Monday, October 14, 2013

HyoMin is NEW OTP

Dispatch shows the fucker who took that shitty picture of Clara and GD allegedly doing the bump and grind at the club how REAL paparazzi shots are taken, and it is GLORIOUS.
That right there is Hyoyeon and Min getting their grind on at the club. With each other~!

I hereby dub this ship, the HyoMin ship. It is especially fitting that their first couple shot is Min straddling Hyoyeon like a cowgirl at the rodeo. Get it? HyoMin? Hyomin? Horse? EYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Not only is Hyoyeon and Min providing copious amounts of fapbait for those inclined to partake in such activities with the two of them in mind (I can forgive fapping to Min somewhat, she's looking really good lately.), but they're simultaneously tanking each other's images as shiny/innocent/heterosexual KPop starlets too:

  • Spotted at the club to ruin claims of innocence/purity? Check.
  • Spotted with alcohol/drink in hand to ruin claims of straightedge? Check.
  • Spotted in sexually compromising position in public to ruin claims of foreversinglehood? Check.
  • Spotted in sexually compromising position with same-gender individual to ruin claims of heterosexuality? Check.
Pretty much every possible scandal that an idol could possibly be embroiled in is happening in that picture, but since Hyoyeon and Min are the unwanted black sheep of their respective groups NO ONE CARES... ;A; Don't worry, girls. AKF investigations are on the case to break the news for you.

But I really hope no one pulls the whole "UNNIE DIDN'T MEAN IT" card. Hyoyeon clearly approves, obviously having been photographed with her hand in the air on its way to slap Min's ass. 


  1. Troglodite and not-so-good-looking-member of their respective groupds...
    Pls put these pics in spoiler tags next time. :X

  2. Call me when Jiyeon and Hani (EXID) do this. As for now, I'll have to pass on HyoMin.

  3. Replies

    2. Is that Lee Yeon-hee's ass getting grabbed?

    3. Yep the good ole days.

      And this: http://asia247.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/tumblr_m4rig8h6b01rtqyhso1_400.jpg?w=470

  4. Paper or plastic bag? Plastic for me.

  5. Min doesn't look like she's sitting on Hyoyeon to me though? It looks like she's on the back of a black couch/stand/idk what that is.

  6. It is clearly crouch to crouch. It is still hot because of who they are

  7. Replies
    1. And one Eunjung is worth a million Cyclops for me.

    2. You take that back, you blasphemer. I can roll with 1 Min > 1000 Jia, but that's TOO DAMN FAR.

    3. miss A currency: 1 Min = 100 Jia = 1000 Fei = 100000000 suzy

    4. Your forgetting about inflation, which means Jia, Fei and Min are only valuable because nobody knows they exist.

    5. The 2 opinions above are highly blasphemous.

      Anyway, t-ara currency:
      1 Jiyeon = 3 eunjung = 10 hyomin = 50 soyeon = 10000000 Qri = 1000000000000 Boram

      Sadly, denominations for Hwayoung and Ahreum were discontinued

    6. Are we playing Middle Ages and everybody makes up their own currency ? :D

    7. My sole purpose was to distract from the two irrelevant ladies featured in this article. No mystery.

    8. Why couldn't it have been relevant members of SNSD and Miss A.. like Fei and Yuri

  8. I clicked on this because I saw Hyomin in the title. I immediatley left when I realised there was no T-ARA to fap to.

  9. Min looks like a slightly less ugly version of Minzy minus the banging body and Hyo's face looks like she lost a street fight to a bunch of fat chicks.

    Hyo has been photographed out partying a lot as of late. I guess she no longer gives any fucks about SM and SNSD's lily white rep. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she and Taeyeon jumped the Soshi ship first.

    1. SNSD is screwed (And in effect, SMent) if Hyoyeon, Taeyeon or Tiffany jump ship because they're the "Holy trinity" of the group at the moment, so it's in SM's interest to keep them happy.

    2. When did hyoyeon becone part of the holy trinity? I thought the 3rd component was always jessica or seohyun

    3. Nobody gives a flying fuck about Hyoyeon.
      She has the least fans and exposure in every single country.

      And rightfully so.

    4. "if Hyoyeon, Taeyeon or Tiffany jump ship because they're the 'Holy trinity' of the group at the moment, so it's in SM's interest to keep them happy."

      How the fuck do you misspell "Yoona" as "Hyoyeon"? They only share a couple of letters.

    5. Seriously, how did Hyoyeon enter this Holy Trinity? I mean Yoona though...

    6. Nobody knows Yoona or Seohyun even exist. Sones are divided into three catagories
      1. People who fap to Taeyeon
      2. People who fap to Tiffany
      3. Idiot fangirls who won't shut up about how Hyoyeon gets ignored all the time (for good reason)
      From time to time you might catch somebody fapping to Jessica, Sunny, Yuri or Sooyoung out of pity for them but nobody remembers Yoona and most people are shocked to learn of Seohyun's existence.

    7. You clearly don't know shit about SNSD fandom.

    8. Daniel, you're living in your own world and projecting your views as other peoples' views. Yoona is the most popular member by a mile, with Taeyeon being the most popular within the fandom. Hyoyeon has by far the least amount of fans, though the few fans they have are very, very vocal and whine about how no one likes Hyoyeon. Seohyun is in the upper half of the group when it comes to popularity because 1) she has the cleanest image in the group 2) her intellect scores her a lot of good points with the Korean public and netizens 3) WGM.

    9. And you don't AKF? You're always saying subjective stuff and making it out like its factual.
      Hyo makes up for having fewer fans in Asia by having the most in Europe and America. You'll find any fandom having those people that whine and complain - I've seen people say Yoona doesn't get enough screen time.

      People say Hyo should get more screen time because seems like a genuinely fun and interesting person. And people (especially by western standards) find her attractive. She seemed to have got off to a bad start with the image concepts simply not suiting her.

    10. I don't say shit as if it's factual. Seeing as this is a blog that I run, I don't see the point of writing "in my opinion" whenever I give an opinion. It's implied that on a platform like this, everything I write is an opinion. The same goes for every other author here and the commenters.

      If I truly did what you claim that I do, there would be no other authors here, seeing as they have differing opinions from mine and actually counter my views/opinions. I wouldn't be able to make "subjective opinions into facts" if I had others contradicting "my facts". The comments would be closed for the same reason.

      Regarding Hyoyeon, I like her as a person, and as a Western person, I don't find her attractive at all. You yourself tried making something subjective (i.e Westerners finding Hyoyeon attractive) into a "fact" when over 70% of the readership here is from America, Canada, Western Europe and Australia, yet most of us here find Hyoyeon unattractive.

      I don't care either way if someone finds Hyoyeon repulsive or jjangbak, because everyone has different tastes and preferences when it comes to beauty standards, and beauty standards can't be overgeneralized like you just tried doing.

    11. Fair enough about the opinions.
      However, I was not turning Westerners finding her attractive into a fact. I was going off of cultural differences - with Korea having different standards of beauty to Western standards. My point was in terms of overall Western Cultural Standards - Hyo is seen as pretty.

      I absolutely agree that everyone has different tastes and preferences, but it's a shame that despite liking her as a person, there a lot of negative topics about her.

    12. What Western Cultural Standards? I've shown some of my friends SNSD and none of them found Hyoyeon attractive at all. Remember, 95+% of my friends are white as you can get.

    13. We badly need a Disqus here, Chuck

    14. Western cultural standards of beauty - meaning certain features appeal more to Americans/Europeans than Asians.
      I've shown my friends SNSD videos too and most of them found Hyoyeon attractive. Western fans of KPop are just as shallow as Asian fans when it comes to looks - we both know the whole thing is pretty superficial; so for Hyoyeon to be stated as the most popular SNSD member in America/Europe - that's gotta count for something. There can't be some strange conspiracy of all Western fans to band together to support Hyo out of pity as its clear we're superficial about looks too.

      Anyway, I was wrong to state that you were claiming your thoughts were facts - so I apologise for that. But I think it's fair to say many people do think she's pretty and does deserve more recognition. Fortunately DancingWithTheStars and Dancing 9 and doing just that for her :)

    15. @Jatt; I think what AKF(G) tries to say and I agree with, is; It's perfectly cool to write your own impression or opinion on here.
      But if you write it like Daniel Buckley did, you present your own opinion, as if it's a fact and thus you are free to get critizised.

      "I don't care either way if someone finds Hyoyeon repulsive or jjangbak, because everyone has different tastes and preferences when it comes to beauty standards" what a jangbimbapdaisuki sentence. No, really.
      People here, the peeps making the blog and the lower homos (like meeee) just commenting, like to joke around a lot, but in the end I think we all have pretty much the same conception of liking things; "hey, you might not like what I like, but it's still pretty fucking OK if you joke about it".


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