Friday, May 10, 2013

Question of the Week 72

This week's question comes from an anonymous asker from my ask.fm:
What would make you unfollow kpop?

Thanks for your submission!

Well. Clearly I disappear often because I lose interest in the K-pop scene. So. Umm. Lack of originality, boring music, cookie-cutter idols, too much to keep up on, and terrible/delusional fans. I think that is a sufficient overview. Surely some of you readers have a deeper rationale.

If anyone has suggestions for future Question of the Weeks, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, tweet them to akf_shinbi, ask them at http://ask.fm/akfshinbi, or leave them in the comment section below. Thank you!


  1. i'm not really sure i ever "followed" other than the first couple of months when korean culture was WOW FUN NEW STUFF to me.

    industry is disgusting regardless of where it is.

    and i guess i stick around for a couple of artists that still make decent songs that are good to work out to but that's pretty much it.

    1. the only thing i follow in kpop is bias-based mv, selective type of drama and news to bas- I mean, to point out something on

  2. lack of fresh meat. plastic surgery being banned. crayon pop disbanding.

    1. Let them disband for all the world would care

  3. I don't follow so much Kpop in general, as I follow just 2~3 specific groups and that's it.

  4. I love the almost total lack of originality and cookie-cutter aspects of k-pop - it's a large part of what defines k-pop as a specific distinct genre separate from other pop styles. The fans are phenomenal dickheads though, but that doesn't really put me off - comes with the territory in any music genre these days. However, if the industry ever stopped churning out songs I liked, I'd give up, like I've done with other genres in the past where this have happened.

  5. When Kpop becomes utter shit like Jpop, that's when I'll stop listening to it, but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

    1. well, I still listeing to Namie Amuro's, Ayumi Hamasaki's and their aunties gang.

    2. I haven't really enjoyed anything by Namie since Past < Future, and I never liked Hamasucky Ayumi, Koda "Orangutan" Kumi, and Utada Hikaru.

  6. I don't know where to latch on next when I unfollow kpop, since its the biggest music genre I'm listening too, what would likely force me to get out of kpop:

    - Fav Groups/Singers quitting/disbanding eg. T-ara, Davichi, Kim Tae Woo, Ailee, Sistar, MC Mong, 2BiC, SeeYa (sobs), etc.
    - When they start to sound like western pop
    - When their MVs become like SM's or western no budget MVs

  7. I got bored of the same shit over and over, to be honest, I havent been following kpop for 4-5 months lol. I follow khiphop more than kpop.

  8. I don't think I would, just because it seems like its a pretty consistent guilty pleasure for me lol.

    1. no need to be guilty, every man has needs.

    2. Tbh its not a total guilty pleasure. Liiiike mebbe 4 / 7 guilty.

  9. I'm not that deep into Kpop now. Never been. I guess I would completely be out if they decide Chad "Tool" Future becomes a hit, or their consistency of new shit every hour and scandals declines.

  10. morgan freeman. he changes people man

  11. When the few groups that I like stop making music, I'll probably quit listening.

  12. All the groups being the same, not having any real scandals, and all the songs being similar. I only keep up with Big Bang and 2NE1 (sometimes).

  13. More Fanservice. I'm sick of all the spanking butts, kissing, rubbing etc.
    More Niels (blobfish) to debut. Or, even worse, another Teen Top.
    The artists/groups I like retiring/disbanding.
    SS501 not coming back after Kyujong returns from the army.

    1. ok gotta say i agree about the fanservice thing. and the artist/groups retiring thing. after they go away I honestly don't want to invest in other artists. at least not to the extent i do now

  14. I think for me, it would just be a growing up thing. I thought I'd never grow out of anime, but I did because I got older and realized I wasn't as into it anymore. I think the same thing will happen to me with Kpop.

  15. i USED to like Kpop when everyone around the globe wasn't listening to it. Plus, Kpop USED to be nice, now it's all about who has the most abs and the shortest skirt. It's ridiculous. It's been a long while since I last liked anything decent in Kpop but I do still listen to it sometimes. I still follow like 2-3 kpop bands but ever since 2010 or i think 2009, Kpop failed to impress me.

  16. if there are no more jailbaits and tits and ass and freaking moose knuckle LOL! ill unfollow kpop for sure


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