Friday, August 23, 2013

Question of the Week 76

This week's question comes from an anonymous asker on my Ask.fm:
Which idols do you think are mentally disturbed?

Thanks for your suggestion!

I am sure to an extent, all idols and trainees are mentally damaged from some sort of company abuse and/or fangirl obsession/threat. But I do not follow the entertainment scene nearly enough to notice anyone in particular. 

If anyone has suggestions for future Question of the Weeks, please send them to zomg.oppa.sareanghae@gmail.com, tweet them to akf_shinbi, ask them at http://ask.fm/akfshinbi, or leave them in the comment section below. Thank you!


  1. Which idols do you think are mentally disturbed?


    every idol under ccm.

    1. Agreed, aside from Qri. She seems stable.

    2. Agreed, aside from Qri. She seems stable.

    3. It's usually the ones who seems stable who are the most mentally disturbed.

    4. Totally sane http://d3j5vwomefv46c.cloudfront.net/photos/large/805209763.jpg?1378029584.

  2. Replies
    1. agreed 100% that guy has serious issues

  3. Kim Dani from T-ARA. Imagine how you'd feel if you were only 14 and were going to debut in a group with all sorts of bullying rumors surrounding it? Not to mention that these so called bullies are a lot older than her. It would scare the shit out of her. Her parents should lose custody of her for throwing her in a group of alleged bullies.

    1. She was introduced to the group before the rumours started, so you can't really blame her parents. She's also ideally positioned to know exactly how fake-ass those rumours are, I think if the rumours any legitimacy she would have already bailed.

      The only bullying I've seen Dani get is from netizens... including T-ara fans who don't want her in the group, presumably because they're worried having an underage girl in there will break their masturbation rhythm when watching the next T-ara video. In the Live at Budokan DVD I've got I thought she did good, and she's going in N4 which is the right place for her really. I don't know why people complain so much. By the time CCM finally lets her in the group proper she'll probably be almost of guilt-free wanking age anyway.

    2. I'd still sorta blame her parents for letting CCM put her in a group where even the youngest members besides her are like 4-5 years older than her, and someone like Qri is nearly twice her age. Plus, KKS's scouting story is still creepy af. Like a lot of girl group members have been scouted in public places (eg. Hyori and Jessica/Krystal) but their ceo's don't mediaplay that they were mezmirized by their beauty or something because that's really pedophilic and creepy and if that happened to my daughter I'd actually be really confused and wouldn't exactly trust the guy. Bad parenting.

      I don't doubt that the majority of T-ara's bullying rumors were BS, And most of the 'evidence' the netz have has been disproved (but hell if you'd get them to believe that) But there's a lot of hate towards T-ara and I can't imagine being a member in waiting to the nation's most hated girl group. I'd be pretty mentally disturbed too.

      Her age actually doesn't bug me that much anymore even though she's younger than me by quite a few months in another year or so her age will be just as acceptable as the 97 liners (which were a big deal in like, 2011/2012) and she'll be 16 which is okay-ish? Hopefully by then she'll also start looking less like a fetus and more like girlgroup material tbh.

    3. there's a boy group called seventeen where the maknae is 11 fuckgnig years old at least at 14 you're able to have an idea of the world around you and deal with some amount of pressure this kid is in the sIXTH GRADE what is everyone thinking

    4. The parents would actually be in a much better position to make a judgement call about KKS than someone who only sees the media play, because the parents would have presumably met KKS and negotiated the whole contract - 13 year olds can't legally negotiate such things on their own. I doubt it's bad parenting, it's probably just bad PR. Funny how so many k-pop fans act all creepy and blow a load over barely legal idols (Suzy, anyone) and then act like the concerned parent when it suits them (i.e when they get to bash a favourite hate target).

      If I was a parent and I had a 13 year old girl who was scouted to join one of the biggest groups in Asia and potentially make a potload of money but I was a little concerned about what might happen over there I'd give her same mace in a can, some self-defense classes and then say "off you go".

    5. I think Dani is really pretty for her age, tbh. I don't really understand why AKF thinks she's ugly bcuz look: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6mfsy2XLb1rzfz6po1_500.gif

    6. @blue; You better never look at Japanese girl groups...

    7. i find her ugly because she looks like seungri and seungri looks like a kiddie fiddler

    8. T-ARA N4 did discuss about the bullying rumors on an episode of Beatles Code. Hyomin said that they were having a quarrel at that time and since Hwayoung was new to the group, she didn't really understand what was going on and the girls were in their own little world so they didn't really explain the situation well enough for Hwayoung to understand. The rumors started, and in ordinary KPOP fashion, netizens feed off of them as usual. They edited parts of different videos together that may be "evidence" of bullying and it spread like wildfire, putting T-ARA in a more difficult situation. It was hard for anyone to believe the statements CCM released, and they weren't getting any chances on variety shows to explain their side of the story until Beatles Code.

      That Twitter picture Hyomin uploaded was childish (Hyomin even said it herself) and she wanted to apologize to Hwayoung, but CCM has already made a decision for her to leave the group.

      The video of Eunjung shoving a rice cake in Hwayoung's mouth was actually from a game on a variety show they filmed in Japan. Idk what the rules were but somehow Hyomin lost and Hwayoung won and the losers have to feed a rice cake to the winners. To make it more entertaining, Eunjung pretended to feed Hwayoung in a slightly aggressive way. She had no intentions to choke Hwayoung or anything like that. It was purely for variety.

    9. @blue: But as much as he looks like a kiddie fiddler, he's a trillion times more gentle on the eyes than G-Dragon.

    10. @kpopalypse while yeah, at the time she got scouted the offer would've sounded pretty good for everyone involved, I don't think a prospective trainee's parents get to see EVERYTHING in the company that goes on. What they see would've been little different from media play/PR tbh or in no way would companies like Open World be around for as long as they were (not to mention KKS is still a shit CEO idk how you spin it) but once the big famous girl group she's due to join becomes the newest firing target for netizens I'd say as a parent (I must add I am not one yet though and am closer to being Dani herself)I would probably be like "whoa there back the hell up for a minute you're putting my child in that train wreck of a group I think not"

      I actually find Dani kinda cute too, but she still looks like a fetus. Like even for her age group (I am a member of it) she is really young looking.
      There are also several members of Seventeen that are 98 liners too, Hansol is the only one I can name off the top of my head because he is qt but they all also look older than her. Whoever thought having a 10 year old maknae was a good idea was high or something though. Samuel is adorable but a 10 year old is so not ready for idol life at all.

      And Monii ASFW you should learn Korean and comment that on every single internet portal in Korea discussing T-ara. That basically summarizes everything that went down in the T-ara bullying scandal and how all of it was all taken out of context and subject to several tons of Confirmation Bias.

    11. @greasybyuntae: I have Yoseob-obsessed Korean friends who aren't biased at all to do that for me. LOL.

      Is Dani a 98 liner? 'Cause I thought girl was the same age as me (99). Pretty sure the majority of puberty is still yet to hit her so that explains why she looks younger than my little sister.

      I wanna hear Dani's story on this whole scouting thing. Like it must have been creepy as eff for her to be scouted by someone her age squared

    12. omg I accidentally pressed publish before I even finish my comment dammit. Anyway, I heard she had no dreams of becoming an idol at all.

    13. i heard that sehun at age 11/12 was pursued for half an hour by an sm scout

    14. @kpopalypse Drat! Once again outsmarted by you superiour intellegence and wit!

    15. @greasy: I bet Open World never made any blatantly miscalculated press statements like what KKS did about Dani. The real exploiters are the ones with something to hide, who know when to shut up, that's why they get away with it for decades at a time. Yes KKS is a shit CEO who is too rooted in the old school to be effective (he was probably good in the 80s, but not now - the game has changed as he hasn't kept up) but the pedo accusations are massively reaching.

      @Monii I like your summary.

      @Daniel: you'll get used to it lol.

    16. @Monii I think Dani is born in late 98 (like really late December) so she's not quite a 99 liner but should be and I eternally consider her a year younger than I am.

      @blue I remember Henry Lau was either scouted or auditioned on a whim or something and his parents were convinced it was a scam and like SM officials had to come over to his house and be like "no we serious". His brother did an interview in some local newspaper or something that I'm too lazy to find. SM in general also has some questionable street scouting stories, they tried to scout Krystal when she was like 5 or 6 wtf and I should have like 10 other examples idr at the moment aside from the part where they like creeped on one member of exo (I think it's Sehun who you mentioned) for like a year until he finally signed. There should be some variety episode dedicated to street-scouted idols, it would be fun to watch.

      @kpopalypse I don't think Open World even could've made any awkward media play attempts because they had like no power and two nugu groups and were basically a sham of a company tbh. KKS has a definite tendency to do/say shit either without thinking or thinking very badly, and that press release was really. Freaking. Creepy. I don't think most people take the whole pedophilia thing that seriously, but dude looks creepy and that press release didn't help.
      Also I don't consider him rooted in the old school at all- in the early days of kpop, groups were sacred things and if you like messed with one member the whole group could practically become invalid. Like some FINKL or SES members or something mentioned that back in the day they promoted EVERY FREAKING THING as a group and there was no such thing as solo activities because they would get ragged on for 'betraying' the group and/or breakup rumors would start being a thing. KKS would've got so much hate for daring to mess with 6-ara as is, nvm the bullying and her departure. He's obviously trying to run his group like it's Morning Musume or Jewelry or Suju05 (not modern day Suju). Members going in and out at random because he feels like it. It's a bad way to run a group. That or he's on some really advanced futuristic stuff that I fail to understand.

    17. Yeah you're right but I didn't mean "old school" in that particular sense.

    18. Welp then idk what you meant and made my self sound a bit stupid. This is nothing new.

    19. I meant that he cut his teeth on the music management game before the advent of the Internet, as well as the computisation of business in general. A massive disadvantage which makes a huge difference.

    20. Well, you can always end it with "CCM, which basically means KKS, is absolutely retarded".

      My main issue with Dani (who is mostly seemingly going to stick with N4 US/EU promotion yadda stuff rather than full group T-ara), is that she'll join CCM.
      Girl should go to school and avoid CCM because CCM has shown repeatedly that it absolutely fucks up atrociously.

      Ya guys mention the "saw her on the street and had to scout her out because he couldn't get her out of her head" thing, which is fair enough since that apparently happens often enough, but the way he handled the bullying scandal is just... don't want Dani there because that bloody guy is a disaster.

  4. Also, Kai from EXO. It must be difficult to be the only male idol in Kpop history who actually receives hate from females, and escprcially since he has done literally nothing wrong. It doesn't help that he's the only member who appears to take his job seriously and puts a lot of extra effort than everyone else does (escprcially that lazy ass, Xiumin cunt) I wouldn't be surprised if he was 200% done with EXO and just left the group.

    1. Kai gets hate from females? Tbh he's like one of the only members I really care about at this point. It was really freaking stupid of SM to promote him to the point they did during the teasers-era but as far as I can tell most exotics actually like him and agree SM made a dumb move- the rest are indifferent and maybe wish their faves got more teasers. The exo fan culture in general would make nearly any member 200% done, I mean benben ran back to Canada and nearly quit already.

      Lol does Xiumin even do anything? He doesn't speak very good Chinese, barely sings/raps/what is he supposed to be doing. Same goes with Chen but at least he's somewhat funny.

    2. ^ i would argue that chen is exo's vocal saving grace. pretty much every single exo track has chen's voice on it at some point and he's by far the most reliable live (so far, anyway)

      umm i actually think xiumin's thing is not so much lack of hard work as underexposure? he got into the company bc of some singing contest and he was in this one video with lay and gregory hwang pre-debut and i could nOT stop watching him because i didn't expect it but he was flawless. his chinese is garbage, but i would give him some credit bc i don't think he was told until very late that he was going to be in m and if learning mandarin is anything like learning cantonese i can really appreciate his struggle. tbh the more time i spend on exo the better i like xiumin

    3. I actually kinda feel bad for Xiumin since I'm pretty sure if his Chinese were better he could have a better chance at getting lines/screentime but he doesn't so thus I'm actually often quite confused at to what he's supposed to do in the group (he's a vocalist, right?) I don't think Kai works much harder than Xiumin he just got pushed to the front whereas Xiumin got shoved off to be a nugu member in EXO-M.

    4. Why the fuck do people always bring Exo into this? So annoying.

    5. It has been stated on multiple occasions by both himself and SM that its his own choice that he doesn't get any screen time or lines because he's "too shy" honestly, if he doesn't have the guts to perform they should've just put Jino from SM the ballad in EXO M instead.

    6. I think Yixing takes EXO seriously too. He's been trying to come-up since he was like 3 so I'm sure he's glad he has got a job.

      SM should've just done away with EXO M/K and just had a group with Kris(ugh), Chanyeol, Luhan, Sehun, Kai and Baekhyun. Yixing would be missed but Tao isn't all that necessary and Kyungsoo and Baekhyun sound so much alike that it hardly matters who stays.

      I think Kai isn't mentally unstable just bitter. He blew his chance to be "the star" and SM has moved onto Chanyeol who IMO they should've went with from the beginning. Kai didn't do a great job at pulling in fans like they thought he would, even after all that teaser hype that cost SM tons of money.

    7. jfc i don't like kai but i rEALLY DON'T LIKE CHANYEOL

      he is so obviously fake and ???? i don't like him at all
      ever since i found out that cy and block b's pyo were/are friends i've thought that chanyeol's stage persona is like a ripped off and overdone version of pyo's

    8. I don't like Chanyeol either and I'm sure I've expressed this before. Tbh most people don't seem into him either so if Sm is srsly trying to make him EXO's main card they are failing.

  5. Any idol over 30 is probably struggling with mental issues given the amount of scrutiny that goes into people's appearances. I bet Kahi had a hard psychological fall coming out of After School into unemployability.

  6. i think i was the one who submitted this but i don't have an ask.fm??? i didn't know how to get my name in.


    didn't onew and yoochun start a support group in SME for the depressed souls that lie in the dungeon?
    onew's bff lee joon also gives me the impression of someone with ten million and one insecurities (didn't he describe something akin to experiencing bipolar disorder once?)

    1. Was it actually you, blue? If so, I will credit you.

  7. A more obscure one would be Rumi from Queen B'z, she was already training at 12 and debuted at 16, I mean sure if the video wasn't as sexually explicit I would be less concerned. But since it was and you were the hottest of the groups plus the maknae, I gotta say I am both hot and bothered by this. Mind you AKP is all about talking about which KPOP Girl Group gives guys the hardest boners.

  8. Members out of each group who are mentally disturbed or depressed

    SNSD - Tiffany
    F(x) - Victoria
    EXO - Kris
    2ne1 - Bom
    Big Bang - Taeyang
    T-ara - Dani
    Shinee - Onew
    Miss A - Suzy
    4Minute - Jihyun and Hyuna
    JYJ - Jaejoong
    Secret - Hana(zinger)

    This what I honestly think, Suzy cause she admitted to being depressed. Hyuna has a lot of pressure on her to be something that she isn't and no one knows or cares about the rest of 4Minute. Jaejoong because of what SM put him through. The rest are pretty obvious.

    1. I'm almost positive Hyuna has an eating disorder- she weighed 39kg or 89lbs during bubble pop promotions, which is REALLY skinny. Idc what her schedule/metabolism is, jf you're that thin you should be taking note of it and eating more. Plus later she tweeted that she had lost like 6lbs in 6 days without dieting and then also this happened: http://www.soompi.com/2012/04/02/hyuna-i-gained-weight/
      like girl basically confessed she binge eats and then spazzes over her weight gain so it wouldn't even shock me if she were bulmic or at least anorexic or some other flavor of eating disorder.

    2. Did you just go through all the K-Pop groups you know and thought "I have to pick at least one member from each group" ?

    3. hyuna left wg because of something to do with her stomach, which i'm fairly sure was because she never ate (there was this one period where i was really stressed so i didn't eat at all and my doctor gave me a huge lecture about how acidity=>ulcers=>stomach cancer) also she has confessed to her metabolism being normal somewhere - i remember that she said she lost weight on purpose because one of her classmates said that she looked like xyz comedian. i'm pretty sure that for now, hyuna is the type of bulimic where she overeats and then exercises like mad to make up for it, but shhe may have tried alternative methods as well (mind, our definition of 'overeating' and that of someone with an ED is vastly different)

      also she used to be chubbier when 4min first debuted and then bang bang bang skinny

      hyuna is just one of the more obvious cases though; secret have also admitted to very disordered eating patterns/body image issues and i'm sure there are tonnes of girls and boys in the induustry that go through the same thing

    4. Why is Taeyang even in the picture may I ask???
      I don't get it???

    5. I don't think mentally disturbed and depressed are necessarily... so comparable. I agree on Jaejoong, though. Onew, Bom, and Suzy may be depressed, but I'm not really surprised considering the the stress the industry and media puts on them, plus their appearances and actions constantly being criticized by the public. Might as well add Sulli and IU to the list. As for disturbed (as in likely to randomly embark on an axe murdering rampage) I'm going with SM's quiet maknae: Seohyun, Taemin, and Sehun.

    6. @blue YES OMFG I FORGOT ABOUT THAT she was fairly chubby-ish (there's like one picture of her from around this time and it's just a selfie where her face was kinda chubby) predebut, and I always thought the reason she got pulled from WG was kinda suspicious. She is not healthy and it's a serious shame. Plus being in the idol industry if she actually tried to put a bit of weight back on now, some dumbass journalist would say that she gained weight or something because every time an idol's weight fluctuates it is huge news.

    7. I find it hard to believe Hyuna has issues. I don't know about her weight, people have weird body types and weird metabolisms sometimes. She honestly never seems in a bad mood though. Whenever her and the rest of her group are on a variety show Hyuna's basically always bubbly and energetic while the rest of them are not really. I would assume if someone had eating issues, it would reflect on them somehow in their attitude. Either she's a really good actress or she just has a weird body type/whatever. imo.

    8. She also always looks healthy to me. There's a few signs of having an eating disorder: protruding bones, sallow skin, your head looks over-sized.. and she doesn't really look all that unhealthy to me? She is skinny as eff though.

    9. I know some really selfconcious/depressed/assortedly messed up people, yet if you were to know them as a close acquaintance they are the most cheerful seeming people you'd ever meet. A lot of people with issues will act overly happy/bubbly to try to hide it, so I don't think her actions on Variety shows could actually account for what is going on in her head.

      She doesn't look unhealthy either and never really has, but then again neither does a group like T-ara when they reportedly were getting 30 minutes of sleep per day. The kpop machine relies on a lot of makeup, etc so it's rare to actually see a sickly looking idol even if they're actually sick. (See also: nearly every kpop idol that's collapsed and had to go to the hospital, the afterschool members that had to call it quits on First Love Promotions early)

      We both agree she is REALLY skinny and she's confessed that she worries a lot over her weight despite being like 10 pounds underweight even when she's at her profile weight. (The majority of idols are, going by BMI but I assume that has something to do with their asianness/career/profile weights being bullcrap, not being malnourished- since most idols eat fairly healthy and also BMI is crap) there's a lot of really really skinny idols (Yoona and Sooyoung for example) but most of them don't fret over their weight (Sooyoung will eat lit. anything resembling food) like Hyuna does. When you add to the fact that she used to weigh more and got teased over it (a classmate told her she looked like Kim Gura if i remember right- nice) it's easy to deduce she at best has major insecurities over her weight and at worst is ana/mia.

      I ship things and am no stranger to having a lot of circumstantial evidence to prove my point but most of the stuft I've said about Hyuna is actually legit stuff she's said/done haha do I get a medal

    10. Yeah... maybe I'm just gullible in that way. Unless someone is like clearly and obviously ill you can just tell me otherwise and I'll probably believe you lol.

    11. Let's be honest, all idols are underweight. Even if their profs are lying, you can tell, they aren't far off from their real weights; going by bmi, all of them are not healthy. Hyuna is borderline anorexic looking to me, at least; in the soju cf she looked that way, you could see her ribcage, when she was sticking her stomach out.

      I've always hated idols for weighing so little, because I was criticized by my doctor, and even told to gain weight for losing 20 lbs and being 110 at 5'6". They're praised for their stick figures, they're models, they have perfect legs; meanwhile, I can't even go under 120 lbs without being reprimanded for being too thin. Idols were actually my motivation to lose so much weight in the first place, I REALLY wanted to be that thin. However, when I think about how bad they must feel when say, netizens call them fat because of a little tummy pudge, when they're far from it; their ridiculous diets, and the general stress from producers / directors / the company to stay thin, it just makes me feel sad for them.

  9. Not really funny, but Boram clearly has anorexia.

    And yeah, there's something really fucked up with Park Bom as well.

  10. Everyone in SME especially SHINee, HoMin, SNSD, EXO (oh wait, ain't that most of em?), as well as...
    Duckface, CL, GeeDee, Daesung (of course), and many more waiting for us to uncover.
    Btw I believe the T-ara ladies are actually more sane than any of the abovementioned names.

  11. exo is all really, they all have some or the other issues I feel.

  12. I think Nicole from KARA has severe self-esteem issues. She's not crazy but she's definitely insecure about her looks/weight to the point where she might need therapy later in life.

    She's the type of girl who needs constant male validation that she "skinny enough" or "pretty enough." There is also the fact that she only feels confident in her looks when she has on piles of makeup...

    The fact that she let Key from Shinee tell her she was fat and actually listened to him and went on that crazy dangerous diet is sign enough for me.

    She seems to care too much about what he and his group of male friends think of her. The whole concept of '91-line seems "cute" but I think there are some really shallow people involved. Her fans can be just as bad. They seek to validate her attractiveness (since no-one ever picks Nicole) by pairing her up with EVERY SINGLE GUY who sort-of kinda, might be, but probably isn't, looking her way. The sad thing is, I think Nicole does this too.

    Hara doesn't hang out with the '91 line and I wish Nicole wasn't so dependent on them for friendship.

  13. Tao from EXO has some issues he needs to work out with a therapist.This kid probably suffered through bullying as a child, is insecure about his looks and his talent, feels like he's in competition with everyone, is struggling with his homosexuality, he's jealous and petty etc. etc. etc. I could totally see him being the only one around when another EXO member suffers a fatal accident.

    1. I know, the kid is really weird. He seems so awkward with the other members, I watched some interviews and weekly idol videos but you hardly see him interact with anyone in EXO, even in M. I know that in one Weekly Idol episode D.O was asked to rank the members by their appearance and when he was ranked 9th or so he wouldn't come out and you could actually see how bad he felt when the others were picked instead of him. I think he's too worried of making any mistake and when he does one he becomes really awkward and all. Someone needs to wake this kid up.
      Also, Xiumin and Kris act weird most of the times. I know Kris has no actual talent but that Xiumin guy seems an ok performer, idk about his "shy" thing.


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