Monday, July 9, 2012

Yang Hyun Suk is a Hypocrite

2NE1′s Minzy revealed that she made a compromise with her agency’s CEO Yang Hyun Suk after he asked her to cut down on the sexy dances.
In an interview held on July 6th at the YG Entertainment building, the interviewer asked, “We heard that Yang Hyun Suk gave you a special command to refrain from doing sexy dances?“ To this Minzy replied, “That is why he has given me space to express my freedom in my solo parts.”
She went on to say, “Overall, the choreography is very sexy but we made a compromise when I went over the choreography with our CEO." 
CL stated, “I don’t think that our CEO likes us to be overtly sexy. It still needs to have the 2NE1 flavor so the dance needs to be changed accordingly.” 
Previously, Yang Hyun Suk said in a different interview, “In the new choreography for 2NE1, there is a sexy dance where they use the lower half of their bodies. All the members are doing well with the sexy dance so I am satisfied, but when our underage member Minzy does it I just feel a little uncomfortable.”

Hold up. Is this the same PEDO that uploaded a video of 12/13-year-old girls dancing provocatively on the floor only weeks ago? Now THAT was uncomfortable to watch.

Let's get real. Minzy is only a year shy of becoming legal. Not to mention, YHS had Seungri man-whoring himself out at the same age during Strong Baby promotions. Double standards, much? Besides, Minzy is the only member with the body and talent to pull off moves like that.

Body, check.

Talent, check.

But this explains why Minzy was wearing a cheetah-printed rug in 2NE1's comeback performance on Inkigayo.

If there's NE1 in 2NE1 that needs censoring (c wut I did thar?), it's Dara and her redundant raised-eyebrow, one-eye-bigger-than-the-other expression that she somehow thinks can pass off as "fierce." Now that's an entirely different topic that warrants a new article. 

But for now... #FREEMINZY

Translation: allkpop


  1. seems to me that he wants minzy for himself

  2. Must've been an awkward talk for Minzy

  3. Minzy looks fat in the face but her body is so fit. Why is that? It's like Daesung or Yesung or Uee or someshit.

    1. must be the baby fats, makes peoples faces look like a black woman's ass

  4. Cut out Minzy means getting rid of the only thing that you can call "sexy" in 2ne1. Unless you have ballons fetish, and fap to Bommie.

  5. Replies
    1. You mean memes? lol. Don't tell me AKF is anti-9gag too! D:

    2. Everyone knows 4chan is the source of all memes, silly.

    3. 9gag is terrible, and the anons we had in the winter acted like people from 9gag, which led to me removing the anon option to comment.

    4. 9gag oppar dint mean it
      not 9gagoppa fault 9gaggers? are like that :(

      ahgahahaa copypasting what fandoms like sones , bjs, vips, homins jyjstans . elfs said when anti say its fans fault

    FUCK U YG!!!

  7. Does anyone think that Dara is holding 2NE1 back in terms of dancing? I think that's why YHS is trying to cleanse (unsuccessfully) the sexy in Minzy. Even with a choreography as simple as I love you, Dara is still looking stiff as hell and it's painful to watch. So at the end, 2NE1 is doing basic moves with some cuts of Minzy humping the floor which make the whole thing even weirder.

    1. Do I THINK it? Naw broski. I know it. I lol at BlowJobs who comment on her "improvement". She's always been a bamboo stick (physically and figuratively).

      inb4 this video gets posted by a BJ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tupzsjmAh64

    2. i honestly think she fucks gd and se7en toget into YG
      remeber her strongheart story?

  8. minzy just needs to be able to shake that booty the way she wants. Don't hold her back. The girl has talent. The thing is, if she's able to do what she wants people will notice she's more talented than CL.

    1. Minzy is the only one that is talented in 2ne1. Some girls had the nerve of calling Bug Bang and twennywan the most talented in kpop. Lol

    2. who deserve it mantits
      must be ur precious suju oppars rite

    3. the most talented kpop group Super Junior

    4. BB and 2ne1 surely dont deserve it. Even snsd has more talent.

    5. OH MY GOD . SUN!

      im laughing so hard im crying XD

      2ne1 is not the most talented group

      but snsd more talented than bigbang XD?

      we all know bb = db5k

      therefore snsd > db5k

      seems legit

    6. Oh my bad DBSK=BB>SNSD
      I forgot about proportion and ratio being off since 3/5 members are talented but 4/9 members are talented to
      ITNW>The Boys *sighed* Fire>ILY
      They both had so much potential. If only Soshi had the charisma Twennywan has.
      I think that if Super Senior had only KRY, Eunhae, Zhou Hen, Sungmin Kangin(?)they would be better. And SNSD with TaetiSeo and Sooyoung, Hyogre would be better. Not that SJ and Snsd are the groups with the most talent, but who cares.

    7. wtv. keep on saying sujuoppars and snsdonnies are more talented than bigbang/db5k
      because ur rite . because ur an elf
      and elfs are never wrong ;)

    8. I am not an elf. I never said suju more talent than bb dbsk I meant to say that I think snsd has mo' talented members(2) than twennywan(1)

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. its the dead weights thats making snsd less talented
      2ne1 deadweight is dara
      while snsd's are _______, _____, _____,
      get my point?

      while i do like taetiseo... and sunny and sooyoung

      i just find it funny how u said snsd deserved most talented group

      gud thing u corected urself saying more talented members

    11. I wouldn't say SNSD is the most talented. I mean unless you think so, that's cool. I respect dat. But it was pretty stupid of me to even bring such a thing up.

  9. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6nzsxgA6G1qbwgylo1_500.jpg

    1. he likes more popular than bigbang or 2ne1 combine

    2. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That should be nominated for best group troll photo!

  10. minzy could show talent if she wasn't constantly shafted by CL and forced to take her sloppy seconds.

  11. I used to like 2NE1 in their debut days and used to think they were all "that" but recently (as in the last 2 years) I can't say I've been really interested in them or their songs. The only person in 2NE1 that I barely care about in 2NE1 is Minzy but other than that I'm not really interested. :(

    1. I see what you're saying here and I feel the same.

      Minzy's dancing doesn't seem so sexy to me. She's popping those nipple bits in the air but its still isn't much. I guess the real question is rather Suk got sick of her dry humping floors and the air. All that cash YG makes they have enough for a janiter. No need for Minzy to constantly spring clean the dance rehearsal room.

  12. YG wants Minzy to cover it up because he finds her ugly. The man clearly has no taste in women. He wifed up the only woofer in Swi. T.

  13. Can't they just get rid of CL and Bom? That way Dara will only stand on the stage,looking pretty,while Minzy will rap,sing,dance and basically work her *banned* ass off for both of them.
    CL and Bom should go.At least CL.PLEASE.

    1. minzy should just go solo .


      she could definately pull it off like her taeyang ,gdruggin oppar
      but she needs boms/cl popularity to get a successful solo

      but hey taeyang isnt the one with the most fans but tae got experts everywhere praising him.

    2. Whut meenz #freeminzy? I keep seeing it around akf. Taeyang oppar should have been chosen as BB leader.

    3. its literally means free minzy
      free minzy from yg , 2ne1.
      cuz shes too good for those hacks

    4. nah as much as he is my bias. and brought me into kpop.
      g-leader pretty mmkay
      and shortTae
      wouldnt be a good leader
      altho gd did say tae would be the leader if he ever step down

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. OOOhh.. YG, you thinkin' of frisky things xD

  16. Minzy is legal in my country so twerk dat ass in YHS's face.

  17. Minzy works it like an island girl. Gyal whine pon de dancefloor!



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