Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Looks like we've finally found a new Chris Brown in Kpop y'all.

It's none other than a poor man's Taylor Lautner aka Teen Top's CAP.

The MC of the show 'Wide Open Studio' asked the Teen Top members about what kind of parents they'd like to be and the ever so charismatic CAP opens his big ass cock sucking mouth and blabs the following : 

The other trannies in the group feign shock (they're used to him shoving his dick up their asses in the dorm anyway I guess, loljke)  and ask 'WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?', to which the little bottom bitch responds...

Yeah broskies, hide yo daughters, EVERY ONE WANTS TO RAPE HURRRRRRR!

Niel aka blowfish asks :

To which Chunji adds

& then our ever so charismatic CAP replies like a true blue wife beater :

loljke, he didn't mention mudabitch.

Way to make yourself look good CAP!

The subbers of Teen Top made the video private in order to protect oppar because you know the golden rule.....

& it seems to have upset a lot of Angels (their fanclub's name is so....l o l) 


Bitch, sit down and let him Chris Brown you with a fry pan.


  1. Dude on the bottom right looks like YG.

    1. oh shit. when did this new reply button come out. fucking replying to every comment i see hur.

  2. OMFG whoever wrote that comment is seriously...PATHETIC i can't stand it when fans are unable to drop down to earth and instead force themselves to remain delusional about their idols

    1. oh shit. when did this new reply button come out. fucking replying to every comment i see hur.

  3. I knew you guys would write an article about this lololol

    1. oh shit. when did this new reply button come out. fucking replying to every comment i see hur.

  4. He reminds me of this special needs kid I used to teach. Kid had Down's; nothing very severe. Could still get a point across even if it mean using the weirdest vocabulary - 'Want eat shit, yes' - not to mention that he had some serious hand-eye coordination skills and could dance like a mofo.

    It just so happens that one day during recess I hear a scream from the playground. I rush towards the door -

    1. oh shit. when did this new reply button come out. fucking replying to every comment i see hur.

  5. I used to think Teen Top was okay. Until I saw Chunji. There's always that one fag in the group that thinks looking like a girl makes you a hot guy. Last time I checked that makes you a h0m0. I mean look at that picture up there. He's like the Kevin (UKISS) of Teen Top. And then I realized how bad everyone sang except for Blow Up Doll. And then I realized that their name is Teen Top. What the fuck kind of name is that?

    Don't even get me started on UKISS. Follow me @Dontgetmestarted.

    1. oh shit. when did this new reply button come out. fucking replying to every comment i see hur.

  6. C.A.P. really does look like taylor lautner lmao. But anyways, I already knew he was really dumb... he seems a bit "off" tbh. But this comment is not okay. You'd think being a closet case (because seriously this guy is so obviously gay) you'd know to be a bit nicer toward your children... smh.

    1. oh shit. when did this new reply button come out. fucking replying to every comment i see hur.

    2. You mean gay people are generally nicer to kids? American Beauty taught me differently. And Hitler.

    3. loooool no! My uncle's gay and he hates kids. I should have worded better, I meant that being someone who would probably also be facing harsh discrimination and unjust mistreatment wouldn't want to be doing the same thing, especially in regards to their own children. Thanks for pointing it out though, I completely didn't look over my comment before submitting it.

  7. Someone needs to leave a tip on allkpop about this. More people need to know about how much of a douche C.A.P. is.

    1. oh shit. when did this new reply button come out. fucking replying to every comment i see hur.

    2. Why, so there will be more delusional comments and a funny fanwar to enjoy? Well... guess that's not too bad lol.

  8. You guys should see how much of a mess Teen Top's fandom is right now. Some people say that what C.A.P. meant was that he would spank his daughter and apparently that's the "norm" in Asia. Lol at the bull people come up with to save their "oppar".

    1. oh shit. when did this new reply button come out. fucking replying to every comment i see hur.

  9. Don't get me started on dontgetmestarted.

    1. oh shit. when did this new reply button come out. fucking replying to every comment i see hur.

  10. I think the new comment thing arose after the sexual appeal of t-ara conversation thing, so now it can all be in one thing, but anyway, Whata cunt

  11. I think he just said that to evade rabid fangirls from hoping they could marry their oppar....

    And yeah it's sort of a thing for parents to hit their kids when they misbehave, but that doesn't mean we condone domestic abuse.

  12. To Angels' retrieval of honour I have to say that I read a lot more comments from them that sounded really pissed about what CAP said and demanded an apology.
    As well as pissed Angels bitching against the few "oppa didnt mean it"-Angels to show them how the pecking order works. Was funny though.

  13. a serious comment here.

    Angels are being delusional. even if you use the "spanking excuse" what about the boy? so it's ok to "spank" your daughter but not the boy?
    this is not about violence, this is about the sexism in Korea and that's just bullshit.

  14. he's going on my list.

  15. dang, i used to think CAP was cool too :(

  16. drop the reply button. we can't @637 no moar >.<

  17. i think he needs psychological treatment. really soon.


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