Tuesday, December 20, 2011

SNSD's Japanese is ass

“I couldn’t even understand a word you were saying.”

Neither could SNSD. They still have a fucking Korean-Japanese translator after promoting in Japan for 15 months.

"Some Japanese netizens have offered their advice to SNSD saying, “You guys should study up on Japanese more.”"

This pains me to say it, but I actually agree with the Japanese. If a group is to go to Japan and promote, learn the fucking language. The Japanese want artists/groups to sing songs in Japanese. They don't want Korean idol groups who don't bother learning Japanese half-assing shit and singing unintelligible songs. There is a reason why Kara is on a lot of Japanese variety shows and why SNSD is hardly on any: Kara actually learned Japanese and can speak it. Just because SNSD is top shit in Korea doesn't mean that they don't have to learn Japanese.


  1. Lol, bandwagon.
    So edgy for hating on SNSD.

    Keep it up AKF.

  2. How do you expect a group to learn Japanese so quickly when they move around the world sfm? Maybe if they were nugus who had nothing better to do, they would be better.

  3. SM should just let them live full time in Japan like KARA.

  4. @4:38 then SNSD shouldn't be bothered to promote in japan in the first place -_-

  5. @Anon 4:34 It's bandwagon to expect SNSD to actually speak coherent Japanese? I had to look at the lyrics because 7/9 members are ass.

    @Anon 4:38 SNSD was in Japan for most of the summer. Japanese and Korean are similar languages. With all the time they spent in Japan this year, it's not unreasonable to expect them to at least be able to converse and speak Japanese somewhat well.

    I could always bring up the example of Kim Tae Hee. She spent several months learning Japanese before filming her drama over there.

  6. Give them time okay, believe in the power of 9 lawl.

  7. ^Why shouldn't they promote there anyway? Lady Gaga went on a japanese show and she's selling millions

  8. Aren't they learning English now or w/e?

  9. Nice common retorts. Whatever excuses you make doesnt nullify the fact that their Japanese is limited.

  10. AKF you keep this up and I will develop a crush on you.

    Anyway, if they wanted to promote in the US the member who don't speak english would be required to learn english. Because most of the target population isn't going to give two shits if they can't understand them. The Koreaboo's are a minority anyway.

    Take this SAME logic to Japan. They're not gonna care. They just won't. If they don't have time, they can MAKE time. This is just a half-assed attempt to break into another country and expecting the hallyu wave to do all the work. And at the anon who was talking about bandwagon. There are reasons a bandwagon is in motion and there are also valid reasons to jumping on said bandwagon. If it's edgy to hate on something that sucks ass, then so be it.

  11. @4:47 I don't follow lady gaga, but i'm gonna assume that the only reason that she's selling millions is because the japanese already KNOW her and love her so she doesn't need to learn. SNSD is trying to gain fans and be known while lady gaga is already a world wide superstar. Lady gaga doesn't need to promote in japan if she has millions of fans in hundreds of countries.

  12. lol at all the people excusing SNSD saying that they have "stuff to do" everyone has stuff to do, but I'm not about to go to a country and try and get recognition as a local artist and have limited knowledge of the local language. It's embarrassing, honestly, that only Sooyoung can pretend to carry a Japanese conversation. The rest of them just sit and stand in the background with the same derp face wondering wtf is going on.

    Lady Gaga can sing in English because she doesn't intend to "promote" in japan as a jpop artist. She is there only momentarily to promote her English songs on an English album, completely different from SNSD singing in Japanese and promoting a Japanese album. The Japanese seem to agree with the comedian so sones and SNSD need to get off the high horse and instead of buying 9 Tiffany's bracelets for Christmas get them some damn Japanese language books.

    Honestly, their first album only sold so well because they used their arena tour to promote it. Same thing that happened with suju. The two days they had their concert just so happened to be the two days their sales spiked.

  13. Lol at you guys saying they need to learn Japanese to promote there. I don't see Avril Lavigne learning fluent Japanese, or Lady Gaga... or Justin Bieber.

    1. Avril Lavigne, Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber dont need to speak fluent Japanese because they dont release Japanese songs.

  14. Agreed. If you're going to come into a foreign market, expecting to drain their money and be treated the same as the other established artists there, you should should dedicate yourself to the venture.

    Look at Kara, Rainbow, and BoA in Japan. Or Wonder Girls and Shakira in the US. Anything less is disrespectful. SNSD's globe hopping and half-assed promotions just looks greedy.

    It was weird when they used Korean words in Mr. Taxi, since Korean is not a common language in Japan. Japan has treated them very well, but it seems like SNSD has just given up on making any more effort on their language skills.

  15. @Anon 6:44 Are you seriously trying to compare worldwide stars who are doing a world/Asian tour promoting their English songs to a Korean idol group trying to break the Japanese with Japanese music?

  16. @6:44

    Western Artists do not need to prove themselves as the Japanese market welcomes them with open arms. Unlike Korean Idols who need to prove themselves worthy of there approval. Also, apart of Japanese pop culture is to imitate Western Pop Culture. Thus listening to Lady Gaga, wearing western Clothing brands etc. because they think it makes them look cool.

    But anyway, KARA was practicing Japanese for fucking ages. There first Show Case was in Early 2010 and most of them could speak Japanese pretty well. Nicole needed a translator though. Nearly 2 years later, they are the biggest girl group Kpop Idols in Japan.
    The only way for KPOP idols and artists to succeed in Japan is to assimilate as quick as you can.
    BoA started learning Japanese at 12? IMHO, i think TVXQ rode on BoA's Coattails.

    Anyway, SNSD is in the profesional business of entertainment, something people tend to forget very easily. They are expected to learn Japanese or at least perform it. For them not to is an insult to fans, the show and frankly unprofessional.

    If a chef serves you shit food and he says, sorry i had other things to do besides learn how to cook this dish well, Id throw it at his fucking face and storm out of that shit hole.

  17. rofl this is the actual mc video:


    What the fuck else is there to do on an airplane besides sit on your ass and drink vodka? Might as well break out the Elementary Japanese textbook sitting in Seohyun's backpack and learn that shit. That aside, SNSD has spent a considerable amount of time in Japan. They should at least be able to speak what little Japanese they know perfectly.

  19. If any of you are seriously trying to defend this bullshit,then this is exactly why this blog will never run out of material.Just admit that your power of 9 girls need to instead use some of that power to pick up a damn Japanese for Dummies book.Geez
    But if someone came from a country other than Korea and did this exact same thing,you fools would be the same ones on AllKPop making multiple comments saying that they need to go back home and learn the language.

  20. just saw this on soompi and saw some comments like "the editor of this article must to a SNSD antifan".....
    well whoever tries to defend SNSD is a delusional fan
    SNSD claimed that they DEBUTED in Japan and if they debuted in Japan they should learn how to speak the language properly if not fluently then at least an interpreter is not required
    and its not just SNSD that needs to fix this problem but all these idols rushing into Japan for a bigger market and Super Junior M in China

  21. @7:16 OMAHGAWD I really wanna know what the the top rated japanese comments are!! and were the other japanese artists laughing at snsd?

  22. Simple, learn the language/culture or get the f*** out.

    Seriously - you can't expect to not receive s*** from people if it seems like you're continuously making half-assed attempts but expect people to love/buy your s*** anyway. The Japanese market is saturated now with KPOP groups debuting left, right and center - with little to no understanding of Japanese.

    A large part of the blame goes to the Korean entertainment agencies - making their artists look like money-hungry fools who couldn't care less about the market that they're trying to make their mark in.

  23. I don't think kpop people should be in Japan at all. Don't you guys feel bad for the jpop/jrock people? Kpop people are stealing the spotlight from all those people, as well as the money.

    I think they only people that deserve to be there are people who actually speak the language, like BoA and TVXQ.

  24. No, I'm fine with Kpop artists going to Japan, but not in this way. Before 2010, it used to be the top groups who went or the groups who were nobodies in Korea who went to Japan as a last ditch effort. Now all the groups are going to Japan, half-assing everything. There are some groups where only one member can put a sentence together in Japanese (SNSD's Sooyoung, T-ara's Soyeon) and other groups where none of the members know any Japanese.

    Japanese artists and groups aren't losing out. The market is huge and their loyal fans will still buy their music.

  25. As a Japanese person, this was complete and utter shit. Really hard to understand...I don't speak japanese fluently but this was bad.

  26. if they are supposed to be representative of Korea then it looks like Korea could give two shits about Japan

    i'd feel the exact same way as those Japanese netizens but sones hate all forms of valid criticism

  27. Tim Tebow is praying for SNSD guys. http://i.imgur.com/xbxrT.jpg

  28. Fuck tim tebow, his god was on vacation when he lost LOL

    ALso, even Girls Day is speaking japanese for their japanese promotion.

    There is a reason SNSD will never trump kara in japan, and thats because kara connects with the japanese more.

  29. fuck them haters...yuri fighting!

  30. I dont get how they can sing in english so well but suck balls at Japanese when they've been learning it longer? hmm...

  31. @11:49 what is yuri fighting? the ability to speak japanese properly?

  32. ^ This comment made my day. Have an upvote, good sir.

  33. If a Japanese artist tried to debut in S. Korea and stayed there for a year without bothering to learn Korean or making an effort, netizens and k-pop fan girls alike would be up in arms about how they are being disrespectful and call them out for the same shit SNSD are doing.

  34. SNSD members are either too lazy or stupid to learn conversational Japanese. Them and their dumbass lyricist.

  35. I can understand if they can't speak japanese, but if they muck up singing the song then I can't defend them for that, as artist/singers, that's the least you can do (especially while trying to make a quick buck).

  36. SMent are selling them out hardcore, i mean the 17-version-of-the-same-song thing proved that more than anything.
    Also i doubt that there's much to be made out of the song anyway, half of it is in english, half in japanese, and the initial lyrics were either made in korean or english so at least one half of it is translated anyway (and thus chopped up to fit the tune). So even if their japanese here was flawless i doubt there'd be much to make out of it anyway lol

  37. And SMs getting ready to do the same shit to f(x), my poor babies.

  38. yuray yuray, kick the rest of the members out and we have the perfect snsd

  39. ^No, you just have Yuri.

  40. we need to keep the group name for her :[

  41. The only ones who actually go to Japan and aree famous are DNA TVXQ BoA and Kara that's it Snsd sucks there soo overrated that its annoying (power or nine my ass -_____-)

  42. i hate how SM half ass SNSD Japanese promotion (and even Korean/US). Love the girls but translating ur songs back and forth to milk all the possible money is just lame, esp when u cant even do it properly.

    And yes, please let them learn Japanese properly. They're not promoting in Japan like US artists but actually trying to sing songs in Japanese language, and it's not like they've only debuted in Japan yesterday. I hate the "They're busy and exhausted" excuse that SONES throw out everytime. They want SNSD to be the no.1 girlgroup everywhere but if people ask SNSD to improve their Japanese -> "nooo my girls are busy"

    if SM gives them a new project -> "God pleaseeee SM, u money hungry bastard. we just want the girls to rest"

    They basically dont want these girls to do anything and just live on the fame since Gee or sth. Sometimes I don't blame SM for half-assing their promotions and being so cheap with the MVs. it's because SONES will eat up all the shit SNSD releases. Why bother investing in a creative/expensive MV when u can just have them dancing in a box and still make the same amount of money?

  43. Does it matter if they can't speak Japanese? The only time they should have their lovely lips open is when a cock or two is stuffed between them.

    I'm quite sure that's what the higher ups at SM subscribe to, anyway. Doesn't matter, had sex anyway. Isn't that what it's all about?

  44. Duhhhhh... what a stupido article.. when beast were promoting in malaysia,they didnt even learn to speak malaysian language.. Do u think idols have a loootttt of time to di this n that??? They dont even have enuff sleep.. to all idols.. just ignore these type of people.. get sufficient rest coz its important to ur health....

  45. Learning and speaking a new language is not easy for a lot of people, and it can be embarrassing if you screw up.

    People have lived in English speaking countries like the US for decades and STILL can't speak it properly (let alone a lot of the "native" population) so the presence of a translator is no biggie. Better to get a professional so you don't misinterpret anything, in Japanese the context of a sentence is extremely important, not just the words.

    The worse thing is though that none of their personalities stand out in Japan, unlike in Korea. Sooyoung is hella funny usually (even in English) but they're all so dry and reserved in interviews in Japan. It could be culture thing, but if they really practiced Japanese and managed to speak it as well as Kara, they would be so much more popular, Kara doesn't have half the personality that SNSD does. I would criticize SNSD for the other members being too shy to speak up, because I know they have no problem with it based on their Korean TV work.

    Anyway, The Boys doesn't even make sense in English, AND the lyrics were written by Teddy Riley so asking it to make sense in Japanese is a tall order. Hell, the subbed version doesn't even make sense, it's just not a very lyrical song.

  46. @12:50

    You can't even communicate in proper English. I hope you're getting enough rest because it's important for your health.

  47. "Just because SNSD is top shit in Korea doesn't mean that they don't have to learn Japanese." this omg.


  48. the whole "OMFG MY ANGELS DOESN'T HAVE TIME TO LEARN JAPANESE! THEY'RE SO BUSY BEING HALLYU SUPAH STARS!! RACIST!!!" attitude some fans are having is dumb.
    you can at least learn proper japanese from your song especially since they been promoting there for like a freaking year.

    though either way The boys is shit in korean, english, and japanese...so it's not really helping their japanese either :P

  49. sometimes i wonder....what did those idols train during the past 5-6 years prior to debut. Some can't sing, some can't write their rhymes, their dances are choreo and practiced b4 promotions so it doesn't count...can't be 5-6 years of fixing someone's look either....sucking dicks for 5-6 years will also get you out of favor...every CEO needs a big change sometimes

  50. @12:25AM I hope to god that you aren't Malaysian... memalukan orang Malaysia betul >_< Gi balik kampung lah wei!

    FYI they weren't promoting in Malaysia, they PERFORMED in Malaysia, and in just like one or two concerts per visit. That's it. It's different compared to the other idols in Japan since they're on variety and talk shows and the like. No idol has actively promoted in South East Asia or any other country except China.

    Unless you want to consider U-Kiss' activities in Malaysia as 'promoting', since they were on that radio show by 8tv.. (Hot fm?) where they were promoting in Mandarin and Cantonese (which afaik, is also the 'Malaysian language', because no one in Malaysia speaks Malaysian, they speak Malay).

  51. I don't think the author of this article actually understood the context behind that guy's statement.

    Yes, because the guy that also insulted BoA and TVXQ suddenly became serious when he referred to SoShi. Because known comedians, when they talk to SoShi, they're suddenly serious. Let's go with that, because it's the only thing that'll fit in with your delusions.

    Let's be honest here, their Japanese does need improvement, but to take the words of a very known comedian and twist it to serve your own agenda... fucking worse than fanboys.

    I swear, you people take news from AKP and run with it without even looking at the goddamn context. What the fuck happened to this blog?

  52. ^
    are you being serious or are you just another sone? this blog always made fun of people.

    and you can't twist what Downtown said, it was plain and clear they said they can't understand SNSD japanese. and maybe they said it seriously because they can't believe a group that's going to be on Kouhaku could have such bad japanese. most people agreed to what they said. truth a bitch, deal with it

  53. Plain and clear? Yes, because you're extremely fluent in Japanese. In fact, you're more fluent than actual Japanese people. We bow down to your fluency in the language.

    Nope, nope. His statement was again taken out of context, because you honestly can't take a comedian's jab seriously, if he's done it several fucking times before to Korean groups.

    I swear, people like you grasp on to anything to justify your own reality.

  54. ^
    Lol loser sone can't face reality. japanese netizens themselves have said that snsd should improve their japanese. and are you fluent in japanese as well?

  55. <10 Japanese netizens = aggregate opinion. Got it. I'll refer to your infinite wisdom whenever I need help with my statistics homework from now on. Thank you very much, you have shown me the light.

  56. Just proves how Sones would even eat their shit.
    They're so fucking defensive, if they can't sing in Japanese for shit, stop sounding so fucklng arrogant by saying they "need to do stuff" what about all the other groups, like TVXQ or KARA, they spent their time there, learnt the language, did you really expect everyone to keep kissing their asses, a big fuck you to that logic.

  57. @9:53 and where the fuck did you get those number of netizens from? you didn't answer my question. do you know japanese too? you probably don't know shit about japanese. face it, their japanese sucks balls and anyone can tell. haven't you ever heard "to every joke lies a bit of the truth?" get the fuck out of here if you can't even take AKF's jokes.

  58. @9:53 the point I'm trying to make with the japanese netizens is that there are actual native speaking japanese people that complained about their Japanese since you said "Yes, because you're extremely fluent in Japanese. In fact, you're more fluent than actual Japanese people."
    Face it, no one here gives a shit whether you think their japanese is fine or not. You can't even reply with a proper comeback.

  59. They don't suit Japan's style, anyway. Best to try US and make a bit of a fanclub there. I'm sure there is a place...



  61. even with shitty Japanese they sold almost a million from Japan sales only. Japan clearly love them, so haters can shut the fuck up.

    1. LOL yeah Korean sones making a bulk order of their Japanese albums! I saw some of the sones do that

  62. Fucking soshiboos, is this the millions you soshis chain bought even though you speak no japanese or even korean for that matter? And I'm japanese and even my little sister didn't think they were speaking japanese, maybe now they'll stop half assing everything and maybe you'll stop with your shitty attempts at a rebuttal. But its s.m. And snsd fanatics, maybe the sun is blue.

  63. I can't speak Japanese, I don't have that type of commitment to learn something, but seriously? Even I can tell that it is off. I love Girls' Generation, I do, but sometimes they just flat out suck. Harsh, but true.

  64. I have to compare their Japanese with Kara's
    It sounds so awkward plus their pronunciation sucks.

  65. Just have sex with lots of people. It always helps.

  66. So much stands on here, so little knifes

  67. SNSD got what they deserved for once.
    Good job to that comedian for being honest and to the rational Japanese netizens.
    If a group is going to promomte in Japan singing Japapnese songs - their japanese needs to be accurate.
    And no, I don't find the comedian rude at all in comparison to the things that SNSD has done before in public to other entertainers.
    Didn't Tiffany actually tell another Korean entertainer on camera that his english was off and went on to correcting him? This is called Karma~
    So it's not an issue of "Japanese are rude" but "Japanese are honest" in this case lol!
    Them butt-hurt sones are just being them crazy sones.

    BTW, best K girl group in Japan? KARA!!! KARA's japanese is so fluent that the girls can even joke with the MCs on shows :)

  68. The Japanese do not take any of these K-pop groups seriously, anyway. You have to earn the respect and go from gimmicky idol group to artist. It took me a good 5-6 years to learn to respect Tohoshinki, and the same for BoA. Now, I can enjoy both of their music, and respect their talent.

  69. fany was a rude ass bitch back then. It's her who fished out the antis.


  71. Well at least sooyoung speaks decent japanese <3


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