Tuesday, December 4, 2012

[MV Review] Secret - Talk That

Secret is back already after wrapping up their Poison promotions. Talk That is a refreshing change for Secret, one that actually works for the group unlike Shy Boy and Starlight Moonlight.

While the instrumental is basic and took the minimalistic approach, it is refreshing compared to the loud and bombastic instrumentals that are in most of Secret's title tracks. For once the Secret members aren't fighting against the instrumental in order to be heard. Jieun sounds great, Hyosung and Sunhwa are serviceable as usual, and Zinger sounds awesome. Why does Zinger sound awesome? SHE ISN'T FUCKING RAPPING! THAT'S WHY! Zinger's raps usually take Secret's songs down a notch, and she even had two long verses in Poison. In Talk That, her vocals aren't amazing or anything, but I'll take mediocre idol singing over super fucking shitty idol rapping any fucking day of the week.

There choreography doesn't feature any clit slapping this time, but overall, the choreography is a let down. Usually Secret has a good choreography for their songs, but there really isn't anything that stands out in this one.

There's a solo part for Hyosung, but that's really it.

As for the MV, I didn't really follow the story they were trying to portray, but I wasn't even trying to follow it in the first place. I was just looking at the members looking good. Now that Zinger doesn't really look terrible anymore, Secret as a whole looks good, and that's more than you can say for most groups out there.

Bitch please, you're still in last place

I still don't understand why Hyosung took a bath with clothes on.



  1. : /
    I love Zinger raps ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    Hyoseong looking so sexy

    Also who the hell DOES take a bath with clothes on....that is normally only for the shower scenes : /

    1. Yeah, I like Zinger raps too and tbh I think she's better than Sunhwa at singing, but she did look terrible in Shy Boy (probably due to her deformed ears) after she lost weight for Poison and covered those monstrosities with her hair she started looking better.

  2. No 2 bar loops? No horrific rapping? No lazy compression?

    To be fair the lyrics are still repetitive, not "worst of kpop" repetitive with dumbass adlips, but still. I give it the official "Would Remix" stamp of mediocrity.

  3. When I scrolled down to the last gif I thought that close up of her knees were her boobs at first.

    1. You mean these? https://i.minus.com/ibpk67FUmjudtA.gif

  4. Eww Hyosung has those disgusting stubby type of fingernails

    1. Medically speaking clubbed thumbs are pretty common. Also how often are you looking at a girl's thumbs?

    2. Maybe she shouldnt wear that unflattering shade of nail polish and that hair dun flatter her big face

  5. Wow, different from the usual SECRET song's thank goodness. I hate the cute crap they usually do so I really like this.
    All the girls look great and Zinger get's prettier with each comeback. Although I prefer Zinger with black hair like in "Poison" she looked really bangin' there. Hyosung looking fyne as usual, can this girl never look bad?

    Zinger singing.........O_O.
    I'm really surprised, I didn't expect that voice to come out of her but I really love it. Her singing voice is nice and deepish like Yubin's, it's soooooo nice.

  6. I don't mind the choregraphy. Its more mature-ish than their other songs.

  7. Song felt bleh as usual from Secret's stuff but heck, I'll take this over the aegyo trash they came up with a while back.

  8. You could've said this was miss A's Touch and I wouldn't notice the difference.

    1. no unlike miss a's touch this song had actual lyrics, and i couldn't understand 50% of the song even though i don't speak a word of korean.

      seriously, jyp just let that amazing backing track go to waste. i wish someone would cover the song and flesh out the lyrics.

  9. jingo looked fucking gorgeous imo.
    i've only watched the mv once but i couldn't take my eyes off her.

    and i hate that fucking red focus filming. it looks like a thirteen year old with their first camera phone directed those parts.

  10. Talk That is a refreshing change for Secret, one that actually works for the group unlike Shy Boy and Starlight Moonlight.

    unlike Shy Boy and Starlight Moonlight.


    ****UNLIKE SHY BOY****

    1. Shy Boy I can stand (barely) but my god Starlight Moonlight. Loving Talk That though

  11. *their.
    So I'm not into bestiality if I think Zinger looks better than before? ZAKU OPPARCHAN PLEASE CONFIRM.

  12. I thought the dance was incredibly unimpressive and the song was forgettable. I was disappointed :/


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