Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Zaku and Antikpopfangirl Said YOU have to ask me questions...

Hi. I'm Sulli_fag! I'm probably one of the coolest people on this blog. I'm almost as cool as DavidFresh and Fariseo! ALMOST!

So it's time for you to ask me some questions. Ask me anything you want, and I will TRY to answer it as best I can. Anything. Seriously. I will be truthful too. No bullshit up in this bitch.


  1. Dear sulli_fag,

    which female idol do you think would give the best rimjob?

    1. best rimjob? ummmmmmm

      Maybe Kahi. Since she has the most experience with penis. She looks sexy and looks like she's taken large amounts of penises in every single part of her body.

      She's older so she can teach me a few things.

      Yeah, I say Kahi. Bet her lips have STRETCH MARKS from all the penis she has put in her mouth.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Do you have twitter?

    How do you look?

    1. How do I look? You ever see Memories of Murder?


      This last shot is very telling of the whole story. The little girl says something like "He looks just like anyone." That's me. You really don't know who I am. I am a mystery and will remain one until my dying days. I could be anyone you know...older, younger, black, white, asian, indian. I am everyone and I am no one.

      T-ara. Hottest member? I cannot deny that I think Hyomin is the most beautiful.

  3. Is Sulli a fag?

    1. I once fapped to tranny porn. Didn't know until he/she came.

      Is that gay?!

  4. Have u get that tingling feeling inur ass when ur see pictures of ur male bias. Etc top

    1. Didn't know I had a male Bias.

      the ugly males I like are shindong and TOP.

      Damn i wish I looked as cool as TOP. I'd get soooo many women. I'd probably get bora, hyomin, or hyosung and make them my wife.

    2. i meant. THE ONLY males. NOt the UGLY males (typo)

    3. but then u have u suck out semen from daesung big dick . and hug him all the time :(

  5. Is sm ent screwing with f(x) or is f(x) just not good enough?

    1. Seems as if SM is screwing over f(x). They haven't had anything new in a long time. I did see them at the kpop festival thing online and they did a great job. Hope something comes out soon or f(x) is over.

      I really do like them. Much more than SNSD who is also with SM.

  6. Who's gayer? Tinky Winky, Barney or Aquaman?

  7. Would you let Tia squeeze your breasts until milk came out?

    1. She could do whatever she wants with me. I would be open to anything. ANYTHING!

      MILK AWAY!

  8. IU and Hara vs Krystal and Sulli; who would win in a team cage fight? And Amber vs Jokwon?

    1. hmmm well I'm thinking Krystal and Sulli. Krystal has that BITCH in her like her big sis and sulli is meatier than hara and IU (not fat...but meatier). I think they could take IU and Hara easily. Would love to see Sulli give the 619 to Hara then Krystal goes on the top rope to give the leg drop...putting all the testicular fortitude she can into it.

      Amber. well amber of course. She's basically a man and has probably introduced IU to a whole new world.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Do you think Yura likes jizz all over her photos?

    PS: Kahi is one tight ahjumma hotness that I do not know why I could never defile her in thoughts, words and deeds~~~ laub her more dan lyff

    1. Being that I saw those photos? OH GAWD they are disgusting.

      Who would want to see (blah) jizz all over yura. The jizz didnt even look normal.

  11. Would you smell Hyorin's butthole?

    Thoughts on 9-ara?

    1. As long as it's not her face, yes. Hyorin has a great body---really great legs and butt. Actually, I find her more attractive than G.NA who I think has a skinny twiggy body. I also think Hyorin is a good singer, so this makes her more attractive than G.NA with her horrible high pitched voice.

      9-ara. This is sad for me. I really do love T-ara, and I feel that the combination of females was perfect. Yes, they could be more strong as a 5 member group (I'd get rid of Boram and Qri). Some people complained and thought this was what was going to occur--I was sad about it but felt it could have been a good thing. Now, when I heard they are going to be a 9 member group, I really just find this ridiculous. Added to this there is a 14 year old going to be added to this group, it really just pisses me off. T-ara has always represented HOT women! HOt beautiful WOMEN! Even Jiyeon and Hwa (who are younger) have very womanly look to me...I like that. Their songs and the way T-ara is presented is very sexual yet fun. To have some dumb 14 year old up on stage with them shaking her ass (what would a 14 year old know about ass shaking...nothing) is just one of the stupidest thing I have ever heard of ever in kpop. This annoys me and I'm really pissed off. Yeah I mad.

    2. hmmmm yes. My Hapa Queen.

      In all honesty, I thought she was 20 when I first saw her and watch her fancams. It's too late to go back now. The damage is done.

  12. are you really going to give serious answers here???

    1. I have been. When they ask me silly questions I give silly answers though. Ask me something and I'll answer it.

  13. What do you like about Secret?

    1. omomomomomomomomomomomom

      and hyosung

      What I do like about Secret also, is that they have a good FUNKY sound. It's different than other groups out there. I love that they use horns, funky base lines, and they can dance real well (at least Hyosung can). Hyosung is the anchor that holds that group together, she is the sexiness they need. The rest of the girls are not very attractive in my opinion. The rapping is awful...they need to stop with that.

      So I guess, hyosung, omomomomoo, the funky base/guitar, horns, dancing, keeps me interested in Secret. A good group.

  14. what are your thoughts about idols lip-syncing during performances?

    1. Well, in a way it doesn't bother me. I know that most girls in kpop cannot sing very well. Added to this, they are dancing around a lot, so there is no way they can ever sing well like this. I would actually like to see a few performances where the singing is the focus...no dancing. Just singing. They stand there and have music playing in the background and just sing. I want to hear their voices and want to see who is the most talented. It's just hard because they don't get the chance to do so.

      I would be a little annoyed to go to a concert and be there just to view them lip singing. I would feel a bit ripped off. However, I know most people do not really care. I would to some extent.

  15. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year - all expenses paid, short of extreme luxuries like cocaine, stretch limos and hookers - where would you live and why?

    Asian Junkie, The Grand Narrative or Simon & Martina?

    What are your top 10 favourite YouTube videos?

    Rank the AKF authors from #1 to #8 in any order of your preference, and explain the rubric you used.

    (I am a huge fan of your blog. Just wanted to let you know.)

    1. Maybe near Italy or some exotic Island off the coast of europe. I just want to chill and get away from everything for a while. That would be nice. Getting away changes your perspective on things and can help you grow. I saw a few islands on Bizarre Foods I thought would be a nice place to live.

      Well, I suppose Asian Junkie because I have not went to or heard of the other blogs. I will check them out for sure. Asian Junkie is a good blog and has humor (which I enjoy), but nothing could replace AKGF blog as my fav blog.

      I basically watch youtube all day. ummmmmmm That's a hard question. I can't really think of a top ten right now. ONe I do like is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvU69L-jfks

      Authors? ummmmmm I rarely look at the names. akfg is my favorite for sure...he has great style. I also like DF, ZAKU, and Ahjushhi. The others are good as well. It would be too hard to place them in any order.

      Thank you for liking my blog. I think it's a fun site. I probably get (on a good day) about 350 visitors. Most do not even view my stuff. For example, I currently have 87 views and 8 comments for my recent Hyorin post. On this site is it 1919 views and 28 comments. LOL. Big difference. But I do notice I have an average of followers for each post. I like your blog too. Good stuff.

  16. Replies
    1. psshhhhh

      Well, hyoyeon has one of the worst faces in kpop, but she has a really nice body with nice meaty legs and a sweet booty. Also she is in the most popular girl group in all of asian. So, knowing this, if she were to come in my room and say, "Sulli, lick my butthole." If it's clean, I probably would.

  17. Why didn't you apply to be author earlier?

    1. When AKFG was hiring a long time ago, I thought about it for a few seconds and thought, "Nah, I don't know enough about KPOP to write about it. Plus I didn't like the thought of having to create posts again and again. I was then inspired by akfg to make my own blog. I figured, i would be in charge and I could post whatever I wanted. THere was no one telling me I was going to suck. I wrote on my blog and people seemed to enjoy it, I ran into akfg on chatango and he asked (seriously maybe??!?!?) and I said yes. I'm not sure what people think of me on here because most people have no read my blog stuff, so I think they are a bit "thrown off."

  18. Why is everyone calling Suzy a fat whore? shes not that fat

    1. Truth: Suzy is beautiful and I like Miss A. More than the WG for sure.

      No, she is not really a whore and I'm sure she is a good girl.

      This came up because of an article (I believe). An article about netizens saying Suzy was in reveling clothes for her age--which made no sense because she wasn't. The fat part was probably because of DavidFresh saying he likes fatties.

      It caught on. I think it's rather funny and I use it all the time. For me, the humor comes from knowing that suzy is not fat nor a whore.

    2. ...hmm. This actually answered one of my questions. Thank you (and apologies for getting so upset before).

  19. Sorry Long Question/Post

    Have you ever considered joining the military?
    I'm currently in a bind i got my 2 year degree at a college and since i went to a four year previously and received a really low gpa that combined with my medium gpa at the 2 year school dropped my GPA considerably. Now i have quite a few options being 22 soon to be 23 i could go to korea and teach english for a year and come back and then join the navy as a radiology technician however i would have to belay going to school for minimum 2/3 years when i just wanna get my four year? but since i have a low gpa all the colleges i've applied to rejected me. so i could either keep going to community college and try to raise my gpa or i could go to korea for a year then join the military or just skip korea all together and join the military first. oh not made of money so i would of had to take out loans for the 4 year. don't really know which options are the best? i feel like i just need to get away for a while?

    have you been in a similiar situation and what would you do if you were in my shoes?

    btw like your blog i was the one who commented on IU glasses she's really beautiful in my opinion very bring to mom show her off worthy

    1. Yes IU is MOM worthy! She's just glorious looking. I don't think perverted thoughts about her because she's just sooo cute/pretty, I just can't. I respect her. LOL

      As for your lengthy question: Oh boy!
      Not sure if I am understanding everything. You have a low GPA and it is effecting you getting into a cal state/university? Seems you received your AA already but you are working on your bachelor's degree.

      I do believe (and I could be wrong)that you can go to school and be in the military at the same time. See: http://www.goarmy.com/benefits/education-benefits/army-education/taking-classes-while-in-the-army.html
      You should ask your recruitment officer about this. As far as I know there are bases within the military that are college friendly. This means they will work with you so you can do both at the same time. Here's an article on it: http://themilitarywallet.com/tips-for-taking-classes-while-in-the-military/

      Yes, you need to get your GPA up. There is no other way to get into a good college without your GPA being up. I recommend going to your advisor and figuring out what GPA is needed to get into your specific college of choice....if you want to just continue with college.

      I do know the military has some benefits---pay for college, you get points for when you put out applications. However, I'd rather not have to fight an endless war and be shipped to who knows where for who knows how long. I'd rather just continue going to school.

      As for korea, it sounds fun, but I'd rather just work on school. You can always visit it when you have a good job and make money.

  20. What do you think of Victoria? Personally I watched over 30 full episodes of WGM just to fap to her, true story.

    1. she's sexy. Has a great body and great face. I have not really giving much thought to her because I was distracted by krystal and sulli. However, she is very sexy and is deserving of my faps. Very beautiful indeed...I need look up fancams of hers.

  21. yes I have a question is well know the you have a big black cock is ok I'm not jealous my question is how you manage to have sex with all those bishes with out killing the in the process especially those tiny asian chicks
    I dont have those kinds of problems because my dick die after having sex with hyunah now is just a funny rag hanging in my crotch
    btw thanks for the mention you are much cooler than I

    1. hahahah

      My penis is sooooo black it is purple. I try to have sex with lots of korean girls because they have tight vaginas. Yeah, I would love to have sex with Hyuna's butt or vagina. Either is ok with me.

  22. OK - so. I understand you guys are frustrated with idiot fanbrats ("Oppar didn't mean it!" etc.), but you guys are really coming across as more... anti k-pop.

    Take, for instance, SNSD. Just by looking at the sidebar, I see the following:

    "Naked pics of SNSD!!!
    (If you search google images for naked snsd pics you would only see these 5 for a good reason.)"

    "If only Hyoyeon hadn't received plastic surgery
    Oh my fucking God. What in the world convinced Hyoyeon to change her face? She used to be absolutely gorgeous , but now she looks like an ..."

    "Jessica looks like a mentally disabled donkey.

    There's no point to that, other than to be spiteful. That's leaving out the articles where you say Sooyoung, Yuri, Yoona and Hyoyeon are useless (I agree you might have a point with Yuri/Yoona, but I believe Sooyoung has improved to the point where she's better than Jessica, and without Hyoyeon's charisma and dance skills, they'd be just another bland, cookie cutter group) and make out like all Sones are slavering morons (which we're not - although some of us need a few slaps upside the head)

    Also - reading the comment section has taken to making me angry of late. There's homophobia (your username "sulli_fag" being a prime example), disgusting usernames like "Sooyoung is a fat whore" (why? I understand your username now, but the Sooyoung one is uncalled for), crude talk of "rimjobs" and making jokes about idols' sex lives, insinuating some are transsexuals/hermaphrodites...

    Why? Why do you delight in bashing SNSD/Sones so much? Why do you think it's ok to make jokes
    like the ones mentioned above? (I find some of the articles on here really well written, but the crap is starting to outweigh it.)

    1. 1) I don't personally hate SNSD or sones personally. I will tell you how I got into kpop. I once saw the Irony/Tell Me video by wondergirls and became a fan of theirs. I thought they were very cute and I liked the songs. Later, I found Gee by SNSD which I also really like and I personally felt that SNSD was better than WG (but So Hot is a great song). I actually started out in Kpop as a huge SNSD fan especially of Sunny's. I used to go on forums and constantly post sunny pics---I had a huge crush on her and loved her Aegyo. To this day I still have love for sunny, but I don't like her with that short blonde hair. She was beautiful with long brown hair.

      Anyways, I really was a huge fan of snsd and actually owned snsd posters. Yup. However, as I got deeper and deeper into kpop and found other groups I became bigger fans of other groups and started to find that other girls were prettier (in my opinion). I really liked snsd up to about Run Devil Run. After that, I kind of felt like they were doing the same thing over and over again and their songs were as good as their older stuff. However, to be honest I really did like the boys...it's a good song. YUP! I am not a hater of snsd but sometimes the fangirls can be a bit obsessive and a little "off" in their thinking. I would be nothing but kind to a sone in real life, but I would be very n nervous to be around a sone who black oceaned or became enraged because one of the 9 was with another idol of theirs etc. There is being a fan and being obsessed/psychotic.

      As for the site: I don't think the site hates snsd. I think the snsd post are popular because snsd is popular. I don't think most of the authors dislike snsd including me. I don't like them but i want them to do something else. I think taetiseo was great, and I have the album in my itunes right now. I liked twinkle and my fav song was goodbye hello. :) My favorite snsd members are still taeyeon, seobaby, sunny, and sooyoung. I agree that sooyoung is the most beautiful and I think she is very talented and funny. I have posted sooyoung vids on chatango many times.

      I hope you understand that this website is not to be taken seriously. We are just having fun with kpop and we don't hate it. We actually love it so much that we write about it--if we really hated it we would not even be on this site.

      As for my name. It is a bit of a take on the term "fag" given to people who are obsessed with something. Moviefag, filmfags. In this meaning it is not to be hateful to gays. It means that I like sulli a lot. I am a sullifag. A person who is really into sulli. As for sooyoung is a fat whore...it's just a take on suzy is a fat whore. sooyoung is gorgeous and I think that person thinks she is as well.

      The humor. Well, it's boy humor is all. Either you get it or don't.


  23. 1)I really think you are humorous most of the time,so if you didn't undergone to a normal applying process to become an author in this site,what would you have done for the other authors here?are you in for slavery too?
    2)don't you have plans to get a future warning for your own site like omona?
    3)why do you have haters?do you enjoy being hated?
    4)are you a meat eater?
    5)are you friends with fariseo?why do he write like that?
    6)if you would ever have a lover with one of the male authors in this site,who would it be?why him?and how would you rock your date with him?
    7)if you are going to be a kpop idol,are you willing to form a duo with zea's kwanghee?why yes and why not?
    8)what is your special talent and skill that kpop idols don't have?
    9)if you have an army of delusional fan girls that will worship you and pull off jyj saesang moves with you like kissing you while your sleeping and cry for you to be their baby's daddy, are you okay with it? what will you do with that kind of power seriously?

  24. 1) I was just asked by AKGF, but I've been on the site for a while, I started my blog and AKGF would visit. He later subscribed and then asked me to be a part of it. No, I am not a slave, I could leave whenever I want to. I have my own blog and I could continue doing stuff there---even if there aren't many subs or viewers. If akgf didn't ask me I probably would never have become an author here. It is not in my nature to beg or ask to be somewhere if I am not wanted.

    2)Nah, I don't post enough penis/bewbs to get a warning. Nor do I have many viewers on my site. If they were to warn me I might stop or if they decided they'd close my account. Oh well! At least I went out doing something I liked the way I wanted.

    3)I don't really think I have haters. There are a few people who have been angry about stuff I have said but I don't think they are really haters. Just mad and they really don't understand that everything I say is really not to be taken too seriously. Stuff I say may be with truth, but I surely have a bit of a "character" in the way I say things. In a way sulli_fag is my id (see freud) going wild. It's everything I'd like to say but never say to anyone in public. inb4 deep.

    4) Am I a meat eater? Yes, I love to eat meat, but I like my veggies too. I like fruit but I don't eat it as much. Never been too into fruit.

    5) Yes, I believe Fariseo is one of my first subscribes of my blog and he frequently post very funny responses. I love reading his stuff. I like that he has been with me from the beginning so I have nothing but respect for him and he is my bloggerbro. As for why he writes like that? He's a pervert LOL. Also, I believe he is from somewhere in asian and not from the US, so some of the words are scrambled. However, I have no problem understanding and I think he's funny funny funny.

    6) akfg because he was my inspiration to write...I'd take him to eat chicken n' waffles and we could watch Brokeback Mountain/Big Bang/The View together holding hands with nothing but our socks on.

    7) Sure why not. He could dress up like girls while I can be the cool TOP type of guy. As long as they pay me money, I'm happy and would be bros wth Kwanghee.

    8)My special talent is knowing useless information. I have lots of random facts in my mind.

    9)Yeah I would take it. However, the craziness of fangirls can be a bit scary. I'd be scary they would claw, bite, or stab me to death if I did something wrong. But I would probably take it so I can have sex with lots of women...it would be so much fun until they want to bite me or something.

    1. Why are you so serious?I like your character here sometimes i think its funny so I kinda expecting you would pull off humorous answers...is it too much to ask if you would do that too?but it is okay if you don't...

    2. I'm not in any asian country my writing is so poor the people think I'm from some other place but is not trued I'm in a magical country were people only speak english but I'm the worst at it.also I'm not a perv what happens is the my dick is bad shit crazy and when he is aware of me enjoying some nice kpop he takes over my body and starts doing all kinds of bad shit,when I wake up he already blog about suzy been a fat whore and hyunah having all kinds of STDs
      I really think those girls are pure and Innocent but my dick is a piece of shit jerk!

    3. sulli fag take over your body?

    4. No my dick does, he has a mind of his own

    5. he has my dick in his hands

  25. Which girl group is the most fappable and the least?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. suzy is fat, ugly teeth and her nose is damn annoying

  28. 1. If the South Korean president told you to plant and detonate a bomb in Kim Kwang Soo's office, would you do it?
    2. Most despised/ridiculous/batshit fandom?
    3. Most overrated idol group?
    4. Would you have treated Boram like a pushover if she went to the same high school as you?
    5. Worst nightmare?
    6. If you were a politician, would you make efforts in making the Kpop industry more safer and humane?
    7. At what time period do you think Jessica was at her height with her looks?
    8. Would you throw Kim Kwang Su at a lake full of sharks? If so, would you film it?

    1. 1. isn't that the plot of that one movie? Slimido?
      2. Sones, jiyeonstans, yoonastans, elfs.
      3. snsd (easy one)
      4. I would have fucked her. I would have loved to put it in her butthole.
      5. Shindong sucking my balls and then his balls turns into a penis and starts fucking the hole in my dick
      6. no, I would ensure there were eels and goats to be fucked by all kpop stars. I wouuld also put minzy on stage and anal her.
      7. ummm, I'd say. GENIE
      8. yes, i would and I would film it and laugh.

  29. I have some more questions but I'm hesitating because you might be offended, I don't want to offend anyone so i'm asking you first if I could ask it?Can I ask you that?

  30. 1)you have a stranger vibe,how old are you?
    2)your description of yourself in relation to memories of murder is so creepy,do you like being creepy?
    3)do you want to be mysterious?why?if you will have to show one part of your body that will describe you what is it?(this is wholesome)
    4)you remind me of someone,are you him too?
    5)do you think your posts are good? how do you rank yourself?are you in for competition? what are your plans to produce more enticing write-ups? do you consider change of image in the future?
    6)I think zaku posts are full of effort while yours are so natural,is that cool??
    7)are you offended in any of my questions yet?
    8)is it okay to haunt and torture someone bec. they insult you for no reason?

    1. 1) I'm an old pervert. Also I'm Japanese, so we are born perverted. We are born with eel raping abilities and an urge to molest girls in the subway.
      2) Yes, most of the time. But most of the time I just like being silly and making myself laugh....I have no friends hahaha jk.
      3)Yeh I don't want my personal info out. But I just like to for me to be a bit of a mystery...hopefully women will like this on akfg and send me nude photographs.
      I'd show my penis because it is so small it is laughable. When i was in sixth grade some chinese boy told me, "I heard your penis is small." We had PE together. Yup, I was known for my small penis in sixth grade...my penis never grew. It's so sad. :(
      4)I'm probably him...depends on who you are talking about. I used to go somewhere and post things on some forums. I could be him, but not sure you'd remember me from there. Do you remember me posting sunny pics?
      5)Some of them are good (I really liked my glasses post and the new taeyeon one). I think most everything I write is pretty good, but I have written a few stinkers or tried something that didn't work. Rank myself on AKGF? ummm well I don't know. Somewhere in the middle? I am not in it for the competition...unless it was a jacking off competition. I could win. My plans are to keep on writing whenever I feel like it--I have no real goals but to do this until i get bored with it. Expect more blogs about fapping, t-ara, fapping, and Tia. Image change? hmmmm maybe, but as for now I like being WILD. Again, I hope to attact some sexy kpop fans.
      6)Yeah he puts a lot of effort and I just write with no real plan. I like it that way.
      7)yes, you are fucking pissing me off...you son of a bitch jk
      8)yes, of course. Also, I would rape them.

    2. 3)I thought it's wholesome...,but you don't have friends bec. of that?
      -ok since you took time to answer my questions,i feel oblige to give you advice,,you know most people don't really think about penis when talking to people in real life,they actually care about what your saying or not,you are a bit funny so you have potential,go!!I just recently discover that men have an excessive obsession about penis sizes,,i really think it's pointless but you guys think that way so i respect that!imo,if you are a guy,you don't have to be a looker since it's mostly in a girl's requirements but you should be groomed to encourage people to friend you.you should visit dermatologist,dentist and internal doctor cause you know,skin teeth and body odor is the first thing people notice.don't wear old clothes or any clothes that out of style or has holes in it and always smells nice.shopping is the best.i recommend visit salon and spa more often too. but of course,confident and knowledge is the most important thing aside from being groomed.talk to people more and attend functions,parties and join a club,you said you like meat so you are probably athletic.be brave.

      I misjudged you and thought you were a pervert but i understand you now!!don't be in despair, be active and talk to different people!real friends are better bec. they actually care about you and i don't think you will find that in the internet people!fighting!!!!

  31. Not a question but I think Wez Asian Beznotches is one of the best blog on earth!!! You're welcome.

  32. thank you so very much! I appreciate it ^

  33. Why is there always so much perversity and obscenity in your posts? Are you really that way in real life, or just here on the internet?

    What part of Japan are you from? Do you speak any dialect or just regular Japanese?

    If you already answered this, I probably missed it and apologize for asking again: how old are you?


    1. What do you think of homosexuality?
    2. What do you think about racism?
    3. What's your religion?
    4. What's your opinion on suicide?
    5. Your POV on what happened in Fukushima?
    6. Any idea on how to make this world a better place?

    And oh!

    7. Are you a soccer fan?


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