Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sometimes things don't always work out the way you want them

Hey Fish Faggots!

Apparently Snoop Dog met Minzy the other day. I didn't read the article at Soompi (I never do) but I'm guessing from the pictures they traded food recipes, snuggled, watched Good Burger, then smoked two flatty boombatty blunts.Then at night, Snoop took Minzy to his bed, whipped out his big black penis and ballz and began thrusting it deep down  Minzy's luscious creamy white butthole and mouth. As he thrusted (and I assure you he thursted hard as fuck ), I am 100% positive Minzy gagged and threw up all over his nuts and butthole. Then she smoked more weed to get the taste of jizz and curly pubes out of her mouth! 

U Jelly!? U should be....you'll never get to put it in her booty like Snoop did the other day!

Consequently, I'm guessing his dick was so big it stretched her voice box out too--next 2ne1 album I swear to Jesus Christ her voice will sound a lot deeper than it already is. That's what big black penises, weed, and Good Burger do to poor little teenage Korean girls. U mad!?

Who are we kidding? There was no sex advancements from any party? Snoop Dogg probably gave her advice on how to rap her mouth around his balls and perform oral sex.

tis' what happened according to me!

Next pictures show what Snoop was seeing late at night while you were jerking off to reruns of Shake It Up on the Disney Channel. I know I do.
I'm so badd bad but my ass is goooood good
the microphone represents his penis---get it!?!?


  1. This is more real than Dennis Rodman/Kim Jong Un. Snoopzy 5ever<3

  2. Replies
    1. She's got an average non-PS'd Korean face. So, yeah, she's not that good looking.
      I'm not that much of an ass-man myself, but I can see why Snoop Dogg would want to hit that thing.

    2. Why would you want to have consensual sex with Minzy when you have Seohyun at your concert?

    3. Seohyun is boring as fuck.

    4. And her head is fucking huge.

      Also I'm sure Snoop would love to defile Seohyun's innocence.

  3. lmao with the video hoes he normally has in his videos I doubt he was checkin for minzy like that but hey, maybe he was so high he didn't care.

  4. The world is obsessed with black penises

    1. Not everybody is a white guilt filled cuck, brah.

    2. R u saying that my comment indicates that I have white guilt...b/c I assure you I don't. I'm black lol

  5. I was expecting AKF to write something 'bout Snoop Dog doing his thing in Korea..Just didn't expect sulli_fag the one who actually to wrote it..

  6. Ugh, she is the only girl that makes hyogre look like a goddess

  7. *looks at her face* smh Bless her heart..

  8. First TedNee, now SnoopZy. I guess Black music legends have a thang for K-pop women.

  9. Lol snoop reaction when minji was holding his hand. Slut

  10. What's up with all these sudden rushes for Korean-Black couples of late (TedNee, SnoopZy, last but not least RodUn)? Now it's been said that even Chris I-will-bitch-slap-every-hoe Brown wanna extend an olive branch (or is it phallus?) to T-ara N4 and have a collaboration aka swinger party with them? And they're being pimped to CB by none other than Danee the Giraffe. What the actual fuck? Finally it has dawned on me as to why she's been recruited by KKS.....

    1. What the fuck is a Rodun and a Tednee ?

    2. TedNee= Teddy Riley+Shinee
      Rodun= Dennis Rodman+Kim Jong un

  11. Your jokes aren't funny anymore. I miss the days when I could get a good laugh out of this blog- now your jokes are just immature and juvenile


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