Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 25

Did you see that? Today is the 25th, and this is the 25th STFU. This trend has been going on since Sunday, December 23, 2012. The last time this happened was on December 23, 2011's QotW (http://antikpopfangirl.blogspot.ca/2011/12/question-of-week-23.html). Eh? Ehh? Anyone else enjoying this moment?

Just me?

Screw you guys. 

Today's submission comes from Evangelina:

"Basically, this under-aged girl (I assume it's an under-aged girl) had a strict 'no men on men action' mindset and because of the hugging of a couple of 16 year old boys, her whole life had been switched around and she is now open to all sorts of love. If that's all it takes to convert one towards the toleration of homosexuality, SHINee and Super Junior should have a US tour through the South, rehabilitating homophobes with stiff lipped kisses and awkward man groping
- Evangelina"

Thank you for your submission!

I am a little conflicted over this fangirl's comment.

On one hand, she is a crazy fangirl (most probably). It is loosely implied that she enjoys the idea of forcing the boys of NU'EST to indulge in some homoerotic, idol orgy in their dormitory against their will (or maybe they would enjoy it. Who knows.).

But at the same time, she is is now open-minded about homosexuality. Which is always a good thing.

This might be a reasonable fangirl. Who became reasonable... for the wrong reasons.

I am so very conflicted. I am pretty much having an existential crisis right now...



Merry Christmas, FISHies!!! 
Love you all heaps <3

May your Christmas Day be filled with love and joy from your friends and family. 
(Feel free to invite me to your family gatherings and parties. 
I get lonely sometimes)
Now go enjoy your Christmas with your family! 
Stop being anti-social by sitting at your computer reading Anti Kpop-Fangirl.

If anyone has choice comments that they want to share on Stupid Things Fangirls Utter, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. I bet she will still go EEEEEW if two ugly guys were to have a PDA.

    1. Yeah - that's another thing. Is she okay with ALL gay people now, or JUST idols? Cause that is very different. Maybe she would revert back to her homophobic ways once she sees normal gay guys making out on a bench in a park. Crazy fangirls. They never have double standards!

  2. NU'est is SO gay, they turn others pro homosexuality.

  3. I think this one might be a "Perceptive Things Fangirls Utter"

    1. You should start a weekly feature here.

    2. I could try? It might just be me calling everyone gay : \\

  4. This is my biggest pet peeve with fangirls. Companies make it seems 'the gay ones' are the feminine/prissy ones and fangirls eat it up. They're like the girls who find out you're gay and want to go out shopping with you immediately.

    1. well, i'm not :/ take sungjong from INFINITE, i wouldn't want to immediately go shopping with him -o- don't be such a pabo in thinking.

  5. Merry kurismasu Shinbi-san ^^ lulz, I don't know what to think of the girl.

  6. I'm the exact opposite

    i took one look at Niel's face and decided to campaign against homosexuality

  7. The guy on the right looks horribly disturbing, as if he's taken too many knives to the face and his hair looks terribly unnatural.

    1. you bitch that's Minhyun!! And he's the second cutest to Ren whereas the rest are more manly and hot! aigooo... haterz these days. * facepalm *

    2. ikr, something is wrong with his face

  8. Can't tell the boys apart for the life of me and don't really find any of them attractive, but I do love "Face" Totally catchy piece, hands down. And thumbs up for the guys opening fangirls' eyes to the beauty of uh... homosexuality. Keep it up, Nu'est.


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