Friday, August 23, 2013

[MV Review] Sunmi - 24 Hours Aren't Enough

Sunmi returns after four long years as a sex-crazed girl who just really wants The D. Badly. If this is Sunmi's apology for being replaced by Lim, apology accepted. It was bad enough that Sunmi, my favorite member of the Wonder Girls, left the group, but it was as if JYP hired a large dump truck full of salt to pour into a gaping wound when Lim was put in the group to replace Sunmi. Lim rivals Hyoyeon, Bom, and Hyorin in the number of renobs caused since 2010, and to make matters worse, Lim thinks she can rap.

Although I feel like this is an apology from Sunmi, I think this song is an apology from JYP himself. Not only has JYP finally composed a song worth remembering in 2013, it does its intended job without electronic farts, mashing five songs into one, and unnecessary rapping.

I really enjoyed the actual composition to the song. The verses and refrain really worked for me, partially because I liked the actual composition, but the lyrics for the song are much better than the typical idol song. Instead of trite shit like "oppa, my panties are starting to soak when I just look at you," we get less-trite shit, which is all I'm looking for in a pop song. I only care about lyrics in a hiphop song, but I have a limit to the repetition of stupid lyrics like "oppa, look at my wet panties as I confess to you." The only part of the song that leaves me confused is the bridge. It comes out of left field and the composition is a bit too different from the rest of the song for my tastes, but after a few listens, it does sound better, and I'll take slightly awkward bridges over shitty idol rap breaks any day. Any fucking day.

Sunmi is hot.

Before slut shamers and vocalfags shit all over Sunmi, I just want to thank JYP. While this doesn't make up for Lim's existence, this song is a small step in redeeming yourself.

Thanks to comekpop for the jjangbak gifs.


  1. Sunmi's back! Let's have a parade. Great song. The arm tapping move make me laugh though.

  2. There's nothing I can comment on now. FML

    1. You can always post poorly edited pictures in MS Paint, make racially insensitive remarks to rile up every liberal progressive, talk about how hot Sunmi is, etc.


    2. This implies that the song is good, at least.

    3. Also you could mention that her current hairstyle only looks awesome when it's messy from 2:30 - 2:43, and that her outfits in the MV (esp the striped one) are not very nice.
      Her dancing needs work but the singing was good.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have no idea why anybody would want to shit all over Sunmi's vocals; the girl knows how to work the little bit she's got (and as much as I like Ailee, all that screaming she does on U&I was unnecessary).

    *ahem* This practically destroyed my expectations. Fuck a 2NE1 album; this chick is who I want music from in October :D I've wanted to donkey kick JYP in the face for 2PM's comeback (I love Come Back When You Where this song and A.D.T.O.Y, but their Grown album *and* repackage had worthier single choices), but I'd willingly suck his dick now that he's given us all of this with Sunmi. Like seriously, where's an album from this bitch; I need more of her in my life!!!

    1. If you look on NB, most Koreans are vocalfags, jacking off to vocal ability of the singer instead of preferring composition abilities. That's why there are so many ballads in Korea with only a fraction worth listening to. Since Sunmi doesn't have the voice of Haeri (Davichi), Hyorin, Ailee, etc., she sucks monkey fuck to Koreans. I think her airy vocals work great with this song.

      And yes, I was disappointed that this was only a single. I want a mini-album at the very least. I'd actually buy the physical copy if the whole mini-album is as good as the single.

    2. IKR, I think those netizens only listened to her parts in So Hot lol,
      <- even tho she only sang the first verse of One Night Only, she sounded awesome!

    3. The MV reminds me of Sistar's Alone and the song itself, a much catchier version of BEG's Kill Bill. Sunmi ftw.

    4. That makes hardly any sense to me (90% of K-Pop idols either can't sing or have the vocal range of a can opener), but okay... That actually does explain the amount of terrible ballads around (especially for drama OSTs). I can appreciate a good ballad, but damn, 90% of them lack any amount of real emotion.

  4. Well this certainly came out of nowhere. The style reminds me a little of GaIn's Step 2/4 album, which I loved.

    Probably would have never found this if it wasn't for the review either since I ignore most everything that comes from JYP these days.

    1. Yeah, I was apprehensive about this comeback. "Yay, Sunmi's back, but JYP hasn't put out anything great since miss A's Good Bye Baby, so..." For the song to be this good is a pleasant surprise.

  5. The song put me to sleep, honestly. But she looks awesome and I love the music video.

  6. I like JYP and his self-consciously retro productions - probably because he's about my age, so he's got similar tastes. I think his best song is miss A's "Touch" but this is really good too. It gives me some faith that k-pop hasn't completely blown its load this year.

    The bridge is a little weird I must admit but I'd rather have a shoehorned-in tango breakdown than a shoehorned-in dubstep one.

  7. That leotard looks like sexy Dr. Seuss.

    And I can dig it.

  8. Lim looks like she doesn't know where she is half the time. Sunmi looks great but lets be honest; she has no ass.

    1. http://www.asianjunkie.com/2013/08/wassups-twerk-tutorial-was-cringe-worthy-thoughts-on-asian-ass-and-why-you-should-stfu/

    2. Trufax: Lim belongs in a dumpster

    3. i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say Sunmi has no ass. i meant to say she has negative ass. T-ara on the other hand has honey thighs Eunjung and tiny-but-cute-ass-that-looks-sexy-in-short-shorts, Hyomin. Sunmi is working in a deficit tho =[ gotta give at least a little to work with.

    4. Carfax: I just saved a bunch of money switching to Geiko

  9. Not sure if I should masturbate to Eunjunf tonight or Mimi.

  10. This has got to be my favorite song from 2013. Hope this really boosts JYP up to be in the Big 3 once again. I actually liked the bridge, it was one of the best moments in the song for me.

  11. The AntiKPop team are a bunch of pathetic losers.

    Don't cry when I say this but: Hyoyeon is hot


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