Monday, December 3, 2012

GLEE Covers PSY's「Gangnam Style」

So I found the ultimate「Gangnam Style」 cover. Or at least probably now the most famous one.

Gleeks, enjoy your probably only day featured on this site. Unless your precious GLEE decides to ruin more Korean music for the rest of us during this Hallyu Tsunami

Of course they would get the Asian to sing this song. Which I am secretly really happy about because I, for some reason, would have been racially offended if they chose a white person over her and made her do back-up like a tool. I was a little upset at her Korean pronunciation though. I don't even speak Korean, but to me, some parts sounded very strained. In fact, the white people at the chorus sounded a little better at times.

I mean, it wasn't terrible or anything. But it certainly gave me second hand embarrassment. I don't know why, but its existence bothers me greatly. It's not that I don't like PSY (*caution* - hipster moment: I used to like PSY before he even released「Gangnam Style」), or have something against GLEE - and I certainly don't mean to bandwagon and be all "Oh GLEE ruins all popular music!". But seriously. What the fuck.

This was aired for a Thanksgiving special. You know what I am thankful for? That Glee didn't ruin any of my favourite Korean music songs.


Love you all!!! 
<3 <3 <3

To celebrate, all of us here at Anti Kpop-Fangirl will do a cover of Glee's cover of 
Psy's「Gangnam Style」! 


Prepare your acid to wash out your eyes.

Anti Kpop-Fangirl gets to be HyunA.


  1. 1) Glee is the worst thing that ever happened.
    2) Why is the choreo such shit?
    3) Why do they dance the already shit choreo so poorly? I thought this was at very least a professional show?
    4) Why do they look so serious? Are they not even having fun?
    5) Why is a girl singing this?
    6) Why is the camera direction so... directionless?
    7) Glee is the worst thing that ever happened.

    1. Oh, and...

      "and I certainly don't mean to bandwagon and be all "Oh GLEE ruins all popular music!" "

      ...reality isn't a bandwagon.

    2. Implying pop music in general isn't ruined by default.

      Also: "Would have been racially offended if they chose a white person over her and made her do back-up like a tool"

      Implying a Caucasian couldn't have fucked it up as equally bad as her.

    3. That could be true though b/c she doesn't know Korean lol

    4. In an interview she said she had to learn it for this episode. She's adopted by white ppl

  2. ugh. I'm going to "ironically" drink a glass of bleach

  3. Yes make some Chinese scrub sing a song in broken Korean. Fucking geniuses.

  4. Aren't they going to cover big bang?

    1. Nah they just had a dance rehearsal to it.

    2. Nah they just had a dance rehearsal to it.

  5. Fuck man I wanted Harry to sing too but motherfer only dances boooooo :C! Lol and did you all see them trying to Crayon with Fantastic Baby? Worst dance I've seen lol and I.loooooove Mike Chang(Harry) wooly but man did glee gone fuck up kpop...LOL

  6. God damnit I hate Glee. Why is it next to IMPOSSIBLE for Americans to pronounce fucking "Oppa Gangnam style"? Shouldn't be that freakin' hard, yet nobody manages to.

    1. Americans still can't pronounce "sake", "anime" or "karate" correctly. Give it up, you can't make Americans say nuthin' right.

  7. ... The girl, I guess her name is Tina?, looks like she is lip-synching. And she is singing about the type of girl she likes, and what type of guy she is >.< Plus this song comes with built in choreography how can you mess that up? It isn't like Psy hasn't been on every American talkshow showing how to do the choreography in English.

  8. Her pronunciation was awkward b/c although she's Korean, she isn't fluent. She's adopted by white ppl & her last name is Ushowitz or something similar

  9. See that chick? Thats what those chinky korean chicks really look like!

  10. I thought I was the only one that hates GLEE. :)

  11. That last girl pulled a krystal

  12. i take that shinbi noona doesnt like glee then ( = u=)

    1. I personally have no opinion. I do not even watch the show; so I cannot really fairly judge it. It is just as soon as one of my Gleek friends told me about it, I knew I had to share this atrocity with the world.

  13. lol'd that no one has mentioned that shes actually korean.

    of course they'd give the korean actress this song.

    1. wow ppl did im fucking blind sorry 8(

  14. THE PRONUNCIATION IS KILLING ME. WTF. And her voice is so grating.
    She's Korean..? lol she must not speak it.
    I'm white as it gets, and I can do the rap better than her... dafuq...

  15. I thought it wasn't too horrible, but Let's Have a Kiki/Turkey Lurkey Time was suprisingly fucking amazing.

  16. Not even Darren Criss could make this monstrosity almost-halfway-decent.

    And he's pretty nice to stare at.

    Fuck it, not even ALL of the attractive male StarKids TOGETHER could make this almost-halfway decent. (Unless maybe if Joe walker was shirtless...)

    I'm retreating to watch AVPM, AVPS, MaMD, and HMBM in an attempt to wipe this from my memory.

  17. I hate this season of Glee. It's fucking terrible now.

  18. God wow seriously, her singing is maximum awkwardness and makes my skin crawl. I do think I can even pronounce korean better than her, she is just terribad.

    And whats with giving a girl a song about another girl? I'm not a homophobe or anything, at least give her the Hyuna version? She is not an oppar --''

  19. It was like watching a fat Dani do a Gangnam Style cover, tbh.

  20. Why does she say "Oppan" anyways? Where did the "N" come from?

    I so confused!!1!

    1. Clearly I know shitall about Korean grammar.

      "To all those saying oppa not oppan....it is OPPAN. the extra "n" on the end is making the sentence "gramatically correct" oppan NEUN is shortened to oppan...
      so yes the song is called oppa gangnam style...but the catch phrase in the song is oppaN gangnam style"

      So saying "oppan" would make it "Oppa IS Gangnam Style"


      The more you know.

    2. Literally, Oppan Gangnam Style means As for oppa, [his] style [is] Gangnam [style].


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