Friday, May 25, 2012

[DRAMA] Sooyoung is a rude bitch...or is she?


EDIT: Looks like this woman took down the story. Luckily for you, I copied the entire thing verbatim. I just can't let a piece of juicy gossip like this disappear into the ether, ya know.
Straight out the...okay forget that.

The audacious investigators at AKF have unearthed yet more juicy gossip about everyone's favorite Korean Stick Insect Attack Warrior, Sooyoung. Now we know some basic facts about Sooyoung. Namely, she has the legs of a malnourished goddess. Aside from that, probably more so than any other SNSD member, she was born into a life of wealth and privilege. Now I'm not saying that being rich makes you a bitch. No, not at all. But being rich, one of the top celebrities in Korea, a famous idol, beautiful (yes David) and accustomed to getting pampered every second of your waking life probably does.

Does this look like the face of a stuck up bitch to you?
Then again, air travel is a stressful affair (I know). Sometimes, you just want to play Angry Birds, get through US immigration and not have some asshole on a power trip talk down to you. 

My analysis after the jump.

Our story comes from a lady who works for Korean Air at LAX, where SMTOWN landed for the recent concert in Anaheim.

Our witness.
She attempts to prove the veracity of her story by showing off her signature from world renowned bitch-ass TaeNy interruptor Leeteuk.

The handwriting of the second biggest asshole in K-pop.
Since I can't prove it either way, let's say for the sake of this analysis, she's telling THA TROOF.
So what happened was, I was walking by the FIS(federal inspection security) booths and I saw Sooyoung and the officer yelling and arguing. I came to her aid and to ask the officer if everything was okay. The officer was in steam, He was also yelling at me “I Have Told This Girl To Shut Off Her Phone, TWICE, and She Ignored me TWICE!” but in reply Sooyoung yelled, “But I was just using my phone! I don’t understand why! I didn’t know!” so in my position I have to protect my customer’s defense. In reply I said to the officer, “she probably didn’t know or hear our announcements.” the officer looked in rage. He explained to me that he told her twice. I knew he did, but I didn’t want Sooyoung to go back to korea just cause of a simple call. It would look bad if she did. 
So this is a nice lady (besides being an ELF), she doesn't want SMTOWN to be ruined because of some airport drama (even though YoonYul weren't there either...power of six, bitches). I'm not sure if Sooyoung was speaking English at the time, but I'll assume she was, trying to feign innocence. Now I'm not a big fan of the po-po or authority figures in general, but I know some people, especially those who work security at airports, tend to be a little paranoid or stressed from dealing with bitches, dicks and assholes all day. So I take it if this boy told SY twice to turn off her phone and she refused, well, I can understand why he'd be mad. Angry Birds is addictive though.

Who could say no to that face?
Sooyoung was also in rage. She said to me in korean “I don’t want to talk to this man, translate for me” I was fine with it. So the officer asked why she was here. I told him for a concert. she’s a singer in Korea. The officer was mad. He ignored me and asked Sooyoung again, “I’m not asking her. I’m asking you. YOU speank ENGLISH. YOU understand ME. so YOU answer me!” I couldn’t help her at this point. I listen to what he had to say and let her answer, but when the officer was busy stamping sooyoung’s passport.
I'm virtually certain Sooyoung is not used to being raged at, so she was probably feeling somewhat agitated. However, I'm not sure what this officer was getting at. What sort of questions was he asking her? Why she didn't turn off her phone? What group is she part of? Did she want to go get "jjigae wit it" later? Who knows? From this account, it sounds like this fool is a bit of a wanker too. He's a figure of authority, he should know how to control his anger, even if he's working in a high stress environment.

Maybe he's part of STAND.

THEY COULD BE ANYONE...besides graphic designers, obviously. Look at this shit.
she said in korean to me with an angry tone. “they do what ever they want huh? does he even know who I am??? this (Shibal seki) son of a bitch” I was shocked. stunned, I didn’t know how to reply. The officer heard her say stuff in korean to me. he asked me what she had said. I told him “she wanted to apologize for not knowing about the “no cellphone” usage.” it was totally opposite of what she had said but I didn’t want to get her in trouble. so I lied for her.
Oooh, here is where it gets interesting. Now if this is true, she does sound a little stuck up here. Alright babe, we know you're SNSD, but this is 'MURICA. This fool won't recognize your fine ass.

Fine ass not depicted.
According to my sources, "shibal seki" is a fairly coarse swear word in Korean. Something you wouldn't call people in public, ESPECIALLY if you're an idol with a squeaky clean image. NAUGHTY SOOYOUNG! The fact that this lady lied on her behalf was really nice though...if it happened. Now, ready for the SHOCKING PART?
after the immigration was done she ran to her manager crying. I know she was humiliated. but to the officer she’s just another passenger giving attitude. I was worried that her feelings were hurt. but later The manager came to me apologizing about how she was rude to me and the officer. the Manager, Her Self, came to me apologizing about how she cursed about me. I didn’t know until she told me, I was even more shocked. I helped her not get into bigger trouble by sending her back to Korea, instead she was saying bad stuff about me. I was heart broken. and jessica and Sunny was there with her. comforting her when I walked by they would glare at me. I mean I helped Sooyoung and yet I was getting cursed at.
This is when it changes from being "Sooyoung gets cut at pseudo-cop for being an asshole, acts like bitch herself" to "MEGA POWER FUEL FOR ANTI-SNSD ACTIVITIES". Just when SNSD caught a break in the Eternal War between Sones and ELFs (the Leeteuk incident), this happens. Oh Sooyoung...you bad girl. How could you? I can understand calling the officer a sumbitch but this nice lady? You messed up girl. 

But then again...a manager wouldn't do this. Their job is to maintain the idol's image at all times. She wouldn't go and throw Sooyoung under the bus and tell this lady that she cussed her out...that's just unprofessional (unless this manager REALLY felt regretful or something).

Sooyoung's true form.
I know in the idol TV image she may seem cute and innocent. NO. She is not. She was rude to me AND the officer. I mean this is USA not Korea, you have to follow the Officer’s rule or its big trouble. and even though she may be famous in korea, but I don’t think its right to be rude.
that is what really happened.
Swear this on my OWN grave. 
My thoughts? 

I don't know if any of this is true. But if it is, it doesn't paint Sooyoung in a good light. Yeah, she was probably tired from the 12 hour flight. Yeah, she got shouted at by some douchebag who probably thinks his uniform gives him the right to boss people around. Yeah, she probably should have just listened and turned off her phone (Angry Birds can wait). 

However, there are numerous holes in this story. Managers aren't usually in the business of apologizing for idols. In fact, they usually make sure idols are untouchable, so that's one thing. Furthermore, there's allegedly a VIP line at LAX immigration. I don't know if this is true or not, I've been through LAX immigration a number of times (being an international student from Australia and all) and not once did anyone come up and ask me if I wanted to go through the VIP line like they should have. So I don't know.

Overall, I think this story more than anything gives insight into how idols really are. Fangirls and boys alike think their idols are perfect, blessed beings descended from a Heavenly realm to treat our ears with amazing K-pop. But they're just humans who have been lucky or talented enough to become extremely popular entertainers. Their flaws have been masked behind a veil of perfection and their dedication to maintaining that idol image. Even I am under no illusions that SNSD are earthly angels (well, okay, they're pretty fucking hot). That fame and wealth can get to one's head.

Lesson of the day: Idols are human too, and airport officials are fuckwits. WHO KNEW?

Thanks Taeyeon. You always know what to say baby.

What are your thoughts on this story? Comment below, or Demonic Sooyoung will consume your soul.


  1. It's 6am, I was still internally creying in the shower with the fact dat u guise donut welcome the idea of me being a contributor so I came up with a very comprehensive article and this is the exact visualization of that.

    TL;DR, plz let me be an author.

    Had 2 hrs of sleep and Korean Stick Insect Attack Warrior woke me up.

    1. I srsly find the whole Taeyeon reaction bitchy feign "It's okay Leeteuk but you're a fucking douchebag motherfucker I wanna kill when we get off the camera" definitely smoking hot Pani surely has to be involved in all that sultry goodness.

    2. There is a process to becoming an author here.
      It involves a Soyeon blowup doll and multiple pink dildos.

    3. Where do I sign up?

    4. SuJunk, if you want to apply to be an author, please e-mail me at zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com and Anti Kpop-Fangirl and myself will review your application. This involves giving us a little bit of background information about yourself and writing 3 articles (news, song/MV reviews, etc.)

      If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either one of us. Thank you.

    5. Does being solvent dependent and fapping on obscure variety of porn disqualify me from the position?

    6. btw, Sooyoung's horns look like horribly inflated nipples or sum flaccid diqq. that i'm saying it's totally intended by the artist AND it's part of the aesthetic value

    7. My finest work indeed. Five minutes in photoshop and I can make the magic happen.

  2. Can we not have some different FCs involved in a fanwar for once?

    I mean, we kind of had a little 4minute vs SISTAR thing going last month, but then everyone realised that they're not relevant

    1. How else can we have a fan-war without different fan-clubs? Unless you're talking about fan-civil-wars.

    2. It's well known that Kim Kwang Soo feeds off the misery generated by fan wars. That's how he's managed to keep CCM afloat for so long despite a string of terrible business decisions.

    3. Well his luck ain't gonna last forever.

    4. "Nothing lasts forever." -- Fat MinAh

  3. Did she get this autograph before or after this incident? I kind of don't want to read the actual topic because it usually leads to lots of comments like:

    "Sooyoung is so rude, therefore I will hate all of SNSD"
    "I knew they were ALL rude"
    "I know [Rival Girl Group] would NEVER act like this, only SNSD"

  4. dat Taeyeon gif
    who would have thought that they're humans and all... what surprises the most is that fans are actually surprised (surpriseception) about her attitude. i mean, she probably has 10000 people praising her ass 24/7 and that one douche doesn't knew who she is and/or gave a fuck about it must have broken her bitchy little heart
    ps: what's the deal with Leetuk btw? i haven't read about it

    1. MBC apparently asked Leeteuk to give the closing speech to the Korean Wave Concert at Google HQ a week or so back. TaeNy were MC'ing the thing though. Tiffany was still in the middle of saying something, then Leeteuk jumps in and says his bit, Taeyeon is like "what" and Yunho even has his mouth open.

      People criticized him about it, then he tweets that "oh MBC asked me to do it", while MBC goes "yeah, one of our producers approached him shortly before the end of the show, gave him a microphone and asked him to give a speech because he's professional and experienced".

      Now, he looks bad because he interrupted Tiffany, he acted like a jerk about it, MBC look shady (why didn't they just fucking ask TaeNy to do it, they were the hosts) and fans on both sides are getting massively butthurt.

    2. i see, that's a stupid thing to do -_-'
      in the end it's something else for fans to get pissed off without really making sense
      it's funny because i've never seen a fight between SM stans :d

    3. LOL WHAT? SM has by far the worst infighting. It's basically Sones versus ELFs, Cassies, Shawols and maybe EXO fans. You never see dat between BJs and VIPs, or Hottests and Wonderfuls.

    4. lol im new in this shit
      now that i think about it all that EXO vs SUJU crap is everywhere lmao

    5. i dont think sones ever fight with exo.. most exo fans are sone anyway
      exo are like 2ne1
      riding snsd fame

    6. MBC didn't make any comment on it whatsoever.

      And I still don't understand how "I was asked to do the final words" has anything to do with interrupting someone.

    7. http://www.allkpop.com/2012/05/mbc-explains-why-leeteuk-delivered-the-closing-speech-instead-of-tiffany-at-korean-music-wave-in-google

  5. Gaww, Soo Young was actually the one who hooked me into SNSD way back in 2008 when she was in the Unstoppable Marriage Sitcom with Yuri - and I stayed a fan of hers for some months.
    Now I don't even look at her :)

    Maybe she should take a pack of chill pills with her whenever she flies overseas.
    Can't wait to see her stans defend her against other SONEs :D

    1. She was acting like a bitch because no one gave her breakfast.

    2. ^AHAHAHA lol so true. Don't mess with Sooyoung when she hasn't eaten.

    3. @niggaaaa . how did u know!?

    4. Soooo... you guys missed the part where the tumblr poster started changing her story, tried to get her co-worker to confirm (and the co-worker just ignored her and walked away), and then she deleted the post completely?

    5. "Can't wait to see her stans defend her against other SONEs :D"
      Whoever would believe this story is dumb as shit because she has changed her story so much from the first and second post. Sooyoung has always has been the gangsta of SNSD (not rude but gangsta) though and be doing everything like a boss.

    6. not sure if this jewelia13 gurl really does lurk all over AKFG to justify everything that criticizes her lovely soshi ladies. power of 9, bitches. can't take dat shit y'all

  6. I thought Sooyoung was supposed to be the most humble of SNSD???? Huh, HUH!?!?

    Then again, if Sooyoung is this bitchy I'll like her even more. She can say "Shibal seki" to me anytime. Other than that this staff lady/fan girl seems like she's full of shit (holes in the story). I'm glad that she thinks that an Autography from Leeteuk proves that this story is legit.

    Not bad, CombatBaby, you're a pretty great author! Angry Birds thing and sarcastic comments <---HILARIOUS!!!

    1. Sooyoungs reaction to this lady's rant:

    2. even the most humble person goes shit bat crazy on a cursing spree. you can only be annoyed so much.

  7. Heck, if this what makes you a bitch than I guess everyone's a rude bitch.

  8. "I was walking by the FIS(federal inspection security)"

    The fuk? I thought FIS stands for Federal Inspection Services not Federal Inspection Security. She should learn the name of the booths properly.

    1. That was another plot hole, because someone who works at LAX should really know that. Then again, most Americans don't know what the DEA stands for, nor do they know what NASA stands for.

      Shit, many Americans don't even know who the Vice President is, why the US fought the Cold War or even what the fucking Bill of Rights is, so I can overlook this mistake on her part.

    2. "Americans don't even know who the Vice President is, why the US fought the Cold War or even what the fucking Bill of Rights is, so I can overlook this mistake on her part."

      LOL True, true. Generally though people know what whatever stands for when they're working in that specific area, so I'm not really inclined to believe her. Then again it could be true. Even then I don't think one bad experience determines a person entire character, so....

    3. Americans arent that dumb u know...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Sooyoung says:

    "Haters can suck my dick."

    "'Cuz bitch, I'm fabulous!!"

    "And the Number One Sexy Korean Stick Insect Attack Warrior that you'll ever see!"

    "And still be rich when SNSD's shit get old"

    1. lol, I should have searched for some SY gifs to put in.

    2. Sexy, sexy....Yubins better, but I'll take it. I'll be a hater as long as she does the first gif to me.

    3. ^ Yubin approves this message:

      And gives you fan service in return:

      She knows she's sexy and badass:

      And says don't be jealous of her and Sooyoung just because they're expers on hair-porn

      So haters, Do not mess with these unnies:

      btw Sooyoung says she wants beautiful thighs like Taeyeon too:

    4. my def picture is sooyoung reaction

    5. Soo much Sooyoung and Yubin gifs.............I LIKE!!!!

  11. "everyone's favorite Korean Stick Insect Attack Warrior, Sooyoung" ...on another note. I think this story is bullshit. Sooyoung is the most polite, modest girl out there.


  12. Wow, didn't see you called me out.
    Sooyoung has yet to get me erect, but to each his own...

  13. Sooyoung is a rude bitch!


    1. ^ def gonna buy dat shit after Suzy is a fat whore

  14. Jessica's a rude bitch = Everyone loves it.
    Sooyoung's a rude bitch = Haters unite.


    1. This is what Sooyoung has to say to haters:

      But then again she doesn't care because she has too much money.

    2. Well jessica IS a rude bitch

  15. at first i thot the comment SOOYOUNG IS A FAT WHORE! was funny

    now sooyoung is a rude bitch?

    should change my name
    she is the most humble idol in kpop
    maybe more humble than that gdragon
    who smoke cigarrete(actually weed) handed out by a guy in the toilet out of politeness

    1. "she is the most humble idol in kpop"

      That's why it's funny.

      Sooyoung is a rude bitch!

    2. @WowoW

      lol you wish Sooyoung is a rude bitch!

  16. My first reaction to this was "people still care about SNSD?"

    1. Um, they're still by far the most popular K-pop group. Why would you even think that?

  17. *cheering for SooYoung*
    U Go Girl~!
    She suddenly jumped into my №3 bias spot in SNSD.Girl's got attitude. <3

    1. She's always had attitude and blunt to the bone (she's less like that now though because she has to protect her image, the CEO is an a$$ for making her and Yuri stop their famous imitations), she's SNSD's gangsta, that's why I like her. ;D

  18. Wow, I can't believe people actually believe this crap.
    That Michell girl actually deleted ALL her fan accounts already.
    Proof that she only made those up. Probably she really met the girls, but why would she post and delete her stories afterwards? Tsk, all lies.

    1. I think she was trying to get people's attention off the whole "Leeteuk is a jerk thing", 'cuz this was posted straight after that happened and she praises him like he's god.

  19. Suzy is a fat whore
    Sooyoung is a rude bitch
    Big Bang is a true artist
    Jay Park feels the struggle


    1. Are u being sarcastic?

      Suzy aint fat
      Sooyoung is the most humble in snsd
      Bigbang...well they are dubbed by mnet as the best IDOL Group. So true musician is bullcrap.
      But however the lyricist smoke weed so he is a true artist. daesung ran over a motorcyclist and is probly the ugliest idol in kpop next to jyp. Well atleast he dint get ps.
      Only 2/5 of bigbang are legit true artist
      Top is one sexy idol
      Seungri loves the attention and the mullahs
      Jay park said korea is gay. He is lucky he got out of korea alive!

    2. Are u being sarcastic?

      Suzy aint fat
      Sooyoung is the most humble in snsd
      Bigbang...well they are dubbed by mnet as the best IDOL Group. So true musician is bullcrap.
      But however the lyricist smoke weed so he is a true artist. daesung ran over a motorcyclist and is probly the ugliest idol in kpop next to jyp. Well atleast he dint get ps.
      Only 2/5 of bigbang are legit true artist
      Top is one sexy idol
      Seungri loves the attention and the mullahs
      Jay park said korea is gay. He is lucky he got out of korea alive!

    3. dude ... i think he was being sarcastic after all.

      Anyway, i like Sooyoung. I´d scissor her. No homo.

  20. Same thing happened to me. Sooyoung was being a big ol' bitch to me at the airport, but then Princess Fany swooped in and was like, "Hey leave her alone." And now, me and Fany are totally besties. ... Oh wait, that chick was serious? I thought we were just makin' shit up

  21. Wow,its funny how when an idol(Esp SNSD) does something wrong its automatically "made up".LMAO!!! You guys crack me up.

    1. No one said it was automatically "made up", people actually read it, found pot-holes in the story and that her first and second post didn't even match up. She even posted a video of her friend so she would back her up but they instead said that she was "over-reacting" and walked away, plus the fact that she deleted her tumblr account. So really, you must be f*cking retarded if you can't put two and two together.

  22. Little bitch couldn't handle the attention. Fuck her.


    1. U cant mess with sones amirite


  23. Wow,you call me retarded with a name like that? Hypocrite much,i have no time to entertain you nor ya tainted fanbase.How in anyway did she say she was "overreacting" and what potholes? Hm,oh well,you read what you wanna read,right? And im pretty sure she deleted it because she got tired of an childish overrated have nothing else to do with themselves fandom calling her name and saying she's a liar.Meh,SONEs right?

    1. You might want to use the reply function to the relevant comment so this doesn't appear out of context.

    2. "Hm,oh well,you read what you wanna read,right?" True, true but to immediately believe it is just as bad as immediately rejecting it.

      "what potholes?" If you can't figure it out......*shakes head*
      "childish overrated" AHAHAHAH lol what did she expect? Sooyoung is in SNSD, and their fans are SONES <---- If she wasn't prepared for them when she wrote it than that was pretty pointless.

      Does anyone know where the video is, I'm really tempted to see it!

    3. "...you call me retarded with a name like that? Hypocrite much..."
      1) I didn't call you retarded, I said you must be "f*cking retarded" if you believe it. So if you believe it than you're "f*cking retarded" not "retarded"....and it has to have the little star-thingy in the "f*cking". ;)
      2) Did you remember what blog you're on? Since when does having a UNIQUE, AWESOME and COMPLETELY FACTUAL name make you retarded? WAIT! You calling HYUNA RETARDED NOW?!?!?!
      3) Hypocrite? Hmmmmm sounds nice, can I eat it?

      "I have no time to entertain you nor ya tainted fanbase."
      I don't think you have the brain capacity either......sorry. Why take the time to reply if you just said you didn't have time *GASP*....HYPOCRITE!!!!

      "...you read what you wanna read,right?"
      Thanks for asking. Yeah, I really like the Harry Potter series but Twilight is a definite "NO!". I mean sparkly vampires????

      "what potholes?"
      Figure it out.....seriously. Go Sherlock Holmes on that story!

      "...she got tired of an childish overrated have nothing else to do with themselves fandom calling her name and saying she's a liar."
      1)Ummm This sentence doesn't really make sense but I get what you're trying to say.....I think. "childish overrated" I dunno what you're trying to say there....you mean to say "childish overrated fans?", but why would the fans be overrated? You mean the overrated idols? Nevermind, I 'll just avoid this one.
      2) She should have expected this response from SONE's if she was going to post something negative (without much legit proof but even without proof, who knows?) about SNSD, THE LIVING GODDESS THAT HAVE DESCENDED FROM THE HEAVENS ABOVE WITH POWERS OF MAKING ANY SONG INTO PURE GOLD AND COMPLETELY NOT OVERRATED AND WITH THE BEST DANCING SKILLS THAT WOULD DEFEAT ANY PRO DANCER!!!!
      I mean, have you seen Seohyun's robot-skills, they're no joke...those girls are truly blessed. *nods head solemnly*
      3) Dang.....forgot what I was gonna say...It seemed important..ish....I'll probably remember it later.
      4) She should try harder next time.
      5) I just like the number 5.

      "Meh,SONEs right?"
      "Meh, SONE's" is RIGHT!!! They should watch some "Secret Garden" ASAP, its awesomeness is no joke.

      WHOA! I wrote a lot......does this automatically make me a writer?

    4. @Hyuna is *blah blah..* : TL;DR. try again next time.

    5. ^U mad 'cuz Hyuna be right.

  24. are you seriously gonna believe that? please, Sooyoung has a heart of gold

  25. Thank you Hyuna what ever you name is for proving my point about SONEs,good day and goodbye~ So immature. LMAO!~

    1. Your welcome! ;D

      And thank you for proving the lack of brain capacity you have! Nice talking to you, btw you mom says "Hi".

    2. Your welcome! ;D

      And thank you for proving the lack of brain capacity you have! Nice talking to you, btw you mom says "Hi".

    3. ^AHAHAHA LOL You're still a dumbass

    4. ^ look who's talking. posting the same comment twice = cretin. calm yo tits when you press the publish button.

    5. ^Awwww the dumbass that is you makes me sad :(
      I DO WHAT I WANT!!!!

  26. Not to be biased or anything, BUT WHO COULD RESIST ANGRY BIRDS? <3

  27. Just finished fapping to the pic of the WITNESS---thought it was seobaby.

    oh well. I guess I was wrong.

  28. Probably fake,I very much doubt Sooyoung would behave like this


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