Monday, April 29, 2013

[MV Review] T-ara N4 - Countryside Life

In the teaser article, I listed T-ara N4's Countryside Life as the song I was most anticipating and the MV was semi-hard erection on the flaccidity scale. Somehow I was right, but for reasons that I didn't expect. The review is after the jump.

Upon first listening to the song, I facepalmed myself. If I had known Duble Sidekick was going to follow the trend of mashing 4 songs together, I would have preferred another Bo Peep Bo Peep/Roly Poly/Sexy Love/Lovey Dovey instead of this. I was about to give up on the song...until I paid attention to the lyrics.

Yes, where this song shines is the lyrics. While every other idol song ever is always about love, this song is a big "fuck you" to their haters. T-ara's metaphorical balls are so big that Randy would be jealous.


While there are already translations out there for these lyrics, I took it upon myself to translate them for you guys. The main reason is that the translated lyrics from the others out there are too tame. This is a big fuck you song, so I thug-ified the lyrics a bit while still making the translation accurate.

Why (Why) Why (Why) Why
[Ah! Fuck off]
Why (Why) Why (Why) Why
[Ah! Fuck off]

Every Monday that comes around is very annoying
Day in and day out, why are you holding onto me?
Please stop spewing the bullshit that I don't wanna hear
I'm out of here
To the Countryside Life

Come to me, hold my hand, leave with me~

[Party People~]

Just enjoy your damn life
Dance throughout the night
Set aside your worries (Fuck off)
Turn off all of your phones
Empty your heads
Wash your damn feet or something; just go to fucking sleep already

Dding-galing-galing-ga dding-galing-galing-ga
Dding-galing-galing-ga dding-dding-dding-dding
Dding-galing-galing-ga dding-galing-galing-ga
Dding-galing-galing-ga dding-dding-dding-dding

Not much of a fucking sight, omo, that's what I think
Not much of a fucking sight, omo, that's what I think
I'll handle it, you have no business with me
Without even knowing shit, damn, that's what I think

But why, I'm living just fine, what's with you butting in
Look who's talking
Hush for a minute!  Stop giving a fuck about me
When living becomes a bit annoying
To the Countryside Life

Come to me, hold my hand, leave with me~

[Party People~]

Why (Why) Why (Why) Why [Ah! Fuck off]
Why (Why) Why (Why) Why [Ah! Fuck off]

Dding-galing-galing-ga dding-galing-galing-ga
Dding-galing-galing-ga dding-dding-dding-dding
Dding-galing-galing-ga dding-galing-galing-ga
Dding-galing-galing-ga dding-dding-dding-dding

Not much of a fucking sight, omo, that's what I think
Not much of a fucking sight, omo, that's what I think
I'll handle it, you have no business with me
Without even knowing shit, damn, that's what I think

Distressed and wounded hearts
One by one all of them will be embraced in my chest and they'll live
Don't worry
And even the cold wind goes by~

[Fuck off]

Why you hating Why why you hating
Why you hating Why why you hating
Why you hating Why why you hating
Why you hating Why why why you hating

Dding-galing-galing-ga dding-galing-galing-ga
Dding-galing-galing-ga dding-dding-dding-dding
Dding-galing-galing-ga dding-galing-galing-ga
Dding-galing-galing-ga dding-dding-dding-dding

Usually the music carries the lyrics in an idol song, but this is the very first time where I have enjoyed the lyrics to an idol song, and I love how T-ara is directing this song at their haters. It allows me to "accept" the mess that the actual music and arrangement is. SNSD's I Got Multiple Personality Disorder is one of the most popular articles on AKF, so everyone should know how I feel about four songs being mashed together. SNSD's and 4minute's songs are four pieces of shit thrown into a blender and coming out of Shindong's ass before being packaged into a "song". T-ara N4's Countryside Life at least has some transitions in the song, and thankfully so, since it's nowhere near as jarring as the song suddenly stopping and Jessica saying "Bring it back to 4/20."

Lastly, the three T-ara members looked good, which is always a great thing when watching a girl group MV.

See niggas, I do have two eyes!



  1. Lol you tricked me for a second and I had to go back and see if Jessica said "4/20"

    I think the song and video are pretty funn. The mash-up/trendy style of the song doesn't actually bother me too much. And the ballsiness is definitely impressive lol. T-ara just do not have any fucks to give.

  2. I pretty much agree with your review. Just imagining all those crazy k-netizens seething with anger while listening to the song is enough for me to like it. Plus, I don't find it to be as much as a clusterfuck as "I Got A Boy" or as bland and reductive as "What's Your Name".

    Have you given the single's b-side "Can We Love" a listen? It's so nice to hear T-ara doing R&B/Pop again. The only downside is that it makes me miss Soyeon. Her voice would have been perfect in the song.

    1. Yes, I've had their mini on repeat for the past few hours. Can We Love is a throwback song to when T-ara was at their peak and I really liked it.

  3. I want to smash Jiyeon with the burning passion of 1000 suns.

    1. You could always travel to Greece and sacrifice an animal to one of Apollo's temples.

  4. Call me fucking retarded but are those really the lyrics?

    1. you're massively fucking retarded.

    2. no, the real lyrics is:
      wae (wae) wae (wae) (ah ! neo na jalhaeyo)
      and the meaning is:
      why (why) why (why) (ah! mind of your business)

  5. I understand why they didn't put Soyeon in this Subunit. Bitch is lifeless as fuck when it comes to dancing

    1. ALL of them are useless as fuck at dancing.

      Why even go for a vaguely "hip-hip-esque" concept when none of them can dance? It's like a bitch with no arms trying to work a stripper pole: it doesn't work and looks reeeeeaaalllly awkward.

  6. Oh BTW that line Jiyeon says is from this.


    Badass lol

    1. Wow. When I saw it in the video I thought it was awkward as fuck. Now it's awesome.

    2. wat, that translation isn't even correct lol. A more correct translation would be "do well yourself (instead of berating me)"; basically the "why are you worrying about the sawdust in your brother's eye when you have a plank in yours" parable.

      only highlight of this clusterfuck of a song

    3. Yes, as David said, the literal translation is basically "do well yourself". Instead of focusing on other people, worry about yourself. For the thug-ified translation, "Fuck off" says all of that more succinctly.

      And it's not from the movie, it's a common saying.

    4. The camera direction/facial expression is definitely referencing that scene, tho.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I think Areum looked the best, she looks natural. Usually I don't care about that but she has that combination of innocence and nastiness that I love.

  9. Somebody say something about- fuck it. Areum's weird looks actually seem normal around Jiyeon. Seems she's finally been groomed into a proper T-ara member. This is coming from a guy who thought she looked like a bad case of the fugly before watching the new MVs.

  10. song and dance version are pretty good but will someone admit that the drama version isnt that good like...at all! pll say its funny...i didnt laugh once..actually i was pretty bored http://m244.photobucket.com/albumview/albums/ricer12/cold.gif.html

  11. I thought the song was awesome personally. At least until the final 30 seconds or so, when they tried to fit in just about every instrument they must have had in the building. As you touched upon, transition is key. Made this song and GLAM's I Like That work, unlike I Got An Aneurism and Watch My Name.

    Found the video enjoyable. Dance version at least. I laughed at Ahreum spassing the fuck out at the start, though, but I guess they're trying to do the (actual) Harlem Shake or something. The Drama version was like a really boring greyed out episode of Invincible Youth.

    1. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5461anYuP1qihztbo1_250.gif

  12. You guys are crazy, the drama version is waaaay better. The direction of the dance version is a complete mess shaky cam and hyperfast cuts everywhere with no mind for eye tracking.

    1. http://24.media.tumblr.com/068e127eec4b625cea5454065ec0a129/tumblr_mm0230cB3s1rudls9o1_500.gif lollll :D

  13. the song fucking suks you bias piece of shit!

    1. whos talking about the song? I CAN FAP ON MUTE SON!

    2. LOL @ username Kpopgavemecrabs

    3. Lmfao, that gif is perfect for everything T-ara related now.

    4. http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9uupzuT781rzz3r3o1_500.gif well in my head atleast

  14. It's like musical crack. I've had about 10 hits already. ... I began to go through minor withdrawal at work.

  15. CCM you fucking plebs, Zoolander's "derelicte" was a joke. Also, Areum = skinnier G.NA, fuck dat.

    1. Areum would need a real life distortion photo shop on her face to look like G.NA.
      And her voice would have to get a lot more terrible...lol.

    2. tinyurl.com/AreumFag

      Look friend, I wanted to like her too, but... pls.

    3. Areum's eyes look in the same direction

      1-0 areum_fag

  16. Lasted 2 1/2 minutes before I resumed reading stuff in the militaryphotos forums.

    Shit's way too forgettable compared to all of their previous stuff.

  17. Song didn't hit me at first, but with that fucking lyrics full of fuck, I might just give it another shot. For now excuse me while I fap to Areum.

  18. hyomin is probably one of the best looking female idols around.

  19. I found the part where they started dancing hilarious for some reason. Also, hate the song and video. Hate it hate it hate it. Areum doesn't look half-bad, tho.

  20. I am disappointed in nearly EVERYONE in here.

    1. Generic build-ups and drops, too long, and the non-sensical lyrics...OH! the non-sensical lyrics. The girls have far too many lines to make this kind of song work. It's too "one note" during the verses especially. Pretty boring effect-wise as well.
      I'd go easier on it, had Shits-a-dung not made it a habit, to spit out this kind off song, every time someone asks him to stop jerking off.

      If you like, fine, but the reason you like it, is because you don't listen to electronic music beyond the radio.

    2. but oppa i just wanna pussy pop and twerk thats all we want from the song! http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view3/4588257/american-dad-twerk-o.gif

    3. Stop mocking me. My projective insecurities, and incredibly small penis cannot contain the hurtful sarcasm.

  21. Song is not bad, I actually liked it, some parts of it is really catchy, it's not as bland as phominute's what's your name and much more legit than SNSD's IGAB.

    Didn't really exceed my expectation but totally not disappointing, so I would not complain lol.

  22. Extremely disappointed with the Countryside Life


  23. Replies
    1. yes, it was me. it was either act like a jackass on stage or sleep with our fugly jackass CEO.

  24. Thank god I wasn't expecting much. Song sucks ass.

  25. An I the only one who recognizes where the sax riff comes from? :(

    1. the sax riff reminds me of naruto somehow :/

  26. def dig the song. the 2 vids not so much. pulled out the heavy arsenal for lookers too =\


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