Friday, May 25, 2012

Question of the Week 45

WARNING: This will be flamboyante. And not the good kind.


Wow. Words cannot express...
Normally I find videos like this hilariously cute, such as Big Bang's "I'm the Best" during a YG Concert (and their Coffee Prince spoof) and pretty much anything Jo Kwon does.
But this was a new level of fanboying that even I could not handle.
Well, I like fake Yoobin though. He was pretty into it. And to be honest, they did pretty damn well.

So that leaves me with this question:
What are some of the best dance covers you have seen? (videos are encouraged)

And since most of our readers are T-ara stans and Super Junior "antis", I thought I would combine the two and show you a video I found:

You're welcome.

If anyone has suggestions for later Question of the Weeks, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. Hyuna did a pretty good cover of that Chinese girl's Bubble Pop.

  2. Black Queen is pretty good.

    The Boys cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sumavnn2NqI&feature=related
    Hyuna's Change: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2dF_PLaX0o&feature=related
    Goodbye Baby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TL7JS3Vc1I&feature=related

    Their covers are all over youtube.

  3. anything by ZN Dance School (Mother's Class)... they are so awesome!!!

    sample: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9Z8U_Yl_EI

  4. IDK what's with mah Thai homies gettin on with so much dance covers but I def wnna be in Thailand ryt nao cuz of these:
    [AFTER SCHOOL - SHAMPOO] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAdOFrP38kI

    This one's as good as Wawa Dance Academy dancers BUT WHY DON'T THEY HAVE A NANA IN THE GROUP ARGH:
    [AFTER SCHOOL - BECAUSE OF YOU] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bW0uuo5eqs&feature=related

    O look they also got a T-ara <3 that song and their cover ofc:
    [T-ARA - I GO CRAZY BECAUSE OF YOU] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKECpfPFs1o&feature=plcp

    Sum local kpop convention I never knew existed. Damn they got a longhaired d00d wtf:
    [AFTER SCHOOL - LET'S STEP UP & BANG] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7kXivyvbU0

  5. Anything snsd is great.
    Buy everything they will be better than the original!
    Take a look at pixie lott mama do and wondergirls tell me

  6. Jason gives me a thousand raging boners


    1. oh wtf is this shit.....
      I cannot unsee this, its burnt into my head!!!!

    2. His Miss A - Touch cover is even more sensual

      Mmm, just look at that bulge

  7. http://youtu.be/zV-nNY7ctcQ

    Ive seen lots of Be my Baby dances, but this one is pretty good.

    this one is also very good
    WOOT!! AS fans!!!

    1. forgot to also added this Beast - shock cover, its so damn good.


    2. Next School FTW! but srsly Yuri is fug der. wat happened to her? is she on crystal? (no pun intended)

  8. I never really watch covers. Some people seem to be huge fans of it but I never really found much interest. Only ever liked a couple of guitar covers.

  9. koatsun
    sistar-alone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vniIvD6wjM
    be my baby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vniIvD6wjM
    Breathe- miss a :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n46fzjHUvc4&feature=relmfu

  10. I find This an awesome cover of Big Bang Fantastic Baby http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk4aWXRpmWM&feature=g-vrec

  11. Are they gay? That's the only explanation I can come up with for them wearing those out-fits.

  12. The Yubin guy makes me LOL so hard!!!

  13. Anything covered by BLACK QUEEN. Seriously guys, I kid you not, look them up. They hot and their bodies are better than idols!!!

  14. Kaotsun, I think that's her name. Forgot how to spell it. Her covers are really good *thumbs up*


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