking people who happen to live a stressful life of fame. I'm sure they have bad days and good days.

  3. "Taecyeon talked to Jay in a condescending manner because he was a 'Yankee'"

    Lol wut. Didn't this guy grow up in Massachusetts? The only Yankee'er state would be Massachusetts in a parallel universe.

  4. When I first saw a similar post, I was shocked too, but now, I know that some of it is probably true and some are not. They are written by sasaeng fans, who are stalkers and pretty much not very mentally stable. Who knows how they interpret things, and what they see? And yeah, I am totally not naive to think that these guys (or any other popular idol) are perfectly innocent. They are human, young, attractive, and rich (to some degree). Who isn't going to let it get to their heads and what not? But whatev. 95% of them will be jobless in the next 15 years and will be scamming people, LOL.

  5. what a lame post! you seriously believe this shit?



  7. I don't really get the point of this article....How exactly is this making fun of fangirls?

  8. In Korea, Taecyeon and Junsu have bad reps for being self-righteous assholes but that's all I know so tbh, I wasn't surprised by any of this shit. But lol at nothing negative being mentioned about Khun.

  9. wtf is this bullshit

  10. >trusts online accounts


  11. Why is the link in pink???

  12. ohhhhh I read this a while ago. Good for lulz.

    I'm a superficial bitch; I don't give half a fuck what my oppar is really like as long as he looks as good as he does and is cute and funny on variety shows. Fuck everyone who kids themselves into thinking that mainstream pop in any country is quality music.

  13. I don't believe these accounts but in general it's pretty obvious that JYP managed to assemble some of Korea's most douche-baggy and self-righteous assholes AND the egotistical personalities of Taecyeon and Jaebom(when he was in the group). I don't even think Khun is THAT nice of a guy. I mean, I have seem WILD bunny and other 2PM shows and he definitely has attitude and definitely is a bit bossy and is a bit smug. He is very careful about his image which only makes me more suspicious of his true personality, especially since 2PM members seem to treat the whole "angel Khun" as a big inside joke. Just watch them on a show with a girl group that isn't SNSD, they act like ass-holes, probably because those groups weren't popular enough for them. Whatever, 2PM are good at pretending to really care about their fans, when it's pretty obvious they don't really care about them all that much. Sadly though, there are worse groups (Suju, Beast, Big Bang)

  14. Eh, can't say I'm particularly surprised. Just because they're famous, doesn't mean they're saints or something. Shit, I get bitchy too when people I don't know try to talk to me. It also probably gets really frustrating to have to deal with annoying fans all the time.

  15. i remember when i first saw this too, i didn't really know much about 2pm when i read it but now i'm still scared of them

    @7:57 AM i'm all for being superficial too, but there's a limit. just because chris brown is hot doesn't mean it's okay to abuse rihanna (that was hypothetical, chris brown is not hot). being accepting of everything is type A delusion.
    you can enjoy pop music and still use your mind; it's ridiculous to say "well it's pop so it doesn't matter" pop music is pop culture, it effects masses of people, if they see it's okay to act like a douche for one person then everyone will start acting like douches all over.
    tl;dr sorry

  16. @9:56 AM scared of them? LOL you must 12 and be extremely gullible. And also what was written about 2pm doesn't even begin to compare with CB beating the shit out of Rihanna.

    But about what was written about 2pm. I doubt they are nice to everyone and don't sleep with girls. But who cares? i'd say 80% of males in the world have slept with girls, talked shit about someone, and has been rude because they didn't want to be bothered. No one is perfect.

    Either way until they rape, seriously physically assault or INTENTIONALLY murder someone I have to agree with @7:57AM on being a superficial bitch

  17. 2PM are famous in Korea for bein assholes so nothing new here.

  18. I'm probably going to sound like an asshole but if I was famous and had people waiting outside my house I'd treat them like shit too. I don't give a shit how crazy they are or how much of a fan they are. If someone was waiting outside my house, I'd fucking call the cops and swear at them until they leave. You are fucked in the head if you wait outside someone's house. We call that stalking if it happened to a normal person, I still call it stalking if it was done to a famous person.

  19. is there anything like this for super junior

  20. @12:27 PM, SO FUCKING TRUE. God, I hate those crazy ass fans who give fandoms a bad rep.

  21. "Either way until they rape, seriously physically assault or INTENTIONALLY murder"

    am i the only one who thinks that's ridiculous and delusional lmao

  22. This is why I only judge idols by looks and talent. You never know what they're like off camera.

  23. i'm being objective, not a 2PM fan :P ..but this is old stuff, it's been revealed that these are made up by some antifans =/

  24. ^ that's what she said. No, seriously.

  25. Without Jay 2PM is complete shit.

    Rappers = none.
    Singers = Junsu. But he's fugly as hell.
    Dancers = no one worth mentioning.

    To be fair, I don't think I've ever seen Taecyeon hang out with other male idols outside of JYP. I've only ever heard of him hanging with female idols, especially recently. Horse-sica.

  26. So they're douchebags. I'm not surprised. Where there's smoke there's fire I say. Most of the idols are not as innocent as they appear to be, and are most likely bitches and assholes in real life *Kanye shrug*.

  27. Can't believe most people here believe this shit lulz. Stupidity at its best.

  28. Read that ages ago, had a lot of fun while reading it too..

  29. Don't care, 2PM are still good. Their private life is none of my concern

  30. @9:56

    I'm not saying its okay to hit people etc. That's wrong regardless of who you are; but the "accusations" here are pretty normal; a lot of people smoke and drink and fuck. The fact that 2PM is rich and famous only makes shit like that more accessible to them. My point was that idgaf if my bias drinks and smokes and shit [although I would be a bit surprised, because my bias is Eunhyuk and he seems to have such a thing against drinking and stuff], it just means that they have a private life.

  31. 2pm lost whatever credibility they had as idols with their last album.


    Oh, and Jun.k's shitty solo project. That was an amusing attempt at swagger jacking TOP, though. Very amusing.

  32. Being an asshole makes you human. I think that's enough Internet for one day.

  33. Eh, not buying into this, i've been around long enough to know that fangirls will spout any ammount of shit when they don't get the response they want.
    Not to say that 2pm are angels (or that they aren't douchebags for that matter), but they spent a LOT of time training, and the way they present themselves to the public took a big chunk of that "fanservice 101" course, i doubt they'd display that kind of behaviour in any public setting.

  34. i thought the person who wrote that signed "Sincerely, Jaybum fan" ?

  35. what I learned from reading this article is that sometimes people can get upset when things don't go their way.

    They're human too ffs

  36. Fangirls are crazy bitches... And people that believe what fangirls writes are just as crazy.

  37. ^ This man speaks truth.

  38. Hmmm...there's no way you can tell it's true or not. though i always thought 2pm is kinda douchebags tbh.
    whatever~ it was fun to read

    someone need to do one on the girl groups too. Come on~ bunch of chicks living together? am i suppose to believe they're all bff and soshibond and shit?

  39. I don't see why this is unbelievable to be honest. I mean, khun is a complete foreigner(Thai+Chinese), I'm not surprised if he acts differently from the other members.

    LOL at those "MY OPPAS ARE HUMAN THEY ARE NOT PERFECT". I'm human too. I guess it's okay for me to bully those around me and sleep around then. I can call my friends names and mock them and get off with it, since I'm human too, right?

    After reading this, I'm facinated by Taec. Isn't he bff with Onew from shinee? Come to think of it I have never hear them hanging out, even though they act like they are very close onstage.

    btw it says Oneday, other than kwon and khun, are all double faced. Does that mean Seulong, Jinwoon and Changmin are also jerks irl?

    We all know that many many hottests turned their backs against 2PM when Jay left 2PM. The fans could release these out of anger, but they could also make these up. I guess we'll never know.

  40. I remember reading this back when and not being surprised in the least. They all seem like major arrogant douches save Nichkhun who seems pretty genuine (if you ever watch EatYourKimchi he's interviewed on there and he actually seemed heaps cool.)

    Since I was born, I have never liked a celebrity if I thought they were arrogant/douchey in some way. I liked them in 10/10 because they were being themselves; young, horny males who like to show off.

    I'm sounding anti now. I hate being labelled within the kpop world, so i'll go.

  41. You guys need to grow some penises and see for yourselves. It's quite good and I recommend it to everyone.

  42. wow if this IS real i gotta say i'm disjointed though its nice to see Nickhun wasn't included in the list

  43. ahhh, its always nice to know that people have time to make up things. fangirls are just crazy, and even if 2pm is like that, this isnt as bad as the shit American stars are capable of. stop spewing and complaining, those who made them famous are responsible for eating their shit too. 1. if they stopped stalking them maybe they wouldn't get dissed and shit, 2. they say they find girls and sleep with them blah blah, if it was willing them im pretty sure those girls know what they were getting in too, 3. if they won't give them autographs for not pretty,what's the big deal, its your fault for thinking they are so hot, lastly they are human just like everybody else, they are allowed to be douche bags just like the girls who wrote these things, you who made this post, and those of us who commented on it.


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