Wednesday, October 24, 2012

[MV REVIEW] Miss A - I don't need a man

For starters, korean entertainment’s vision on women empowerment apparently resides in their ability to buy their own shoes. LOL.
As for the members, not only they lacked the strenght and fierceness that this concept requires, but their profiles didn’t blend with it either; considering their previous works in general and Suzy‘s persona in particular.
Moreover, the producers and writers also failed at their jobs giving life to one of the most cheap-looking MVs i’ve seen in a while. The lame sets and the mediocre filming have “10 bucks budget” written all over them.

Not fooling anyone

Supposedly inspired by Destiny’s Child‘s works (the only visual influece i could find was in Fei‘s hair though) it gives away the BeyoncĂ©’s  “Single ladies (put a ring on it)” vibe more than anything. Not a nice outcome, IMO.
This song, I may confess, is the only song i've heard from these ladies that didn't make me yawn in exhaustation. Not only that, but also got stuck in my mind for a whole day ("i don't need a man, i don't need a man, what?") It's balanced enough to keep Miss A's weakneses practically invisible and let the strenghts deliver without complications. In a nutshell: they all sound better, the song sounds better. Plus, the rap isn't hideous to my ears and that, my friends, is a big plus coming from a girl group that isn't BEG.

NOTE: I’m not sure how long is going to take before JYP starts taking the lead roles in his artists' MVs (or how long does he plan to pretend that this group isn’t just an excuse to sell Suzy in every possible market)

All in all, i really liked Jia in this video. I think that her, and Min, would’ve had no problems interpreting something edgier, and that’s a variant to consider for a group who has been painting inside the lines without taking much risk.

Like I give a fuck


  1. Are Korean women even allow to think more independently? Just saying some of these bitches future is to be some dude punching baby, baby popper or some white guys male order bride.

    fuck that was wrong of me

    1. you're probably right though :d

    2. anything is better than being an obese Caucasian women with saggy skin

    3. So you're saying that I've still got a chance at actually making my waifu my actual waifu?

    4. Miss A is a terrible representation of independent women in Korea.

  2. "balanced enough to keep Miss A's weaknesses practically invisible"

    I'm sorry, but did you even HEAR Jia say "What!" in the choruses? It made me burst out laughing, at how badly delivered, and just terrible forced it was.
    The song downright sucked.
    2 bar looped synths, WAY over sub'ed bass (L2COMPRESS NOOB), and a just horrid concept that deliberately roots itself in gender-based materialism. Miss A's songs are bad by default, but this one was just...RRRRRRR!

    Oh, and hello to the new writer.

    1. lol "practically" as in "if you don't listen it with too much attention"
      and hi there :D

    2. @infamist

      just wondering, was there ever a kpop song that you actually thought was good? (composition/production) ...just curious XD i just always see your comments saying how badly produced songs are XD

      but i dont blame you... it's kpop

    3. Of the top of my head: Girl's Generation's "Trick", Younha's "Run", Epik High's earlier stuff, and despite my antagonism towards it; T-ara's "Sexy Love".
      Not a lot, but at least it's something. :|

    4. niceeeeee... i agree with those songs, they were actually good ...trick was the only song that i really liked in that god awful the boys album

  3. They're wasting all that Monopoly money!

    BTW YAY, Congratulations Budy on becoming an author.

  4. I thought Jia did a really good job too, she pulls of the song so effortlessly, and when when her rapping sequence comes on, she's treats it playfully and doesn't try to be all hard.

  5. I thought dis song was cute! reminded me of Secret debut song. Kekeke omomo!
    the vid reminded me of those cheap vids for up and cumming "rap and hiphop" artist you see on mtv at 3 in the morning.

  6. Hehehehehe the last gif would fit well as a DERP! moment

  7. Still don't like Jia, her accent and her wannabee feeling that I get from her everytime
    Fei, on the other hand, is such a low-key goddess...

  8. Jia rapping was alright in kpop standard. Min's rapping....oh wtf, its like the female Taecyeon.....

    I love this song. I have it play in my head everyday all day at work. The thought of Suzy saying she dont need a man makes me a sad panda, but I will persevere and be her man!!!!!!

    Fei is fucking beautiful.
    The song itself is very catchy, the MV has memoriable scenes and dances that will stick in my head forever. They way Suzy sways during the i dont need a man Chorus...so cute.

  9. This is probably my favorite miss A song next to BGGG. Definitely a return to form since pretty much all their songs since their debut weren't really good.

  10. Given SK's neanderthal views on women this song is just ridiculous.

    One of the reasons "fierce" concepts don't fly for groups like Miss A, Wonder Girls, 2NE1, or 4Minute is because it all seems so fake and forced. All of these bitches act so cutesy and afraid of their own damn shadows off stage. They are playing a role and it's extremely insincere. I could get behind this concept if it came from BEG, Lee Hyori, Lexy or that sexy old hag Park Kahi. Why? Because those women are actually strong, independent, outspoken hold their own and do handle their business both OFFSTAGE and ON. I guess it comes with age. Fierceness and independence is not something that can be manufactured. It has to come from within.

    Bottom line Miss A still registering under 'No Fucks Given' and JYPiss still sucks

  11. I didn't like the styling for this comeback, and the song's pretty lame, pretty lame (CHINCHA?).

    Hello to the new author though.

  12. The song sounds very dated. I don't like how JYP has to include himself in everything.

  13. not one suzy gif or mention of "fat whore" in the entire review. i'm surprised.

  14. The song is good, and could be better if they remove "What, Chinca, Jeongmal". It is really forced.

  15. so good!, i shared this post my kpop fans, greetins



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