Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Why We Should Be Envious Of Won Bin

That's enough reason to be envious of Won Bin, no? Well, it gets worse.

Lee Na Young became the model for Lancome, and well, she's ridiculously hot.

He gets to bang her on the regular. Man, seeing as how Rain took Kim Tae Hee, Won Bin took Lee Na Young, Lee Byung Hun took Lee Min Jung and some soccer player took Han Hye Jin, it really does look like I have to somehow assassinate Jaejoong and take his place (since people believe that he and I are the same) before someone like Shindong or Kwanghee takes Han Ye Seul or Han Ji Min.


  1. I'd skin any of those chicks alive and put their dead leftovers on my body to get a night with you.

    I still do not get the fascination with that Won Bin dude - he ain't that hot. Lee Na Young is out of this world, I'd sell several limbs just to make out with her.

    1. You've written an idol K-Horror film in one sentence with that line. Starring Hyoyeon.

    2. I'm not male or anything but Lee Na Young looks old for a 34 y/o to me. Sorry.

  2. I just hope ive grown out of kpop and forgotten all about korean entertainment before jiyeon or lee yeon hee gets married or many tears will be shed.

    1. Both beautiful ladies. You've got good taste, I must say.

    2. Jiyeon will marry Kim Kwang Soo (if he doesn't end up marrying Eunjung), so prepared to leave Kpop before KKS and Jiyeon publicly reveal their relationship!

    3. Wrong, he's gonna take MinKyung.

    4. According to SFB, he's taking Dani, and we all know what a reliable source SFB is.

    5. KKS holds Jiyeon, Eunjung, Hyomin and Minkyung dearest to his heart. Thus, when CCM'S finally folds up under his folly, KKS will convert to Islam and marry them all

    6. Will he be waging jihad on all the former CCM folks too after that?

  3. ehh i've never found won bin that attractive and idk just me i guess but this lady has a kind of harsh (?) look

    would still pay for a sex tape though

  4. Wow, she's stunning. Most idols can't compare to actors/actresses in terms of appearance... or acting.

  5. Now I'm curious how akf looked in real life, live chat plox

    1. He can't do a live chat bc we'd all then know for a fact he's Jaejoong and then akf would have to be shut down and JYJ would have to disband and then the fangirls would like attack him screaming "ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH OPPAR HOW COULD YOU" and then it'd be all over the news obviously and he'd probably be called an ilbe bug or smth it'd just be bad all around for everyone involved (though on a serious note I second the live chat)

    2. well jj jas two nutso families so now it balances out i guess

    3. The Fishy family(I swear to god everytime I say fish I am required to think of Donghae) is a far better one though, you have to admit. Heck, I think we may even be more sane than cassies, and you've seen this site's comment section.

    4. I must ask though how oppar felt during the recording of "Dangerous Love" because if I were in his spot that would've been uncomfortable af

  6. Han Hye Jin = Grown up Tia

    Just wait a few years and make your move, or play it like Tony An.

    1. Holy shit that's really uncanny tho

      I think Tia's prettier though when they style her decently which Liole never freaking does i swear (and I can say that w/o getting arrested because I'm a girl and younger than her by a year)

    2. imo SNSD Yuri looks more like HHJ than Tia ever will.

    3. Zhang Xin Yuan is a mid-twenties rendition of Tia.


    4. Her eyes are different and her cheekbones aren't as high (and I am an expert in all things relating to Tia I've been a chocolatier since predebut and I don't identify with most fandoms lol) but other than that.. waow. Tia's looks are pretty hard to find on other asian celebs because she's mixed and you can tell she was one of those lucky buggers to get all the nice features from both sides.

      I'm not seeing the Yuri Han Hye Jin though.

    5. Guess I have second sight lol lol

  7. I'll bet Lee Byung Hun and Lee Minjung are going to likely divorce within a few years.

    1. Yeah, with all of the stuff I have read about LBH, I don't think marriage will last.

    2. Korean marriages ending in divorce is a rule more than an exception, anyway.

    3. Whenever I hear about korean celebrity wedding on shows, it always sound like they date a woman for the least amount of time and get married quickly, like 4 months and it's time to get hitched.

    4. Han Hye Jin broke up with her boyfriend of 9 years earlier this year, starts dating the soccer player and two months or so into their relationship they become engaged. Weird ass shit. Neither Lee Min Jung nor Han Hye Jin are pregnant, so I don't know why there's such a rush.

  8. Wow is she 45? And Won Bin isnt the hottest

  9. the last picture reminds me of aung san suu kyi,myanmar's democratic leader


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