Wednesday, May 23, 2012

[AMA] Anti Kpop-Fangirl

Uh, Zaku told me to make one for myself, so here it is. Though, I'll be busy watching Rooftop Prince 19 for Han Ji Min, so I'll get to this shit whenever I feel like it.


  1. Do you think Soyeon smells nice?

  2. SeNa is better imo...I forgot her real name lol

    1. Jung Yumi (1984.)

      Han Ji Min has the cute and sexy look that I like from actresses. For example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Acnu6RR40FM and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXR2odQjlt0

  3. Who is the hottest out of these:

    The girl in the B1A4 MV that Shin just posted

  4. Dear Anti Kpop-Fangirl,

    where's my fucking money

    1. Inside Shindong's asshole. The only way to get it out is to lick his butthole for five minutes and then stick your index finger up there. Then you have to move your head and open your mouth so that when he has an a-spot orgasm he won't miss your open mouth.

      Then Shindong will take a huge shit on your face and the money will be in the pile of shit, but you'll have to sift through some corn bits to get to it.

    2. yeah... i suppose you can keep it.

    3. After reading this conversation and laughing, I've actually thought about it alot. Would I do said things for a million dollars? I think the answer actually is yes. A lifetime of financial security and freedom, not needing to work at all, for doing something that takes 10 minutes. If you can just bear through those minutes you'll be so well off afterwards. It's mostly a mental torture really, the physical pat with the taste and smell isn't too bad. You just have to block out your thoughts and think of something else, and then bear with the taste of shit for a while.

    4. Maybe if it was a hot chick who took a dump on my face, but it's not worth it if Shindong does it.

    5. Sadly, a million dollars is not a lot of money nowadays. It can definitely help pay off outstanding debts and provide seed money for a business or some other venture, but you would not have a lifetime of financial security. No sir, not with the price of living going up on a daily basis.

      For ten minutes of THAT though? Nah.

    6. 1 million dollars at the age 21 and invest that shit over 40 years and that'd be a lot of money.

  5. 1.Who/what do you credit for inspiring you to create this blog?
    2. What is one language would you like to learn?
    3. Who in your opinion was the worst contributor so far to the blog?
    4. Most lulzy comment from a fangirl you've heard?

    1. 1. Suckmydee was the one who got me to make the blog, but I was also inspired by allkcrap to make this blog too, since I've known allkcrap before we both made our sites.
      2. I just want to improve my Korean further for now.
      3. Toss up between liley and mynameisnotsuzy.
      4. G Dragon has world class flow.

  6. 1.Who/what do you credit for inspiring you to create this blog?
    2. What is one language would you like to learn?
    3. Who in your opinion was the worst contributor so far to the blog?
    4. Most lulzy comment from a fangirl you've heard?

  7. How regularly do you speak Korean in your personal life?
    How long have you lived in Korea, if you ever have?
    Favorite Korean food?
    Least favorite Korean food?
    If an army of angry fangirls came storming to your house to assault you (specifically because of this blog), what would you do?

    1. 1. Not at all, I live with my white dad.
      2. Haven't been to Korea since I was in my mom's womb. So never.
      3. Uh, haven't really ate much Korean food before, so I can't choose without trying a lot of things.
      4. Probably ddeokbokki. It's good, but that shit makes my asshole burn when it comes out.
      5. There are plenty of shotguns in my house, so I'd be shooting the bitches.

  8. Why the fuck are there TWO red fish? ...

  9. Replies
    1. Tablo made nearly 10 albums before he joined YG.

    2. i like his new album with the cool mv. the one without taeyang

    3. His Epik High albums are a lot better than his solo album.

    4. The one WITHOUT Taedaddy? Boy you be trippin'.

    5. its my oppinion mkay. tablo should have collab with daesung.
      taeyanng gay voice is just.. erhhh i cant even

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  11. What is the actual price of happiness (in US dollar)? $45000? $165000? $1000000?

    1. However much money it costs me to get a threesome with Han Ye Seul and Han Ji Min.

  12. Can you tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?

  13. What's the difference between kpop fans and mainstream artist fans? do you think they have anything in common?

    1. Mainstream as in US mainstream artist fans? Nothing really. Here, white people try to act like they're black and from the ghetto just like fangirls try to pretend they're Korean.

  14. You said in a comment a while ago that you mainly focus on a korean/japanese actress blog now. Has this blog become more of a chore you feel forced to do rather than something you want to do?

    1. No, I enjoy it more than AKF. It's a lot easier to update since I just have to post pictures up. I don't do a whole lot of translations for the blog.

  15. Army, navy or air force? (Everyone wants to be marines, so no.)

    What's your all-time favourite video game?

    Would you live in Seoul if you had a choice?

    Do you actually like the background picture of the clueless girl sucking on a lollipop?

    1. I'm joining the Air Force.

      Toss up between Persona 3 and Tales of the Abyss.

      Maybe. I'd probably enjoy living in Seoul, but having to work in Korea would suck ass. Koreans have some of the longest working hours in the world.

      Of course. Who doesn't like seeing a picture of Kim Tae Hee sucking on a phallus-like object?

  16. Who is the better epic rapper best flow and lyricist hip-hop God? GD or TOP?

    DAT HAN JI MIN. She be looking more fine every ep.

    1. GD is better than TOP in every aspect. Though that's like saying a piece of shit is better than a puddle of diarrhea.

      And yeah, Han Ji Min is one fine piece of ass. Downloading the last episode of Rooftop Prince right now. :(

  17. Sorry to be nagging, but you misunderstood my question. When I said "this" blog I meant AKF.

    By the way, if you treat them as normal pop songs, don't you even like lies or haru haru?

    1. Yeah, AKF has felt like a chore sometimes to me, so that's why I take breaks.

      Not really. GD and TOP ruin every Big Bang song for me.

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  19. Why don't you believe me when I say you look like Jaejoong? :(

  20. If you joined the Air Force as a fighter (or bomber) pilot, would you bomb a concert filled with hordes of Kpop fangirls if your commander told you to?

    1. Yes. I wouldn't even question the commander.

    2. Then which bombs would you use? Cluster? Napalm? Bunker buster? Incendiary?

    3. Whichever one would inflict the most pain.

    4. What if T-ara AND SNSD were singing there?

    5. I'd tell Soyeon and Seohyun to get out of there first.

  21. who do you believe in kpop has the worst body and best?

  22. 1. Since you watch 'Rooftop Prince', do you like the OST by Baek Jiyoung '한참 지나서'?
    2. Your top 5 butterfaces.

    1. 1. Of course. I'm a huge Baek Ji Young fan.
      2. Uh, don't think I could even name five. I don't pay attention to butterfaces in Kpop lol.

  23. Rank the funniest author in AKF

  24. Why do you have shotguns in your house? Have you or anybody else ever shot anyone/anything with those?


    1. What do you think of homosexuality?
    2. What do you think about racism?
    3. What's your religion?
    4. What's your opinion on suicide?
    5. Any idea on how to make this world a better place?

    And oh!

    6. Are you a soccer fan?

    1. Self protection.

      1.) Nasty.
      2.) It'll never go away.
      3.) Agnostic.
      4.) People should see a therapist if they're contemplating suicide.
      5.) Build a time machine and go into the future.
      6.) No.


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