Wednesday, October 24, 2012

[NYSLT] Primary - Poison feat. E-Sens of Supreme Team

This gem came out at the right time. After Epik High released a giant turd, we needed something good and Primary and E-Sens didn't do just that, they came out with an amazing song.

They're not really "nugus" to people who actually listen to Korean hiphop, but I'm just assuming they are to the majority of Kpop fans. Primary is a producer and is now under Amoeba Culture (Dynamic Duo, Supreme Team, Rhythm Power, Zion. T, etc.) E-Sens is that "other guy" in Supreme Team. There Simon D fangirls, you finally know his name.

E-Sens has been inactive for the past year for marijuana use. He couldn't use GD's excuse of "I thought it was a cigarette," and he isn't in YG where you can get away with anything, so he couldn't do any activities for a year.

There are rumors that Supreme Team will be making a comeback at the end of this year or early next year and I hope they're true. It's been two years since we've heard anything from Supreme Team, not counting Simon D's solo album from last year.

There fangirls, if you're browsing this article, you can hear actual rapping. Your oppars fucking suck dirty dinosaur dick drenched in diabolical diarrhea.


  1. I love all Primary albums, he is a damn good producer. E-sen is a good rapper too, combine them two and you get the best music to listen to.

    1. to quote a certain person :P
      "How dare you link a CJ upload of Primary's new track"

      :D :D

    2. Because this video has way more views.

  2. uh, not really my cup of tea.
    The instrumental could be applied or purged out context, but are supposed to specifically support the performance, cooperate with it, especially if we're talking about rap. Him rapping without any percussive rhythm over standard contemporary hip hop instrumental makes me sad, 'cause it could've been done a LOT better. I could honestly mute either vocals or instrumentals, and make something new in place of the muted part, and no one would be able to tell the difference.

    I don't get it.

    1. Does every single song have to fit into your pigeon-holed formula for a good song?

      I thought it was quit obvious from the start of the song that it didn't follow the standard formula for a hiphop song since there was no chorus at all, a three minute verse as opposed to the usual two second verses common in songs, and in instrumental that didn't loop a ten second segment for three minutes.

    2. Just shoving my to cents in there. I even admit that I don't get it. I commend it for being narratively focused. I didn't even say it was bad, and I applaud it for what Pri was trying to do, just that the instrumentals felt like they could be working a bit more together with his rapping.
      You sound annoyed by me, though. If you don't think my opinions have a place on your blog, I can go back to lurking. Just flip the thumb, Caesar, and I'll die at your mercy.

    3. Oh, don't get me wrong. It may seem that way since it's impossible to decipher the tone of voice through writing. You know a lot more about music than I do, but from your comments, it just seems like a song has to be "perfect" among your criteria to be good.

      I don't mind that you have differing opinions than I do. That's healthy, and something the Kpop fandom needs. I'd rather you have your opinions than to say "OMG, if AKF says it's awesome/sucks dick, then it's awesome/sucks dick!"

  3. Wait, did dinosaurs actually have dicks?

    1. http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2357/how-did-dinosaurs-have-sex

  4. Thank you. You saved my ears after the disappointment that is '99

  5. So fucking good. Based Primary.

  6. Perfect song. Those were my thoughts exactly, after Epik Fail we needed something as an ear healing and indeed, Poison is a perfect one. I missed E-sens a lot, sometimes I hate Korea so much for trying to destroy talented people as him.
    The lyrics, the base, the video, everything is so passionate plus the fact that e-sens is back makes it even 100 times better.
    And about Simon D, he could burn for all I care or join YG as well.

  7. Youtube Link


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