Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Stupid Things Fangirls Utter 26

Today's submission comes from Hana, who found a Big Bang dirty confessions Tumblr.

Thank you for your submission!

Here are some choice photos:
That is one of the most unsexy photos of G-Dragon. Then again, there are a LOT of those.

 This is one of my favourite ones from the site. Cause it is probably true!

And to ruin your last few days of 2012, I am going to throw in some more. 

Wow that is forward.

ZOMG - that sounds so uncomfortable.

I hope he makes that exact face, too, while he does it to you.


 TOP: "I demand the highest of fives for doing G-Dragon!"

This isn't even a sexy photograph!

 That is seriously fucked up.

 This is probably the biggest troll of that site. 
I hope.

If that were true, he would never fit into all of his skinny pants.

It's actually really dangerous to do it in the kitchen. Especially near a stove. What about hot oil splashing? So impractical.

Words cannot express how fucked up this is.

 His what turn you on...?

All ya'll VIPs are sick, yo.

Wait. That one wasn't bad at all. What the hell?

I am so very conflicted right now. I love Big Bang. But it's not like I find any of these hot or anything! *cough* Not the weird, kinky stuff at least.

If anyone has choice comments that they want to share on Stupid Things Fangirls Utter, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, or leave them in the comments below. Thanks!


  1. Wow..... I like bigbang too. But bcuz theyre not hot like exo or nuest..i cant find reason to fap about them. Now. ... I kinda want a treesome with top and sunny muahahah

  2. you should do these more but with other fandoms

    1. Yeah I have gotten a lot of e-mails with EXO ones and other boy bands. So you will probably see more posts like these.

  3. Lol SHINee's dirty confessions are up there with these xD! Now imagine EXO's? Some fans need to put away their computers and go outside to the real world! Lol!

  4. Sounds like the typical shit tween virgins would confess to pictures of their oppas. I don't even want to imagine the cases of Super Senior.

  5. The second one had me dying of laughter because as far as I know Seungri, he might very well do that.

    1. Then he'd throw a towel on his computer, telling it to clean itself up.

  6. At least Taeyang has got a nice body(not in the height department tho), I just don't get what's so hot with G-Druggin.

  7. This is nothing compared to the weird shit shawols come up with

    The baby jesus would cry if he could read English and weren't dead

  8. this made me LOL. :))) what the fuck is happening to the world.

  9. Seriously, girl needs to get laid. ... And lose Internet privileges for life.

    1. I don't even know how these 12 year-olds fantasize this stuff up. Just seems like they're too young to even know half of the S&M stuff posted.

    2. the teenagers of this generation are crazy compared to ours noonie. They are horny beer drinking sluts.....where were they when I was in highschool dammit!!!!!

  10. Fangirls fantasize about Taeyang's dick, really? It's probably smaller than my thumb. He's a dwarf with a micropeen.
    GD has a buttondick, TOP is decently endowed, don't know about the other 2.

    1. TOP-oppa's is the size of a baseball bat!!1! Remember that, you anti! keke~

    2. lol Apparently cabiai has had first-class viewing of BB's junk.

    3. I used to follow this perverted girl who collected pix of idols hard-ons.
      I don't like Seungri so I never checked his and there weren't enough pix of Daesung's to validate my scientific research results :P

  11. The last one made me laugh really hard. "Wait. That one wasn't bad at all."
    Ohhh geeze...
    For me, TOP and Seungri are the only remotely attractive ones in Big Bang (Taeyang would've been up there if his hair didn't look like a piece of shit all the damn time)so these confession's are quite disturbing.

    1. Yeah some of them were super raunchy. Like, I bet erotic faniction is all over that shit.

      But some of them were, dare I say, cute. Like "I would want G-Dragon to cuddle me all night" and "Daesung seems like he would kiss me gently and whisper 'I love you' every morning". Why would I post sweet innocent ones though. No one wants to read those.

      ;___; They were so beautiful though.

  12. those pics were crayyyyy xDDDD some of them i thought of too... *looks around*.. lol but the last one, da fuq hahahaha x)

  13. None of those people really know what they're talking about. #creepedout

  14. ...I'm failing to know which one is the worst.

    Mitt Romney pins though. Like, bitch please.

  15. There was a really freaky confession on that same blog once-something about a guy (I think?) wanting to cut off GD's legs and arms and fuck him or something like that.And another one about a guy wanting to cum in TOPs ass.
    Da fuq.

  16. K-pop...make fangirls/boys horny since 2009...Seriously there is a lot of gay guys secretly wish suck dicks their biases or fuck them all night,and I dont even start with virgin12yearoldfangirls ughhh and how is gdruggin sexy he is not have sexy face or body(at least daesund have fuckin hot body, a paperbag solve problem) and he has probably small dick...

  17. I don't feel comfortable after read this! This girl so delusional! XD

  18. I seriously HATE crazy fangirls and fanboys who think this stuff is hot or whatever! WELL NEWS FLASH!!! IT'S NOT!


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