Monday, July 9, 2012

Eight K-Pop Idols That Will Convince You To Stay The Fuck Away From Korea

In the same vein as this wonderfully accurate and not at all stupid list from SmackJuice, the iniquitous reporters here at Anti K-Pop Fangirl have compiled their own list. A list of idols that will make any decent human avoid the treacherous shores of Korea at any cost. 

If your eyes and soul can handle the visual calamities of K-Pop's most atrocious idols, proceed within. 

Tiffany beckons you into the soul sucking realm that is K-Pop...

8th After School's Raina

"Korea's Michael Jackson." --SuJunk
Okay, so Raina used to be pretty cute. While she was never a world beater in the same vein as hotties like Yuri, Taeyeon and Nana, she had nice fat cheeks that you wanted to squeeze and an overall pleasant face. THAT ALL CHANGED. Anyone who's watched the Flashback music video by now can tell you this broad did something to completely fuck up an otherwise decent face. Maybe it was bad makeup or lighting, so there could be hope for her in the future, but for now, she ranks a solid eighth place in the list of idols who will make you run for the hills.

7th G.NA

In seventh place, we have good old G.NA. Yeah, she has a rockin' body, great legs, huge breasts and she can sing well. Unfortunately, above the shoulders it's all downhill. I don't know if it was a bad PS job or she was born with that face, but good god someone make it stop. I like the girl, she has a fun, bubbly personality, and put enough scotches in me and I'd definitely give her a smang. But I'd still need a paper bag, namsayin'?

6th T-ara's Qri

Please do not pick at your monitor. It won't go away.
Qri, officially K-Pop's most useless idol. She can't sing. She can't dance. What could be an average, extremely made up and surgery given face is ruined by...well, you know. It is very hard for me to write this without manically rubbing my own nose. I don't want to say it. I pray to the K-Pop Gods that someday, it goes away. Maybe she gets laser treatment. Maybe she fucking covers it up with a pound of foundation. MAYBE SOMEONE WILL CUT IT FROM HER FACE WITH A GODDAMN SCALPEL. Oh god, please, pluck my eyes from my head because I can't look at it without going nuts. You know what I'm talking about.

Oh shit...


5th 2NE1's CL
You really do need to buy all the make up that MAC can make...
The baddest female, also one of the ugliest. I quote The Cheat, "You know they recorded Ugly for a reason right? It wasn't just metaphorical...it was literal."

I don't have to write shit. This speaks for itself.

4th 5doors' Eunkyo

Officially the most aggravating face in K-Pop. Plus she's a bitch.
Okay let's get one thing straight. I have nothing against ugly girls. Human beauty is on a bell curve, what can I say? However, Eunkyo really grinds my gears. Not only is she ugly, she's a bitch, a bully and an especially worthless idol in a field full of them. In many of her ill-advised pictorials, she has this expression on her face that suggests she thinks she is way, WAY better looking than she actually is. That annoys the shit out of me. Yes, I'm arrogant. Yes, I'm narcissistic. But girl? Your arrogance is completely unwarranted and just makes people hate you. Wipe that disgusting smirk off your face as you get your heavy ass kicked from 5dolls. To get kicked out of a group made of rejects is laughably incompetent. 

The only entertainment she'll be providing is being the novelty act in Kim Kwang Soo's Dungeon of Love. Fuck off. 

3rd Wonder Girl's Lim

Another valuable addition to that bastion of female beauty the Wonder Girls.
Lim is bizarre. She was a bizarre addition to the Wonder Girls and is just a bizarre idol in general. I'm not sure how JYP "recruited" her...actually scrap that, I think I have a good idea how she was recruited. She's a "rapper", so her inclusion in WG was a rather strange decision. WG aren't exactly rap oriented, and Yoobin still does all the rapping anyway, so she just mostly sings. But...she can't fuckin' sing, let me tell you. Imagine if they had put Suzy in WG, they could of had a shot today of holding onto their fame, but they've already been eclipsed by f(x). 

Wait, was I supposed to talk about her looks? Oh yeah, she's short and fug. Let's move on.

2nd Super Junior's Shindong

Definitely fooled Siwon that night. Boy, did he get a meat surprise.
Continuing with our list of terrible looking female idols, we come to the biggest of them all. The Shindong. Shindong's mammoth size has been known to create black holes in the Super Junior dorm. Which could be a metaphor for something, but I'll let your imagination do the work. This bitch is not only fat, Shindong's a douchebag, a terrible idol, an asshole and is the reason Girls' Generation doesn't get enough food in their diet. This idiot takes up 75% of SM's meal budget. So, Shindong is allowed to be fat but other girls aren't? Stay classy, fuckhead.

I am firmly against male on female violence, but I can't help but want to bash this bitch. Oh, he's a GUY?! Shit, if I'm ever in Korea I'm going to kick him in the balls. If he still has any.

1st Wonder Girl's Sohee

Heechul's alleged fondness for this girl is obviously a ploy to hide the gay, and an idiotic one at that. Who would fall for this shit? Oh yeah, ELFs.
Forget Yoona, Sohee is officially the most overrated female idol in K-Pop. Somewhere along the way, JYP decided to create this elaborate joke that made Sohee out to be one of Korea's best looking women. Sadly, he was beaten into a coma for wearing transparent plastic pants and forgot that it WAS a joke after he recovered. The same brain damage also caused him to have other great ideas like sending the Wonder Girls to the US and kick Jay Park out of 2PM. Since then, Sohee has been perpetually ranked highly by publications, websites and delusional fans everywhere. In a group of averages, mediocres, fugs and one stand out babe, Sohee is the worst of them all, a testament to her scrotum shrinking ugliness. 

It's a good thing she can sing really well and isn't arrogant, sullen or a bitch, isn't it? 

The Cheat out.


  1. Too 8 idols you can't hate on:
    IU- She is too adorable(her nose is weird, though) and actually has a passion to sing, though she ain't the best. Just love the qurl
    Sunye-She cute can sing very generous
    Kyuhyun: He seems to have no haters(?)
    Seohyun-Same reason for Kyu
    Idgaf about rest.

    1. nobody hates Kyuhyun, everybody hates his fucking fans.

    2. I am one his fans. What his fans do wrong?

    3. Hahaha. Elfs never did anything wrong. Mmmkay


    5. Kyuhyun tries too hard to make Seokyu happen. I heard she rejected him lots of times.

    6. ya niggas be happy vips aprrove seohyun
      topseo for lyfe yo!

      man tits is a certified ELfs


    8. I HATE SUNYE... and at the same time i also hate serri for being sunye-look-alike

    9. I'm sure I'm not the only one in a fanclub, VIP.

    10. atleast i dont pretend to be ____ while im a ___

    11. I actually do know someone who hates Kyuhyun. She hates a lot of idols though.

  2. Replies
    1. He's a sonefag. What you expect bro?

    2. Gawddammit Nathan. Your SONE-ing is now affecting your writing.

      Where is the Hyogre at on here!?

    3. To be a sone one must love and adore all nine "goddesses" because snsd is our religion
      If we buy goddesses album.
      We will go to heaven

    4. Consider the following: at least SM always puts her in the back so she's almost never seen!

    5. ^ This. I just pretend she don't exist :)

    6. Let's be real, Hyoyeon definitely ranks close to the bottom in terms of appearance, but these seven chicks are much worse. Even if I didn't include Shindong, I'd still put chicks like Chanmi in his stead before I got to Hyoyeon. She's probably at least two female idols away from being on this list.

    7. The way I see it, take out qri and replace with hyoyeon. Fuck you Nat for dissing my qri!!!!!!

    8. Hyoyeon's status is so notorious that every group now has 'a Hyoyeon'.

      Yoonhye is Rainbow's Hyoyeon; Namjoo is A Pink's Hyoyeon; Sohee is Wonder Girls' Hyoyeon, etc.

    9. Also, CL.

      Jung Juri is not a good look.

  3. Fuckin' awesome post! hahahaha
    its like early akfg posts- just take shit and make fun of it
    anyways i like going on smackjuice for some of the funny stuff fails/pics/videos/shit they post, but their list really sucked

  4. Where's Tiffany on the list, SHE IS A VERY ARROGANT BITCH, in Twinkle video, when she standing the centre , I can see " YO BITCH I GOT THE CENTRE AND HELL YEAH I'M POPULAR"

    and I dont get her "rap" and English thing. She Lives in USA for God DAMN but Sone always praise her English, ans rapper Hwang LOL

    1. Yeah she disrespect shinhwa ahjussis.

      Ran it! Ran it with an audi!

  5. how come they're all girls? (other than Shindong, who is crossdressing anyway)


    1. Yeah. Daesung
      Gdruggin before he fix he teeths.

    2. I wanted to include some male idols so I wouldn't seem like TOO much of a misogynistic asshole, but I don't follow them as closely as I follow female idols, so there would be less material for me to make fun of.


    4. You know what these all these Kpop stars have in common? They sing, dance, write lyrics, compose, perform, and act. They create music - which you might not like - but that give hundreds of people in countries across the world enjoyment and happiness.

      What do you contribute to the world? Jack shit, other than write asinine articles that's sole purpose is to bring people that actually do shit with their lives down.

      You're pathetic. That goes for all the people leaving comments on here as well.

      I have a suggestion for you all: the next time you feel the urge to leave some sort negative or degrading comment about someone, put your phone down and do something else. Bake some cookies. Write a poem. Learn to skateboard. Fucking anything - life is too short to spend it spreading the kind of hate that is constanly spewed on this website.

    5. I appreciate your existence Sesen Q, at least there's one decent person on here. First of all, all you guys better stop judging their looks because that's plain rude. I would like to see each and every one of you crazy kpop fans post a pic online and see if you look better than the people listed here. I understand if you don't like a person because their rude or ignorant, but hating them while acting like them is a bit hypocritical, right? Everyone has bad days, don't spend your entire day trying to belittle a person. I bet if your bias saw you hating on someone they would be disgusted. (BTW CL is planning to debut in America, so that person you just called "ugly" is know accomplishing her dreams :P .)

    6. and... WHATS WRONG WITH MOLES?? They're natural!

  6. What aboot sica neigh?
    Before plastic surgery eyh
    She loooks like cl
    Im not kidding


    1. No. As much as people like to compare her to a horse, she is no where near the caliber needed to earn a spot on my prestigious catalog. Yeah, she has a fair few bad photos. But when she fine, she HELLA FINE.

    2. true that. after the surgery shes pretty . wish daesung does ps too. just not from bom surgeons

  7. Yoona is still more overrated and useless then Sohee.

  8. This article deserves its own chapter in history.
    Scatter_88mil approves of this.

    1. Heh, totally agree. But we'd need a good name for that chapter of history.

      ... what about "Jealous Losers on the Internet: Making Fun of Other People's Lives in Order to Feel Better About Their Own."

  9. When you think that sohee is an ugly blowfish you´re wrong. shes prettier than all those aras, naras, haras, sullis, UEEs, IUs, yuris, danis, or yoonas. they all look so damn alike its fuckin creepy.

    PS. Lim reminds me of Snooki. Meatball Pride, bitchezzz!!!

    1. Ugly blowfish? I like it. Because when she sings it sounds like she's underwater, and she is fatally toxic to the Wonder Girls' careers.

    2. And she looks like she's swollen up heavily after being stung by one.

    3. she looks and sounds like a tooting dumpling.

  10. Duuuude, don't you dare list Qri. I mean everyone is entitled to their own opinion but you went way too far, affiliating a god-tier babe with a bunch of trash. Most of the time she covers her mole up, or the picture/video she's in is so zoomed out you don't see it anyway. And even if you do see it it's not that bad.

    I mean, would you let a single dot get in the way of you having intercourse with this? http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m32evzFqtR1r3vzedo10_250.jpg

    PS. Raina looks a bit weird now but she still looks 100 times better than before.

    1. Totally agree with you
      Anyway , that Qri picture is not that flattery.
      I prefer these pics more


      Anyway, one hater mean one less potential candidate. So come on and hate them more, I insist. T-ara don't need large fanbase like SNSD, 2ne1, SuJu... to sell their songs, so who care.

      Qri reaction to the article

    2. She is just not that appealing to me. Even without the mole, her nose doesn't sit right on her face. Not that I want a perfectly straight, tall nose, but there is very little I like about Qri.

  11. Thumbs up with Sohee fag being on the top but i'm kinda disappointed that you decided to include Qri but chose to rule out Hyogre.

  12. I don't get all the hype about Nana. He's a crossdresser.

    1. I agree her face is too square and her mouth is so alligator. Her body is like that of a gay man with AIDS(RIP, Father Simone) Horsica used to look like Sandy Cheeks but now she is a horse.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. yoona is beautiful
    but she no kim tae hee
    amirite AKFG

    1. Yoona has big mouth big nose small eyes

    2. the big mouth part . turns me on

    3. I've always thought Yoona was adorable. Not in those weird CF pictures and stuff, but just when she's being dorky and cheesy-smiling.

    4. I'm quite indifferent about her. I never really bashed her until now. At least she is a 1,000,000x better looking than Jessica.

    5. mantits . ur jealoous rite
      coz plassica got to be close with haeoppa~
      and DB5K OPPARWSS

    6. Idgaf if she fucked my oppars~~ my oppars are prolly into bestiality then. And I'm pretty sure it was Tiffany who spent the night in a hotel room with DB5k.

    7. atleast tiffany got som biscuit

  15. Is it wrong to say that Shindong looks better than CL when they're both wearing women clothing?

    1. heechul and taemin is more beautiful than all these fags + hyoyeon

    2. Bitch what about jo kwon? He looks better than hyoyeon. That bithc is all sorts of fug. Words can not discribe her face. Poor girl

  16. yoona is overrated

    snsd is overrated

    we all know this, stop being delusional

    1. you're just jealous of my nooonars <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

    2. You can't be overrated if you're on top.

  17. WHAT! I actually think 8, 7, 6 and 1 are pretty. Some notable people are missing

    Eunhyuk - along with being the 5th best rapper in the world (LOL) he's hands down the ugliest male idol

    Ryeowook - looks like a middle-aged white woman who's had too many nosejobs

    Kyuhyun - looks like a younger version of Yang Hyun Suk; you can't tell me you don't see the eerie similarities in their creepy smile

    Jo Kwon - a real vagina killer; his face makes my labia close up

    Boyfriend's Terror Twins - don't even know their names; look like someone beat Kim Hyun Joong in the face with a socket wrench

    Sungjong - completely ruined Infinite; L takes craps that look better than this ugly little treasure troll; why not just make them a part of the group

    YoSeob - speaking of treasure trolls; this is their leader; lately he's been looking like he's suffering from some incurable disease

    ManDara- who wants Dara in boy form? no thanks

    1. I do agree that Qri and Sohee don't deserve to be on the list, but some of your suggestions are wtf.

      Eunhyuk, have you seen him in no other? With the right hair he looks pretty cool.
      When I was very new to kpop Kyuhyun was one of the first faces I learned and I thought he looked really good. Still do.
      While the twins are creepy they still have very defined faces.

      I'm a guy though, so maybe I'm not as good of a judge.

      Dara, I've always thought she's really cute but on this blog you're not allowed to say it out loud due to peer pressure.

    2. Hyukjae is gorgeous.

      Kyuhyun used to be p-e-r-f-e-c-t looking during Bonamana promotions but he drinks a lot and doesn't sleep enough so he's getting less gorg now.

      Thunder? IDK he doesn't look good in pictures but every time I watch an MBLAQ reality show his face gets more and more precious; I guess he's just one of those people you have to see in action. And he has a good body now so at worst he's butterface.

    3. ive always thot daesung was the ugliest
      i mean yes hyukjae face is deformed . and monkey shape
      and those eyes....
      well atleast my darling hyukjae got eyes unlike daesung

    4. Eunhyuk can actually look good. I agree with Nona about Kyuhyun. But he looks like a fat version of Woody from Toy Story. Thunder so qt.

  18. That's definitely a bad PS job on G.NA (http://static.allkpop.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/20100906_gna_02.jpg). Her nostrils are crooked, she probably went to the same surgeon as Bom but didn't get as many injections on her face so she doesn't look like expired play doh. Still resembles E.T though.

    I agree with you on Raina, I don't know what happened but she looks scary in Thriller, I mean Flashback. She's Korea's Jocelyn Wildenstein http://bossip.files.wordpress.com/jocelyn-4.jpg

    Really wish you had included Yoseob.

    P.S when will you nigz change the AKFG background? My mom sees I'm on this site every day and she thinks I like transvestites now.

  19. I would stay away from Korea only because of creepy deformed faces like Niel.That boy/girl/thing is ugly as fuck.
    Sohee and Qri are cute though.Maybe useless,but cute.

    1. I know a girl on twitter who stans him. Like wtf his face looks like it's melted.

    2. What the actual fuck is wrong with you guys? I notice that neither of you used your own face as your profile pic - I guarantee the Kpop stars you keep bashing are better looking than you.

      Seriously, do you get enjoyment out of bringing people down, or what?

  20. I agree totally with everything, wtf.

  21. How did Bom and Hyoyeon not make the list?

    1. bom a plastic bag.
      snsd .....
      u know...

    2. Cuz Bom is pretty sexy at times. Her face, while plastic, has the potential to be good looking occasionally. Also, those legs.

      Hyo, I already said so why above. There are just uglier idols than her, she's also looking pretty good lately. That's not just me talking, I've had opinions from third parties.

    3. Bom is a mannequin. That should have automatically put her on the list. Hell, as sulli has stated so many times before, she looks exactly like Michael Myers.

  22. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-K8qkhvlFhWM/TexngmeYgJI/AAAAAAAAAPE/Ke7-B1kMIfI/s400/12.jpg.jpg

    It's too bad Qri will never be as pretty as this goddess ;(

  23. ...WOW. Jesus, I see you guys are back on the SNSD-bashing wagon again (except for the author of this article - it's nice to see some other idols getting a share of the vitriol instead of SNSD). Pity, I was just starting to enjoy the site again (especially since it doesn't lock up my browser anymore).

    1. What can I say, they're nine of Korea's most hated.

    2. nobody hates seohyun.heck even vips aprove seohyun. TOPSEO FOR LYFE~

      ppl just hate slutsica and tiffany because of her past rude actions

    3. Umm, I hate Seohyun. She's the third ugliest member, and the cyborg expression/personality reaaally turns me off.

  24. Replies
    1. > 80 comments. The Cheat is a genius.

    2. The Cheat is many things, a genius is indeed something that The Cheat is.

  25. good list but.. do you seriously call yourself "The Cheat"? and refer to yourself in the third person?

    1. The Cheat doesn't always refer to himself in the third person, but when he does, you can tell.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. 101 comments.
    no hyogre
    no daesung
    no hyukjae
    no g-druggin before dental surgery

    the cheat has done it again~

  30. I'm actually annoyed at Sohee's face.. that derp blowfish, but I don't think she should be in number 1..
    It should be CL, the baddest female face seoul ever had.. lol.
    AHyogre should be there too and Bom, the walking plastic.. :P

    1. You know what these all these Kpop stars have in common? They sing, dance, write lyrics, compose, perform, and act. They create music - which you might not like - but that give hundreds of people in countries across the world enjoyment and happiness.

      What do you contribute to the world? Jack shit, other than write asinine articles that's sole purpose is to bring people that actually do shit with their lives down.

      You're pathetic. That goes for all the people leaving comments on here as well.

      I have a suggestion for you all: the next time you feel the urge to leave some sort negative or degrading comment about someone, put your phone down and do something else. Bake some cookies. Write a poem. Learn to skateboard. Fucking anything - life is too short to spend it spreading the kind of hate that is constanly spewed on this website.

  31. HAHA You silly sones and your ways...
    Tiffany is the only one bitch who would keep me the fuck out of fucking Korea, I don't think there's someone more a annoying and air-headed that her in the bizz, and it's everything about her, her fucking botoxd face is more and more disturbing (she's staring to look like Bom) her ugly ass attention whore personality, her square shaped body, her voice, oh god have mercy, I can't even listen to snsd anymore because of that high pitched lil cali girl voice she has, Twinkle destroyed Tiffany for me, I found her repulsive now. Oh and she's a fucking hypocrite.

    Sohee is the exact same opposite.

  32. Eunkyo needs to delete herself, fug bitch.

  33. All 2NE1 members are pretty! That picture you took of CL it was photoshoped by an antifan.
    She doesn't look like that without makeup!
    And how good does this bitch that write this blog looks without makeup?

  34. OMG I do not believe Lim needs to be on this list!!

    Also, have you ever thought about more what goes on behind the scenes of making an idol? If so, I wrote a small post that I wonder if you could read and comment on about certain aspects that K-Pop idols are being made into these days: http://nynyonlinex.wordpress.com/2012/10/10/workaholic-society-of-an-idol/

  35. I don't understand how you can be this mean with people that just try to do their best in a really difficult job.
    Do you even know them personally ?
    You can't just judge people like that. You say that some are mean, or bitchy but what about you ? I think you're way more than what you pretend them to be.
    As everyone, Raina had insecurities about herself, and when you're in a country that promotes plastic surgery, and that you have money, and that you're supposed to be a role model for a lot of people, you can't refuse to do it. Her appearance concerns only her. And if you don't like her appearance, just don't watch the mvs anymore... You don't need to attack her like that.
    G.NA looks unnatural, but that's not a reason to say "you need a paperbag". Yes, a lot a of people don't like her appearance, but because this is an uncommon face in kpop's world. It's absolutely hideous to say such a thing without any reason.
    For Qri, what you wrote just gives the impression that you're jealous. She has a perfect skin ? Ok, good ! Be happy for her ! And same, you say that she can't dance, but did you just see her dancing once ? Her level is awesome ! The other members dance more easily, but still, she dances really well. And how can you just say that she can't sing ? This is pure jealousy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmUKA1raRXk

  36. For CL, as another comment said, this is a fake picture. And even if it was a true one, what ? The idols are supposed to do their best on stage, and to work a lot on their voices and dancing. They're not supposed to be perfect even when comfy at home, with no-makeup face and smiling at everything. The idols are human too. CL is a human. Beauty isn't everything.
    Eunkyo has not the "ideal korean features". But again, what ? She does her best in what she does, and she's really pretty. I'm sure that if she did surgery to look like ideal korean faces, you'd be like "nah, she looks false, she's a bitch uh". And you assume that she's arrogant but do you just have a proof ?
    Lim. Fine, you think she's bizarre ? Okay, that's your problem. So if someone is just bizarre, you'll be like "Okay I hate her, let's just write mean things about her on a blog".
    About Shindong, how did you just get these informations ? I don't trust whatever you say about these idols, because everything you wrote on this page looks like jealousy. Pure jealousy. So, for you, fat is bad ? You do fat-shaming ? Okay, that's your choice. But this is not a reason to hate someone. Either Shindong is really courageous, because he breaks the rules of kpop's world, or he has an eating disorder. Did you ever have bulimia ? I don't think so, because if you had it, you would'nt do fat-shaming.
    Again, for Sohee, you just look like some king of sasaeng fan being angry because YG got Jay Park out. Sohee hasn't got the perfect korean features, but you can't say she's not pretty. Sure, if you think like the korean society and don't make you own way of thinking, it's easy to think she's ugly. I'm ok on the fact that YG is a bad company, but you can't just shame Sohee for it.

    Well, I don't know if judging everyone like that makes you feel happy or proud, but I don't think so. Maybe you feel more important when you judge people that do a really hard job that you maybe never could have. But judging won't help you. It will just make you angrier against these people that just try to work well, and make the fans angry. It makes everyone angry. The proof ? Look at just all these comments above mine. All these people hate idols for no real reasons. Some even hate idols for their fans. Nonsense. That is JEALOUSY. Just jealousy. And you are jealous when you aren't confident with yourself. That's logical.
    The worst is to judge people. Because it means you are so weak that you can't gain confidence without criticizing people around you or idols or... whatever.
    JUDGING WON'T HELP YOU. I write this hoping that it will open the eyes of someone... If it's not too late for them (the more you judge, the less you can stop judging). Trust me, I had a blog to judge things too, before i just realize that it was stupid.
    You don't think you're a jealous person ? Just try this : http://www.zimbio.com/quiz/uWIfetLewj4/Are+You+A+Jealous+Person

    (P.S.: I'm not an english speaker, so it might have some mistakes)

    1. I agree with you, every single word on this page is made by pure jealousy...I dont understand why she have to judge people on a page, if she doesn't like these people she must keep it for herself...so immature

  37. You guys are all awful human beings, the fact that you have to spread so much hate and write these malicious comments just goes to show what kind of people you are. The hateful comments just show how insecure you all are. You can't hate on them for trying to follow their dreams, i bet if you were in that situation you would feel awful receiving this criticism. How do you sleep at night spreading such negative energy. Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion and you're allowed to dislike people, but this is more than just dislike this is pure hatred and jealousy

  38. You know what these all these Kpop stars have in common? They sing, dance, write lyrics, compose, perform, and act. They create music - which you might not like - but that give hundreds of people in countries across the world enjoyment and happiness.

    What do you contribute to the world? Jack shit, other than write asinine articles that's sole purpose is to bring people that actually do shit with their lives down.

    You're pathetic. That goes for all the people leaving comments on here as well.

    I have a suggestion for you all: the next time you feel the urge to leave some sort negative or degrading comment about someone, put your phone down and do something else. Bake some cookies. Write a poem. Learn to skateboard. Fucking anything - life is too short to spend it spreading the kind of hate that is constanly spewed on this website.

  39. This one of the stupidest, most unnecessary, unfunny articles I've ever read. The way it's written you can tell that the writer thinks they're fucking hilarious, but they're just a douchebag. You may not find these people attractive, but at least they're doing something more than bitching about people's appearances online.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. OK are you REtARDED? what the heek is this? You made this out of your jealousy you b. OH WAIT NO YOUR UGLY FACE DID THIS. It really doesnt matter how they lookbut their talents of singing. I really can't believe that they're someppl like you in comments. Are you really that ugly and deformed?? DM me if you want some tips on make up on instagram and i could tottaly hook you up with some free plastic sugury if you like @tristan355lol. This is stupid, unnecessary and the most disgusting thing I've read. And You may not find these people attractive, but at least they're doing something more than bitching about people's appearances online.


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