Wednesday, January 11, 2012

[MV Review] Wonder Girls - The DJ is Mine


The only way this is good for the Wonder Girls is that the American girls are fatasses compared to them. Worst of all, this sounds like it could have been Nu Shoes, one of the best songs on their Korean album.


  1. Stop! should have been their first track.

  2. Oh god, the scrim diffuser! its horrible! like a really tacky aerobic video from the 80s. and the costumes! dont make me start on the costumes!
    the song is by far the most generic shit jyp has ever produced. i cant watch the whole thing. i just cant, sorry if you had to.

    but then again: Why jyp, why!? im really dissapointed.

    and why again let they sing sohee so fucking much...?

    1. still better than The Boys though.. is this a re-debut to the american scene because if it is then I think they hit it because this is the type of shit drunk people will love in clubs..

  3. lol at the jyp logo in the corner... smh.

    The song is shit, the clothes and cheap ass mv is worse. But the sad thing is the other girls sing better lol but they're fug so it's whatever.

    The only good thing about this song/mv was Yenny's voice and Yubin being her bamf sexy self.

  4. At least Sunye and Yubin look hot! Also I like Yenny too. However, the song is not that great--just kind of boring and yes Neu Shoes was a lot better than this song.

    Also seems like this is a song that will be in their Nickeolodeon movie.

  5. nooo... its the fucking dj-dancemove from hands up all over again!!!!

  6. I love that they were upstaged by the American chicks lol they sing and rap better Oh the prode I feel! XD

    Man this was so horrible

  7. all of them fap worthy thats all i care about. yoobin sounded like a black girl in her rap

  8. This is just... no.

  9. Relax people, this is just an OST track for a TV Movie... those types of songs are never meant to go far. In some special cases they do, but if not, it won't be a drama.

    The tunes are wasted by horrid lyrics, but that's the price you pay when you go on such Teen Channels for promotion ¬¬

  10. It wasn't that bad, just VERY VERY generic.

    The video was really dark and Sohees English is still heavily accented.

  11. And ppl think kpop can actually make it in the us. You saw what the reactions would be like to their target audience in kid react to kpop. Americans like style and individuality. This mindset and music brings absolutely none. Asians can take over the us industry my ass.

    1. Lol seriously leave america to the asian americans, its going to be awhile but we're starting to get more publicity in the media. the asian americans dont even like fobs coming to the us with bad accents so why should the rest the other races would. i seriously dont get wondergirls they have absolutely no talent watsoever. good american scenes are underground and the ppl who follow it have seen a lot of good stuff music/dance so shitty pop music like this wont even interest them. boy/girl groups are over in america too, so when putting fob asians in a boy/girl group and making them sing its just so fail. Its embarrassing.

    2. ''Americans like style and individuality.''


  12. Replies
    1. Except for the black chick's rap. No.

    2. OMG, there's an actual black chick rapping, I thought you were just trolling Yubin.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. The Wonder Girls proved that you don't need plastic surgery or good looks to make it big in Kpop. Unfortunately, that means they're still ugly as fuck - especially Sohee - and no amount of fame, money or blowjobs can override that simple fact of life.

    Good try though, girls.

    1. i'd let sohee blowjob me. Just pretend she's yubin.

  14. The worst part of this song is the singing

  15. need yoobin gifs now. also, good job on adding the reply function

  16. It has been brought to my attention that they stole the shittiest move from The Boys routine:

    1. fuck "the boys" WG made the move look better than so nyuh shit dae

    2. lol, it is almost better, WG made a shitty move better, but its still a shitty move.

  17. Why oh why did they use autotune...you can clearly hear it when sohee sings. It smooths her voice out to almost artificially sounding like 2ne1......I Mean, sohee does struggle sometimes singing and this is just evidence.

    English songs compared.....Nu Shoes is way better, "The Boys" english version sucks to Nu Shoes, Chocolat "I like it" is way better then The DJ is mine

    1. also, the dubstep teaser......what a fucking teaser.

  18. Uhhhh....t wasn't horrible - but it wasn't great either. Like someone said earlier, very generic.

    The only saving grace was Yubin. Couldn't they have stuck Sohee and Lim in the shadows? I love YeEun, but she's looking more and more like an ahjumma these days.

  19. worst part of the song is the song,and the WG. Oh and SoHee. Why is she the lead fucking vocal again? She can't fucking sing! Yeah great KPOP - SoHee is your face when it comes to 'Merkins. Just great.

    Why even bother... the suffocating racism and hate against Asians will render them just as irrelevant as before. Waste of money, JYP. Oh it's so sad that you tried to put your ugly face into every WG video and non one in White Media recognized you in that KPOP Star video. You fucking fail, ego maniac.


  21. JYP, why u no stay aay from every fcking wg video? you creep.
    and who dem pseudo wg-btches? fail

  22. the most annoying thing about this whole video is dem american fat bitches

  23. I like it on first listen.. makes me replay the song again. Dont need Snoop Dogg y'all.

  24. I heard some sones saying the lyrics are too childish. At least the WG song makes fcking sense, unlike The Boys, "watching the phone ring" "life is a mystery, I'm gonna make history" ...yeah.

  25. well, the song is decent, at least it's much better than that piece of shitfest from Soshi. (although this really doesn't say much of anything about the song's intrinsic quality)

    But girl's generation has a few pretty faces to look at, whereas WG has none.

  26. It wasn't bad, wtf guys. Save the beginning it was a catchy, fun pop song. Don't expect gold from this stuff ahhaha.

    At least the lyrics made sense. Outfits were shit save Yubin's one.

  27. Song sucks, MV sucks, group sucks. What else is new?

  28. Sure parts of it are kinda catchy, but the song as a whole is "meh" at best. And that MV is absolutely fucking horrendous. This review is dead accurate in all its statements and sums up my feelings very well.

    That said, Yubin looks so damn hot I don't think I can bring myself to hate the MV. She's just too damn fine.

  29. Dudes, the mv is supposed to be watched in 3d. Still didn't like the mv that much though. Sunye & Yoobin are hot!

  30. @12:09 lmao-ing forever at sones' fail. sometimes I think they try too hard to undermine other artists to salvage their fandom.

  31. I like dubstep (all 3 seconds of the beginning). The song was not as bad as I anticipated at least. Outfits were terrible. And once again, too much Sohee and Lim singing.

    Yoobin, why you gotta be so hot?

  32. re-releasing Nobody for the 100th time would have been better than this.

    hell, make a dubstep remix of Nobody. Do ANYTHING but what you did JYP..


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